Yellowstone tourists warned to move away from bison fight

Yellowstone tourists warned to move away from bison fight

Some tourists were warned by other visitors to seek cover as they tried to film sparring bison at Yellowstone National Park.

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27 thoughts on “Yellowstone tourists warned to move away from bison fight

  1. There are so many people that have died at Yellowstone park children have been injured and people have no humanity or empathy they still go Knowing it's going to be harm to them and their children what parent brings a child to Yellowstone park think about it boom

  2. The one lady scream get back you're gonna get killed she's gonna get killed too and all of them that there at Yellowstone park so how ridiculous is this people get killed in Yellowstone park because wild animals roam around it's like going to a zoo and the Tigers just walking around in the round people are stupid

  3. And if anything would’ve happened to them, they would’ve been trying to sue the park.

  4. Can't believe people ignorantly get that close to these dangerous majestic animals. I'm also concerned the person taking the video was too close. However I don't believe they fully zoomed out so I can't judge where they were actually at.

  5. Can't believe people ignorantly get that close to these dangerous majestic animals. I'm also concerned the person taking the video was too close. However I don't believe they fully zoomed out so I can't judge where they were actually at.

  6. Had to be told not once but twice to back up from the bison. Tell me you don't have common sense without telling me you don't have common sense 😂😂😂

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  8. Sadly, age doesn’t equal common sense or use of responsible judgement these days. Yet, we expect children to make smart decisions but people their grandparents age are setting extremely poor examples at times. 🙏🏾🙏🏾

  9. Out should be a park policy that during rut you can not be with in a certain amount of feet or better yet yard's from them. Then you would actually have to teach people what a yard is. Lmao.

  10. You really need to let natural selection take it’s place in life and death. If someone is that ignorant, let what happens, happen. NO sympathies

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