Entrepreneur Andrew Yang tells ABC News how he could put “economic resources into Americans’ hands” as president.
#ABCNews #DemDebate #Vote2020 #DemocraticDebate #Politics #News #Election #2020Candidates
Young mentions hundreds of billions of dollars. His plan would require a minimum of $12TRILLION A YEAR! He must have flunked every math class he ever took. Add free health care for all (illegal immigrants included) add $3TRILLION, free college $1TRILLION. Just those programs alone, $16TRILLION A YEAR! Tax revenue for 2020, $3.8TRILLION. And you stupid fucks believe him?
Enquire the computer named Watson.
Look to the ultra rich.
Joe Biden addresses U. S. Universal Basic Income.
2020 should be the last campaign featuring "Get Off My Lawners".
Let the kids have it after this.
These fossils have destroyed humanity enough.
Bless his heart.
You'd have to vote every Republican out of office.
(Which ain't a bad idea).
Hold up… you guys really believe this? Please tell me if I'm incorrect and how, but don't the top 1% already pay the majority of taxes collected? So he was wrong when he said they pay close to nothing in taxes and even if they do pay close to nothing they still pay more then the bottom 90% combined. Also if he does decide to increase taxes on them to pay for UBI won't they just raise the prices on the goods they sell to you so then you 1k won't be worth much anyway.
I can’t believe people support this.
What a 5head a great way to bring us more in debt lol
Download the Bernie app you will not be disappointed
I’m a woman and I’m #yanggang
YANG 2020!!!!!!
Yay! Free money stolen from the taxpayers and thrown back onto them!
"How do you plan to pay for all of this, Yang?"
Yang: "um..bad corporations do bad stuff."
Yang looks like he caught sight of some side boob on the thumbnail
26 year old woman of the Yang Gang here.
We support you form Canada. We wish we had someone like you in Canada.
You got my vote Andrew……from an ex trump voter….and ex republican.
My conservative Mom, 73 year old just turned to be a Yang Gang two weeks ago. But, she told me that if Yang is not nominated, she will vote with the conservatives.
Not American citizen! can't vote, but his words are so real, so true!
#isupportyang and I am a 69 year old female
Andrew Yang 💙 #YangGang âÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ
Not even American but I would certainly vote for him because of his ideals and policy.