Wrong man taken off life support in a case of mistaken identity

Wrong man taken off life support in a case of mistaken identity

Two families at the center of a case of mistaken identity are taking legal action after a man was pulled off of life support by people other than his own relatives.


36 thoughts on “Wrong man taken off life support in a case of mistaken identity

  1. So he just walked in to the family bbq… alive and well? I wonder what he thinks about his family wanting to take him off life support. Very tragic and sad for the the other family. Hope they get justice.

  2. Too many of you are trying to spin this into a "f**k the police" thing. The police did their jobs and there was an unfortunate mix up.

    The dude was brain dead anyway, you dont recover from that. So, no one was hurt by this.

  3. That kang's real family wants reparations now 😂

  4. You simply can’t trust these corporate run hospitals.

  5. I've had multiple friends cut 3-5+ perscriptions after trying marijuana for a week. These doctors are prescribing heroin and anti-depressants for zero reason. Many anti-depressents (like Lyrica) has ZERO DESCRIPTION OF GETTING OFF THE STUFF in the medical journals. When the top 2 side effects are alters mood and suicidal thoughts, and its in the top 5 for most prescribed..
    Im going to blame doctors for mass shootings

    how about do the job, instead of "practicing medicine" what a joke

  6. 🙏

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