Intervention: Volunteers Save Addict on the Street (Season 20) | A&E July 14, 2021 | by carmodpros | 42 A volunteer group walks the streets of Kensignton, Philadelphia to help drug addicts in need. They find a man who…
Intervention: Narcotics Unit Sets Up Undercover Buy (Season 20) | A&E July 13, 2021 | by carmodpros | 39 The Narcotics unit conducts an undercover buy with a local heroin dealer to gain intelligence as part of an ongoing…
Intervention: Real Street Intervention w/ Addict & Family (Season 20) | A&E July 10, 2021 | by carmodpros | 42 The team tracks down a local addict who had gone missing and conducts an intervention on the spot on the…