This Scam call center is running several different scams and spoofing ads as customer support. We listen in to try…
Let’s take a look at a scammer call center and I literally mean LOOK! We get to see what these…
Just sharing an emotional and intense call involving an elderly Canadian lady who was being scammed to wire transfer $150,000…
10 Minutes of scammers raging! Scam call center meltdowns happen when I push their buttons by doing several things like…
Scambaiters and fake calls to scammers – Today let’s break down where these scammers come from and if they are…
Consider becoming a member to help us fight scammer: source
Install Raid for Free IOS/ANDROID/PC: and get a special starter pack Available only for the next 30 days Consider…
Consider becoming a member to help us fight scammer: #scammers #scambait #scam All of our Socials! Become a member:…
We hope you can see how important it is to protect yourself and your family. The first 1,000 people to…
We keep going after these scammers! Thanks for the support Get a free 14 day trial with our sponsor Aura…