President Zelenskyy said to the U.N. Security Council, The world has yet to see what Russian troops have done in other occupied cities.
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Biden hasn't given them nothing to win the war.
Nothing Biden has done as least as he could.
Send them what they need. Why do they have to beg.
We keep hearing of more sanctions coming when I’m sure that in most people’s mind all possible sanctions should have been put in place from the beginning.
China sits patiently with similar goals.
Dear brothers, sisters in Ukraine and supporters of Ukraine.
'The Supreme God of Universe' with you. Don't be sad nor fear.
Stand with justice even if nuclear war breaks out.
We will reborn in Heaven, if we dies for justice and truth.
The prophet Jesus will come back to the earth and he will pray to The God to distroy the Gog Magog completely.
When the prophet Jesus come back to earth, we must follow the Jesus.
Until prophet Jesus return to the earth, we must care about the Gog Magog and pray to The God of Universe.
Oh The God , may peace be up on the prophet Jesus and the last prophet Muhammed.
May The God save you, your loving people and whole world from 'Gog Magog'
Dears, The great weapon against the Gog Magog is prayer.
The Lord of universe does listen your prayer where ever you are.
If you pray to The Single Supreme God of Universe alone and defend the aggression against your country, God will give you the eternal – glorious – purest – luxurious 'Eden Garden' (The Paradise of Heaven).
The names Allah, The God, Yahweh, Hiranyagarbha and Jagadeeshwar are the names given to the 'Single Supreme Lord of the universe' in different languages.
We will reunite with our loving family members in Heaven by God grace.
This following is the glade news to live in the eternal – glorious – purest – luxurious Eden Garden (Paradise of Heaven).
The shortest way to return to Heaven is to 'worship the Lord of the universe' alone, pray to him alone and do good deeds with human love. (The effort to defend the aggression against your country and against your people is a good deed infront of The God)
By this life in this earth we must realize the power and wisdom of our creator.
According to religious scriptures, 'The Single Supreme Lord of the Universe' created the colossal Universe and Earth. And also 'The God' created an eternal – pure – glorious – luxurious Paradise of Heaven for us.
Heaven will be very different from our earth. Heaven is made by gold, silver, pearls and other precious materials.
All who have reached Heaven from this earth will be transformed into the most beautiful and the whitest 'Heavenly people'.
In addition 'The God' created the most beautiful, the whitest , purest and most loving 'Heavenly cheering girls' as wives (as girl friends) in Heaven.
'Heavenly peoples' will be sitting face to face with their friends on the 'Heavenly silky sofas' in Heaven and the fruits of the gardens will be near at hands. Heavenly girls will sing beautiful songs.
In Heaven 'Heavenly women' will use 'eye shadow' and they will not have 'body hair'.
Even the hair (head hair) straightening comb of Heavenly women would be made of gold.
When the inhabitants of Heaven reach in Heaven, the female believers from this earth will be above hundred times beautiful than the 'Heavenly Girls'.
There is no urination nor excrements nor any bad smells nor spit nor mucus nor saliva nor menses nor any other body wastes in Heaven.
After consuming the Heavenly foods, drinks and fruits in Heaven, it goes out from the 'Heavenly human body' as 'fragrant sweat' and that spread in 'surrounding air' as fragrances .
Heaven will mesmerise human minds by all means .
After our death we must return to Heaven with our parents, sisters, brothers and loving family members.
The way to return to Heaven is to 'worship the Lord of the universe' alone, pray to him alone and do good deeds with human love.
This is the only way to Heaven that the prophets followed.
Moses, Abraham, Jesus, Isaac, David, Solomon, Muhammad and Mary prayed to the 'One and Only Lord of the universe' alone.
This way of Prophets is enough for entire humanity to return to Heaven.
The name 'Allah' for 'The Single Supreme Lord of the universe' is a great and meaningful name in Arabic language.
May 'The Single Supreme God Allah' bless you and guide you to 'The Paradise of Heaven'.
We must not neglect the path to Heaven shown by Muhammad, Jesus, Moses and Sree Kreshna .
The most richest, the most powerful and the 'most merciful God' need nothing more from us than worship him alone, pray to him alone, do good deeds with human love and keep justice .
Never lose Heaven by worshipping other beings instead of the 'Single Supreme God Almighty'.
We must reach Heaven.
If we lose Heaven, it will be great sorrow, great mental pain and also we will fall into the Hell fire. Hell fire is dangerous and pain full.
Never pray to Muhammed nor Jesus nor Sree Kreshna nor Buddha nor Ali nor Fathima nor Soofi nor person in graveyard nor idol nor snakes nor cow nor sun nor moon nor fire.
Jesus or Sree Kreshna or Buddha or Ali didn't told humans to pray to them nor they claimed themselves as they are Gods.
Learn more about
Listen AbduRaheem Green in You Tube.
Kindly visit Facebook accounts ' Muhammad Azgar ' and THE WAY TO HEAVEN.
Visit website "Islam house"
Kindly call your loving peoples and friends to this way of think.
God bless you and guide you to Heaven .
Putin need to take out now or peoples will die more next weekend
Keep Strong Mr Putin..!!
Change the world
Bravo Russia..
How much more is more?
This UK woman lost all right to CHAIR the security council as she shamelessly blocked the Russian call for immediate investigation. SHAMEFUL DISPLAY, SHE SHLD BE BANNED FROM UN. US needs to reflect itself gor the NUMEROUS WAR CRIMES OF US LEADERS.
I don’t think Joe Biden give two sh..t about Ukrainian peoples. All he cares about is himself
i doubt the security council will do anything about the ukraine russia war
imagine a comedian becoming president making these decisions
The UNSC seat belongs to the Soviet Union, of which Ukraine was a part. How did Russia inherit the seat?
Zelensky is nothing but a puppet used by USA to serve its agenda. I wound how much America is paying him?
i doubt the security council will do anything about the ukraine russia war
China sits patiently with similar goals.
The president Zelenskyy is the greatest man in the world.United Nation is a useless organization, just only capable to talk, no active actions to stop the Putin madness killing in Ukraine. The world should boycott this useless organization period!
Ukrainian mercenaries are killing Ukrainian civilians.
The UNSC seat belongs to the Soviet Union, of which Ukraine was a part. How did Russia inherit the seat?
He wasnt lien
Screw that puke. And all the other thug leaders in that area.