Yovanovitch responds to Trump tweets during hearing | ABC News

Yovanovitch responds to Trump tweets during hearing | ABC News

President Donald Trump tweeted during the impeachment hearing Friday and wrote, Everywhere Marie Yovanovitch went turned bad.

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46 thoughts on “Yovanovitch responds to Trump tweets during hearing | ABC News

  1. And no one noticed that it was Shiff that delivered the message. Shiff did the witness intimidation live in front of everyone. If the tweet is determined to be witness tampering then Shiff is guilty, He is the person who relayed the message to her. What a Moron. If he did not tell her she would not have know its contents and be intimidated until after her testimony when she would have been finished and no longer a witness. So it is actually Shiff who should be thrown in jail for witness tampering, He knew that the only way Yovonavitch could have know the tweets contents would be if he told her. Otherwise Trump knew all cell phones are shut off in this room and she could not read his tweet until later. This is a serious crime that Shiff committed.

  2. Authorities in Ukraine arrested people involved in the Ukraine/DNC 2016 election meddling.
    Authorities in the USA made citizens pay tens of million$ for a coup attempt.

  3. Just a reminder that ABC covered up the Epstein story for 3 years and almost all other major news corporations didn’t report on ABC’s coverup…..think about that for a second!

  4. The lawyer's attempt to make Yovanovitch's years of service an issue do NOT MATTER or COUNT for ANYTHING..Period. EVERY Ambassador (Dem or Rep) SERVE at the PRESIDENT'S PLEASURE. ANY Ambassador can be "Fired" or, replaced, by ANY President,…FOR ANY REASON, at ANY TIME he chooses…..THAT is the LAW.. These State Department bureaucrats seem to think they are the ones who make policy………..THEY DO NOT.. They are REQUIRED to carry out the PRESIDENT'S policy, whether they like or agree with it or not. If they are unable to follow that very simple, straight forward rule, they should retire.PERIOD!!

  5. Another McNuffin.. this entire thing is a portrait of the worst democrat whineafest, sour grapes and cup of embarrassment our country has endured since the election results denial prior to the Judge Kananaugh witch hunt. Any party which engages in this sort of rhetorical proof should just flush and start over. I am SO GRATEFUL I woke up and Walked Away!!!!!

  6. Not everyone will agree and I'm ok with that. We are all entitled to our opinions. The following was written by someone else but I absolutely agree with it.
    Impeachment…each and every one of you should pray, this doesn’t happen…and, I’ll tell you why. For 8 years, we sat silent, while Obama divided our nation. He used identity politics, race warfare, and class warfare to divide us all. Obama thrust universal healthcare upon us and we sat silent. In the meantime, Hillary and Obama let 4 Americans die in Benghazi, while they watched on closed-circuit tv. Again, we were silent. We watched Hillary Clinton and Donna Brazil rig a primary against Bernie Sanders. We saw Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch (Attorney General at the time) sit on a flight line, only to find that Hilary was exonerated for any crime; regarding her acid-washed / bleach bit server and 33,000 deleted emails. Again, we were silent…We have watched our duly elected president harassed each and every day, for 3 years; even though he has put millions back to work, brought jobs back to America, stood up to our adversaries, and fought like hell to protect our borders. Now, we see Joe Biden leveraging $1 Billion American dollars for his son. However, the Democrats and the media only care about impeaching Trump! So, I can tell you with the utmost certainty…if you are successful in your witch-hunt, we will NOT be silent!!! You will see a revolution you cannot even fathom! Tread lightly.🇺🇸

  7. How can the news accuse the President of witness-tampering via Twitter when the only way the Ambassador knew of the tweet was from Adam Schift who has his own agenda in smearing the President. Certainly appears to be a stacked deck between the Democrats and the press.

  8. When the President is so busy Tweeting instead of doing the job this is a form of obstruction of justice and to say disparaging word about so many people who have devoted there lives to public service is disgraceful.

  9. Really stating facts is witness intimidation!!! Really that's all you have. She did fuck up Somalia, and the Ukraine president was not happy with her, And O ya a president can appoint, and fire an ambassador at any time. She serves at the President"s pleasure. Maybe they all need a safe place. Losers!!!!!!!

  10. Demonrats are not very good at this game. You are supposed to divert attention from your wrong doing. Seems Crooked Hillary and Sleepy Joe have lost control of the narrative.

  11. The Dims are completely out maneuvered and trapped. All it took was a brilliant non career politician potus with some nads. After he cleans dimocrat house the rinos are next. If these A wholes want to get rich they need to do it in the private sector not on the tax payers dime. Crooks every last one of them.

  12. Meanwhile, as the Dems continue to lie and brew up new corruption tactics behind their darken closed doors,
    Our Great President's accomplishments list of Promises Made, Promises Kept, keeps growing & growing for the positive for our beautiful United States of America.🇺🇸

    Thank you President Trump!👍
    God bless you & your family always sir!🙏🇺🇸

  13. Hey everyone! Remember when Trump said he’d lock up Hilary? Trump should quit bitching about her and lock her up to show how powerful he is and speed up this impeachment process so we can get that loser out of office

  14. The president can tweet if he wants to. Probably he tweeted during her testimony because he, like the people wonder why she is witness in this impeachment because she has nothing to do with the call!!!! So I really don't care what she has to say! It just looks like Schiff is using her to deliver crap to try to damage the President in some way. She needs to get off the stand and stop playing Schiff's game. She is useless as a witness along with the other two witnesses the day before! NEXT! Schiff needs to be removed because it is obvious that he can't play fairly so he should not play at all! He interrupts during the Republicans turn for questioning and doesn't allow the same rules. Why does he allow the witness to continue to talk when the person asking questions just wanted a yes/no answer? It ruins the time the person has left. I really think the democrats are trying to destroy whatever chances they have left to be elected because they sure look stupid and I would hate to be a democrat now. Too much damage and think this was the last straw! They are nuts!

  15. Right on. The USA gets a lot of criticism… including from me , but a lot of Americans are good people and they do good things around the world. This lady is an example of one of the best. And her critics are examples of some of the worst Americans (or are they Russians making the comments?)

  16. Republicans: Ukrainianians were out to get the president in 2016 elections.

    Next day same Republicans: USA is the most powerful nation on the planet Earth????
    Then how come a small country like Ukrainian will get Trump?

  17. Dems witness today Marie Yovanovitch was just another Deep State player for many years and carryover from the corrupt Obama admin.
    And thank God she was removed by PREZ Trump to try to stop the corruption within the Ukraine & U.S. under Hussein Obama, Biden & son, etc.

    For those that are confused about why they’re trying to impeach President Trump… Or for those who watch the “mainstream” (FAKE) media and are being fed false information… Let me break it down for you… The Obama administration helped remove the leader of Ukraine and replaced him with somebody who was hand-picked, which is the same thing we’ve done in Iraq and elsewhere… It is a means of corruption. After we (Obama) replaced the leader of Ukraine, two major things happened simultaneously, the creation of an oil and gas company and the creation of a Bank! Joe Biden’s (vice president to Obama) son, Hunter Biden, was placed on the executive board of the oil and gas company, which oversaw the countries energy industry. Hunter Biden has never worked in the oil and gas industry, has no experience whatsoever with anything related to the energy sector, yet somehow sits as a board executive with a HUGE HUGE compensation agreement. The new bank in Ukraine was funded with $1.8 Billion in US tax dollars, my money, your money! Somehow, magically this new bank loses every penny of the $1.8 billion…GONE… The prosecutors in Ukraine were looking into massive corruption and scandals because of the situation, especially HUNTER BIDEN.. Joe Biden, pressured the hand-picked leader of Ukraine to fire the prosecutor leading the investigation or else he would withhold further financial assistance. Guess what, investigation over!! The prosecutor was fired and all was well… President Trump, in a phone conversation with the president of Ukraine, made comments about the situation, saying that it was ridiculous and that he was sick of the corruption in the Ukraine government. The Democrats are scared because they know what they did was corrupt, they know what they did was illegal and the only way they can prevent prosecution is to get rid of Trump by any means necessary, even if it involves a fake, phony, fraudulent impeachment. That is what’s going on, that is the reality of the situation.

  18. This is the lamest hearing ever. Demokkkrats, this is so embarrassing for you. This is the best you could come up with in four years!? You guys have been crying "impeach 45!" Since day one. This is all you got? " heard it from someone that said…" demokkkrats are pathetic.

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