TX2K17 is in full effect and 1320Video brings you some highlights of some of the CRAZY street cars that showed…
Proving the cars street-cred by towing a Jet-Ski or completing the worlds most difficult street car challenge (Hot Rod Drag…
If youve watched our channel before, there is a good chance youve seen this Ford Taurus SHO (along with owner…
TX2K20 is in full swing, kicking off with passes from the craziest street cars on the planet! TX2K Staff and…
1320Video Merch & our new TX2K20 shirt HERE: https://1320video.com/new-releases/ Day 2 of TX2K is CRAM packed full some of the…
You are about to witness three hours of exhilarating action, including 130 street races and some of the CRAZIEST machines…
Typically when someone hits the wall around 180mph, that signals the end of their racing for that weekend. However when…
The second day of TX2K doubled down on excitement as some of the CRAZIEST passes in TX2K history were made!…