Your Voice: The pandemic

Your Voice: The pandemic

Medical professionals and college students share their experiences in the growing COVID-19 crisis.

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39 thoughts on “Your Voice: The pandemic

  1. Too many false positives. The numbers cannot be trusted. Reports cannot be trusted. The media definitely cannot be trusted. My advice for actual FACTS in your town… call YOUR local hospitals and ASK situation and occupancy in the hospitals….. Yes, I'm sorry people, you have to work for your facts now. Journalism is dead. Get out of the high chair where you have been FED. Go to the buffet now. Pick and choose. Taste it. Chew it. Use your taste buds

  2. As a construction worker I go to the car wash disinfect my truck inside and out there's two of us we're friends we use a damn car wash to spray ourselves down and when people are not watching change our clothes throw the wet clothes that we just sprayed even our boots in the back of the truck then use the washer at home

  3. Research shows people who are getting infected are not following guidelines.. wear your mask wash your hands clean your house etc on your inside of the car.. take care of your elderly go in there and clean all up..

  4. Maybe it’s because I’m not an obese diabetic, but I don’t feel any safer at home or behind a mask than I would in a sold out sports arena where masks are optional.

  5. I recommend people fact check the claims that state's health systems are at the brink. Easy to do. Google how many hospital beds a state has, then check how many are hospitalized. Texas was said to be on the brink, but Covid constitutes only 8% of the available beds.

  6. The title should be PLANDEMIC! China used the Coronavirus that has been in existence for several years with NO HARM as far as I remember. They CHOSE adding HINI, SARS AND who knows what to DEPOPULATE OUR WORLD. We are well aware of that being the intention of INSANE BILL AND MELINDA GATES for YEARS! Too many people on our EARTH. according to them. They are not alone in this INSANITY.

    Ever think WHY the GATES FAMILY sand their buddies have NEVER HAD ANY VACCINATION AT ANY TIME. Yet, they CHOSE to give Injections to CHILDREN in AFRICA and INDIA, probably many more countries. AFRICA AND INDIA ARE SUING THEM! May those countries reap the benefits with every penny they own. Money will NEVER bring back the Innocent Children who lost their lives, were maimed and robbed of having a good life.

    Make it simple for BILL AND MELINDA and their financial supporters! PUT each of them on a GURNEY, HELD DOWN WITH HEAVY STRAPS and given EVERY INJECTION they developed and used on other people. It would give GREAT PLEASURE WATCHING THEM SQUIRM and begging for their lives. It would RID OUR WORLD OF THEM!

  7. When is ABC going to properly cover the Oxford University study showing masks as useless? Can you just have an anchor come on and admit you’re engaged in full-on propaganda at this point?

  8. Who else is proud to say they back Sidney Powell? 🤚🏽

  9. I live in the Toronto-Canada area. For the past almost 8 weeks I have been hospitalized in two Toronto area hospitals for kidney failure, diabetes and blood pressure issues. I have spent the five weeks from the eight weeks in isolation/quarantine for covid. I was placed in 14- day isolation when I first entered the first hospital and then again 3 weeks later after I was moved to the other hospital to start dialysis. I was only removed from quarantine when the testing results proved that I was covid free. I am now back in isolation for the third time in 2 months as a precaution after a recent upset stomach which could have easily been caused by something I ate or by my new blood pressure control medication. I will remain in quarantine until the latest testing has been completed and the results leave no doubt in anyone's mind that I am covid free.
    I can't blame the hospitals for being proactive and over- cautious where covid is concerned given how contagious this virus is and how quickly it spreads.
    We all need to do what we can within our power and control to reduce the virus spread and beat this virus once and for all in order to take control once again of our own lives and world!!

  10. I have up on the virus being taken seriously Trump lead the charge on ignorance and plain stupidity. At times I think they all non mask wearers want people to die seems to be there political agenda kill as many people poison there minds with lies and flea circus conspiracy crap it's all like a bad B movie but is real

  11. Just arm yourself with 3 cloves of raw, crushed garlic, 3 k MG's of Ester vitamin c, and also wafts of red thyme essential oil daily. Have had no cold or flu since 2005 since using these.

  12. viruses are viruses, they are always around… no need to panic everyone, only the vulnerable… just be smart about it! ironic that there are still 0 influenza deaths reported from the cdc, 8 weeks into flu season. first time in my life no one has died from flu, but i guess thats not newsworthy? or maybe hospitals won't call it that because they don't get the extra covid funding… hypocrites, the lot of you!

  13. I know a kid who got sick and got 2 weeks paid time off.
    He said he wished he'd get the virus again..That's how deadly it was🙄🤣🤣

  14. Ok, A Pandemic??? I don’t think so. Pandemic = (which is an incident to a whole people), if it is in 'dis-ease' proportion, is quite literally impossible, for the people in Christ to bear, He has already done that. Thank you Praise you Lord!!!

  15. God is always in control; sometimes He allows evil to prevail for reasons that are above our understanding. NO FEAR!!! God will heal our land if we Repent & Pray. Do you worship I.A.; The" I Am" ? or A.I.? Believe and Trust in the bl o o d that was shed by J e s u s C h r i s t for your sins; being born again/saved. Humble yourself before the LORD and S A V I O U R J e s u s C h r i s t and pray. Pray by lying prostrate on the floor with your face to the ground. The ultimate humility before Jesus Christ is you on your face. Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. Watch; " BELLY OF THE BEAST" and learn of the l u c i f e r i a n worship created by the founding fathers in Rome, Maryland. Watch B i b l e teacher R o b e r t B r e a k e r's videos, "Understanding The Times." & "Can You See in 2020?" You can make a difference! We can't lose with J e s u s C h r i s t. Give Him your heart today and serve Him!

  16. The pandemic is real but election fraud is fake. That’s my voice.. if I say the opposite I will have wrong think

  17. 🗣️Covid19 is fake AF 🚫💉💦🤫

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