Jackie’s family sits her down for an intervention, but will she be willing to go?. #Intervention Subscribe for more from…
Abbie’s night is interrupted when her family refuses to let her drive under the influence in this clip from Season…
Abbie’s family and friends sit her down for an intervention and express their fear of losing her in this clip…
Jade’s father encourages her to enter treatment in this clip from “Jade” #Intervention Subscribe for more from Intervention and other…
A&E Network will premiere a special new season of the Emmy® Award-winning series, Intervention combating the ever-growing drug epidemic in…
A volunteer group walks the streets of Kensignton, Philadelphia to help drug addicts in need. They find a man who…
The Narcotics unit conducts an undercover buy with a local heroin dealer to gain intelligence as part of an ongoing…
The Narcotics team sets up a drug buy with an undercover officer. When the officer meets with the seller, they…
The team tracks down a local addict who had gone missing and conducts an intervention on the spot on the…
On the season finale of “Intervention,” EJs lies and deceptions cause a rift in his family, as some continue to…