Wyoming’s effort to curb its skyrocketing suicide rate – Car Mod Pros Portal

Wyoming has the highest suicide rate in the nation. ABC News’ Trevor Ault travels to the state to find out why and how the new 988 mental health crisis line might change that.

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#ABCNLPrime #Wyoming #Epidemic #SuicideRate #MentalHealthCrisis


By carmodpros


42 thoughts on “Wyoming’s effort to curb its skyrocketing suicide rate”
  1. As someone who works in mental health, this country needs more emergency mental health options. The demand is much higher then what mental health providers can handle.

  2. I mean I don’t blame people who commit to the big S, I definitely don’t want to live the life I’m living right now

  3. What helps me w lowering depression is staying close to nature, planting trees. Open my doors and windows to the fresh air, limited air conditioning.

  4. Spent half of your report and zero content justifying your choice of the word "skyrocketing". Fake news at its best.

  5. I've lived here my whole life if your not rich or grow up with the rich or are in a certain group then you don't belong pluse all these rich cocky assholes moving here and it doesnt help that change everything like it was from their old town to make it their own, they completely ruined this town and are slowly doing it to the state. By the way there are 4 seasons not once in my life have I ever heard 2 seasons.
    Plus nobody thinks there's drugs in wyoming bs it's infested with them

  6. Wyoming seems like a hell of it's own making. The tough guy attitude is horribly toxic. They're religiously devoted to their cowboy past and love their alcohol and guns and "freedom" yet use their nanny state to keep cannabis fully illegal, a wonderful medicine that can greatly help depression. It's so sad to see a state so stuck in their ways they'd rather kill themselves than evolve.

  7. "Cowboy culture" is a cute way of saying toxic masculinity. It's funny how all these men are seeing other men kill themselves and aren't stopping to ask themselves, "Maybe there's something wrong with our culture?"

  8. America Rated Number #1 Stressful Evil THING On The Planet 🌍 😑 🙄 😪 😒 " and who is to blame">>>
    The 😈 US Congress and 😈 House Of Representative"s!! Reporting from Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 and the good old USA TRUMP2024 🇺🇸 or Now 😛😍🥰

  9. It’s because of big Pharma drugs that cause suicide, antidepressants and adhd drugs are some of the worst.

  10. If they stopped taking away people’s pain medication that they desperately need the suicide rate would decrease dramatically. There’s no other choice. This is no way to live.

  11. To be, or not to be, that is the question:
    Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
    The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
    Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles….

    Bottom line is that young adult males are quite savvy and realize that in terms of pure conflict resolution, suicide has no peer. What we do ask though is to choose methods of self determination that preserve the body for organ donation. Using a gun, jumping from a height, or planting ones self in front of a moving Union Pacific is unacceptable. The preferred method is the kosher salted ice water bath drowning. Transplant surgeons see this as the best way to preserve the body for harvesting organs and blood products. Wyomingites hate to see anything go to waste so if you r feeling’ blue make sure you are an organ donor!

  12. So we spend 800 billion on creating weapons of war but we cant spend 1 billion to help our own people 🤦🏽‍♂️

  13. This is totally self inflicted from that big bad cowboy stereotype, I don’t feel bad for the parents. Should’ve done a better job at being a parent. Now they just tell themselves whatever they have to like “it’s his choice” to keep their egos alive.

  14. Wyoming seems like paradise to me. The south where it’s been over 100 degrees more or less for almost two months is the real Hell if you ask me.

  15. Am praying for the people of Wyoming, sending them all my love and prayers for strong faith and support thru tough times. You are loved and people do care.

  16. Drug use crisis, suicide crisis, recession, inflation crisis, low wages, not enough workers, internet addiction, worsening living conditions, decaying infrastructure…

    Yet corporate profit margins are at record highs, almost double what they were 10 years ago. Really makes you think.

  17. Words aren’t a resource. Like when you try to find a job and no one gives you one, words don’t help. When you need a place to stay, words don’t help. When you need money, words can’t pay your bills.

  18. I feel like the “cowboy culture “ thing is a bit of a cop-out. Many other states have a prevalent “cowboy culture” and don’t have the same rates of suicide. Also, if the rural-ness or windy-ness of Wyoming is bothering someone, you don’t HAVE to live in Wyoming. Also, isn’t Wyoming a deeply religious state? Somethings not adding up. There’s got to be something they’re not telling us

  19. The Republican's approach is like one baseball team deliberately choosing to let their ball field become lumpy, rocky, full of weeds, w worn-off lines + disintegrating bases—simply to prevent the other team from any oppty to win.
    We all lose. Competition at the expense of a good life.
    Really? Stop.

  20. The inability to adapt to a softer world can be an emotional shock to modern people. All of the sudden life is so soft and cushy and the need to be cold and emotionless is useless. Years of suppressed emotions to survive come piling back. Adapting to modernity is key to survival.

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