Wreckage from Kobe Bryant crash did not show evidence of engine failure: NTSB | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Federal investigators released their preliminary report on the accident but did not include a cause for the crash.

#ABCNews #KobeBryant #NTSB #Helicopter #Accident


By carmodpros


30 thoughts on “Wreckage from Kobe Bryant crash did not show evidence of engine failure: NTSB | ABC News”
  1. I think it's pilot error. it's strange the front is intact for this crash quite good IMO for the speed they were going….which tells me it didn't nose dive… but it's strange, the fuselage is destroyed back to the tail yet alot of the front part wasn't impacted… they say spacial disorientation….I've not heard of alot of daytime spacial disorientation crashes… u have more in the day, u read ur instruments, ifv vfr rules, auto pilot, sunlight, a great view for visual flight rules…if It gets worse u switch to ifv rules where ur instruments are what's guiding u along…im sure helicopters have alot of the same panels as airplanes.
    …20 year pilot and he got lost in haze? it's hard to think of what the conditions were like up there that day….if he was coming in too low…I know on smaller aircraft ur instruments would be going off and saying pull up. terrain pull up…if he did get lost because of the haze he probably didn't think it was the mountain right in front of them and sadly they hit it… the conditions made him lose his way.. and being a pilot for 20 years, that shows no matter how long u been piloting u can get caught in anything, he lost control and sadly everyone was killed, there was no way out for them it's sad to think this, but it's also great,… they crashed into a trail in the mountain… if the pilot would of crashed by a populated area who knows how many ppl could of been killed.on the ground..I'm not familiar with that area, I never been there…but it makes you think..
    .RIP to all


  2. This is why I don't get in helicopters. Me, my wife and some friends went to Tennessee years ago. They wanted to take a helicopter tour ride of pigeon forge. I was set dead against it because this boy isn't flying in no helicopter. So we opted to do something else which they were mad at me for a little while of course. Till later that day the helicopter we were going to get on crashed killing 4 and the pilot. DON'T GET IN HELICOPTERS. At least in a plane you can glide down and or get above the clouds.

  3. The New York Times

    Kobe Bryant and the Sexual Assault Case That Was Dropped but Not Forgotten

    A 2003 rape accusation changed how many saw the Lakers star, but it did not change the trajectory of his career.

    By Kevin Draper

    Jan. 27, 2020

    Even as Kobe Bryant moved beyond his career in the N.B.A. and into his next chapter as a Hollywood and tech mogul, he could never fully leave the ugliest part of his past behind.

    Bryant — among nine people, including his 13-year-old daughter, Gianna, who died on Sunday in a helicopter crash outside Los Angeles — was charged with sexually assaulting a 19-year-old woman in 2003. But as in the vast majority of cases involving accusations of sexual violence, there was no clear resolution. There was no verdict.

    Prosecutors dropped the case just before it was scheduled to go to trial, citing the accuser’s unwillingness to testify. A lawsuit the woman filed against Bryant ended in a settlement, the details of which have never been made public.

    In the era before #MeToo — the societal reckoning with the frequent sexual harassment and abuse women endure at work and in their personal lives — Bryant resumed a career that had never really paused. Throughout the 2003-04 season, while the case was still being litigated, he flew back and forth between court appearances in Colorado and games, often arriving just minutes before tip-off.


    The Lakers made the N.B.A. finals that season but lost their bid for a fourth championship in five seasons. Bryant, however, would win two more N.B.A. titles, plus two Olympic gold medals, before his retirement in 2016, and he continued his evolution into a global celebrity, an international ambassador for both his sport and Nike, his major sponsor.

    Yet in 2018, just seven months after he won an Academy Award for best animated short film, Bryant was dropped from the jury of a film festival.

    “This is an urgent time to say NO to toxic and violent behavior against women,” read a petition urging organizers of the Animation Is Film Festival to disassociate themselves from Bryant.

    As he had in the past, Bryant declined to discuss the sexual assault case. He said he was “disappointed” with the decision of the festival organizers but was now focused on changing the world “through diverse stories, characters and leadership.”


    For a moment, Bryant was back where he had been in 2003 — someone who, like Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey, operated at the pinnacle of his profession but stood accused of a terrible crime.

    Weinstein is currently being tried in a rape case in New York City, the rare celebrity who has had to face such criminal charges.


    The prosecutor Mark Hurlbert speaking to the news media in 2003 about the case against Bryant. Credit…Tom Cooper/Getty Images

    The case against Bryant began on June 30, 2003, when he checked into the Cordillera Lodge and Spa in Edwards, Colo. He was there to have a knee operation at a clinic in nearby Vail.


    After being led to his room by a concierge, Bryant asked her to return later and give him a private tour of the property. She did, and then Bryant invited her into his room. They both said later that they began kissing, but what happened in the next few minutes became the heart of the dispute. The woman told the police that Bryant had raped her. Bryant said they had consensual sex.

    Prosecutors seemed to have a strong case. According to court documents, an examination of the woman at a hospital revealed a bruise on her neck and tears in her vaginal wall. Both her underwear and Bryant’s shirt were bloody. Bryant told the police he had not explicitly asked for consent.

    While the issue of consent has long been at the heart of sex crime laws, how it is understood and taught has evolved — in part because of high-profile cases like the one against Bryant. “No means no” has given way to “yes means yes,” and the idea of explicit consent has become the standard, rather than an expectation that an objecting participant must say no.

    Almost immediately the case against Bryant became a news media circus, the biggest celebrity prosecution since the O.J. Simpson trial. Quickly though, the accuser’s reputation came under attack. Bryant’s lawyer, Pamela Mackey, said the woman’s name in open court six times during one hearing — even though the police and court officials had tried to preserve her anonymity — and asked if her injuries could have been caused “by having sex with three men in three days.” Television crews camped outside the home of the accuser’s parents, and her name was leaked by the court system three times.


    Like the Simpson case a decade before, the Bryant case quickly became about much more than what had happened in that hotel room. It was seen through the historical prism of white women falsely accusing black men of sexual violence (the woman in the Bryant case was white). At the same time, the case sparked commentary that perpetuated stereotypes about false accusations of rape.

    After the case was dropped, Bryant issued a lengthy statement, apologizing to the woman and acknowledging her perspective of their encounter, which is farther than most public apologies go. “Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual,” he said in statement, “I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did.”

    With the legal troubles behind him, Bryant created an alter ego, calling himself “Black Mamba” — after Africa’s deadliest snake, which figured in the 2003 movie “Kill Bill.”

    “The whole process for me was trying to figure out how to cope with this,” Bryant told The Washington Post in 2018. “I wasn’t going to be passive and let this thing just swallow me up.”


    Eventually there were Mamba shoes, a Mamba Sports Academy and the nickname “Mambacita” for Gianna, the second-born of the four daughters Bryant shared with his wife, Vanessa.


    The defense lawyers Hal Haddon, left, and Pamela Mackey, second from left, attended a news conference with Bryant, right, and his wife, Vanessa, at Staples Center, where Bryant proclaimed his innocence. Credit…J. Emilio Flores/Getty Images

    Before the sexual assault case, Bryant was sometimes in the shadow of Shaquille O’Neal, playing Robin to Shaq’s Batman. After Bryant adopted the Mamba persona, he emerged as his own man. He helped create the dissension that led Phil Jackson to retire and the Lakers to trade O’Neal, though Jackson returned to coach Bryant and the Lakers again.

    But years after saying “I also want to make it clear that I do not question the motives of this young woman,” Bryant seemingly did just that.


    To explain why he would not comment on the death of Trayvon Martin, the black teenager who was shot to death while returning home from a convenience store, he had a conversation with the journalist Jemele Hill. “He was speaking from the experience of someone who had been on trial for sexual assault,” she wrote in a column on Monday, “and, in his mind, had been wrongfully accused.” Bryant later apologized to Martin’s family.

    And in 2018, reflecting on the sponsors that cut ties with him after he was arrested, including McDonald’s and Coca-Cola, Bryant said they did so because he was too “gritty.”

    Later in his life, Bryant became a big supporter of women’s athletics. He took his daughter Gianna to watch the Connecticut Huskies basketball team, recorded voice overs for the N.C.A.A. women’s basketball tournament and talked constantly about the W.N.B.A…

    And at those 2018 Oscars? Hours after Frances McDormand, winner of the Best Actress award, gave a powerful speech about the need to include more women in the film business, she was hobnobbing with Bryant at a post-show party.

  4. This is bullshit kobes helicopter is not even blue and white its black look up kobes helicopter thats a cover up helicopter wake up ppl

  5. This is why you shouldn’t use Helicopter 🚁 it’s not safe.

  6. I miss him so much 🏀🏀🏀🏀💗💕😭⬆️🌈💖

  7. It’s just so frustrating and sad. I didn’t know them but I just want so badly to go back in time and stop this. It’s so cruel and tragic . Especially with those little girls. They all had so much life to live. They were all so happy, and gifted, something you don’t see very often in teenage girls nowadays. I’m their age, I wish I could’ve taken their place. I’m so angry for the victims. I can only imagine how their family is feeling. Vanessa Bryant is grieving her best friend and lover of 20 years and her babygirl at once ? This isn’t right. I’m a spiritual person but it’s in times like this where I lose hope. This shouldn’t of happened. I can usually find purpose, and meaning in something but this just feels utterly evil.

  8. Google had Kobe Bryant's death as assassinated. They later took it down. And if you saw Alicia keys during her Grammy dedication to Kobe. You see her do the hand jester of the Illuminati 666. You don't believe me look those two things up. Was Kobe a sacrifice?🤔

  9. I am also a pilot and I will try to explain in plain language how Kobe Bryant's pilot and spatial disorientation led him to crash the helicopter on the side of the mountain in Calabasas killing everyone onboard:

    1. Kobe Bryant's pilot decided to climb up to avoid low flying clouds and fog at 2,800 ft.

    2. Spatial disorientation led Kobe Bryant's pilot to believe that since he's approaching a mountainous region in Calabasas, his instinct tells him that he may not be able to clear the mountain, so he decides to make a sudden change of direction by veering left and flying blindly through low flying clouds and fog. The fatal maneuver is the reason why the helicopter hit the other side of the mountain killing everyone onboard.

    3. If Kobe Bryant's pilot maintained his heading and continued to climb up they would all still be alive today because that would have given them another chance to go around.


  11. What?? Pilot elevated copter final minutes when ground control asked him what is his intention, then he takes a dive into the Rocky terian, Copter was working fine, is it me or it seemed like a suicidal brain wash crash.

  12. Love you Kobe, Gianna, Vanessa & family! RIP Kobe & Gianna & the other passengers.
    Praying for comfort, love, strength & peace for Vanessa & the family & also the other families who lost their loved ones.

    God Prepares a Banquet

    Here on Mount Zion the LORD Almighty will prepare a banquet for all the nations of the world – a banquet of the richest food and the finest wine. Here He will suddenly remove the cloud of sorrow that has been hanging over all the nations. The Sovereign Lord will destroy death forever! He will wipe away the tears from everyone's eyes and take away the disgrace His people have suffered throughout the world. The LORD himself has spoken.

    When it happens, everyone will say, "He is our God! We have put our trust in Him, and He has rescued us. He is the Lord! We have put our trust in him, and now we are happy and joyful because he has saved us."

    Yes, we will Feast in the House of Zion,
    we will Sing with our hearts restored!!!

    Meditate on Isaih 25:6-9

    God bless you all today! 💓🙏🕊

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