Women of color will play vital role in elections, both presidential and local | Nightline – Car Mod Pros Portal

They are the fastest-growing voting bloc in the country and 115 are running for Congress this year. “Nightline” speaks to one who is running and those working to get out the vote in Texas.


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#Nightline #Election #Biden #Trump #WomenVote #Politics


By carmodpros


32 thoughts on “Women of color will play vital role in elections, both presidential and local | Nightline”
  1. Here is yet another standard of the toxicity of the press and your narrative.

    You hear your panel say things like "The area will be vital in the election. That area is not as "white"…" or "this area is really "white" and support Trump".. I dont recall the exact verbiage but this is close. Imagine if "white" was replaced with "black". And it was me saying it, instead of you. You would throw another tantrum. Something you demoncrats have a knack for. Tantrums.
    And while you push this narrative that "white" people are bad for sins our ancestors committed, you fail to mention ALL society's have done the same things, yet WE led the way in removing those bad things. Or that 70% of the country is "white". Or that it was a group of "rich white people" who pushed for equality because had they NOT, we STILL would be doing those things to this day.

    You accuse President Trump and his voters as being "racist" when there is no proof that is the truth. Because any of the very few radical groups like him, you push the narrative that it's HIS fault they do. I posted a video of just some of the MANY times he has "condemned" anything you have complained about….dating back to 2000. Yet you still pretend he has never. You minimize the facts while pushing a narrative and I think many are too stupid to get it.

    You accuse Trump of "dividing". What you progressive "thinkers" dont seem to see, is that while most of us dont care what someone looks like, by you and your hosts placing people in groups base on their race, that's more racist and is more divisive than anything. But maybe thats your goal. To keep people divided and conquer. Thats the communist manifesto.

  2. Trump is a very influential person to his supporters, so when he mocks the officials, tries to discredit Fauci and others who are experts in the field of epidemiology by deliberately taking them out of context, his hot box joyride during his infectious stage, as well as setting a precedent where he blatantly refuses to follow all aspects of CDC protocol from wearing masks to social distancing, etc, during his rallies to white house events, etc, then yes, he can be held responsible simply because of the perceived power the supporters who follow his example and have of him. Trump has deliberately flouted science, social distancing and made a mockery of masks, refusing to wear a mask in situations where it was deemed necessary by hospital authorities and medical consultants. We are on our second White-house outbreak, will this administration ever learn?
    During the onset of COVID-19 Trump repeatedly lied to the American people about the severity of the virus, repeatedly thumbing his nose in the face of science with ridiculous pseudoscience claims that could potentially endanger others, over 200,000 American citizens are now dead with the numbers climbing due to his inaction.
    Statistics were not on Trumps side as he openly encouraged people to attend rallies without social distancing and other protective measures in place. He's now tested positive with the all too real possibility that prior to diagnosis, of having spread the virus to countless others through his selfishness and willful ignorance of scientific evidence, he continues to behave in a way that encourages the transmission of the Covid-19 virus.
    Trump has brought this upon himself and he only has himself to blame due to his own arrogance and hubris. It's not the past lies that is the issue, but the fact is; in the future everything Trump states will be suspect and questioned just like the words of Conley, his supposed "Doctor", there is nothing transparent about that administration, the trust has long been destroyed and Pence helped drive the nail in the coffin of his Vice Presidential term.
    When the interim president continues ad nauseam with passive-aggressive misogynistic sentiments, ad hominem attacks, abject condescension, thinly veiled racism, the use of pseudoscience, conspiracy theories and weak arguments based on unfounded assumptions catering to confirmation biases, this shows a desperate grasp to remain relevant while having nothing new to contribute to the nation as a whole.
    Biden's idea to eliminate fossil fuels WILL NOT HAPPEN OVERNIGHT, this takes many many years, at least several presidential terms to get a healthy start on this! Proper infrastructure must be in place to facilitate the changeover, the right is pandering to fear, it's horrible to take advantage of a person's fear for their jobs and well being. The relationships that Biden has forged are necessary to start the process. Let's support the changeover from fossil fuels, there will be a time when out resources will start to run out and when that happens we will be prepared. Together across party lines we can achieve great things together. Let's end the division and be a nation that is strong together once again.

    ~~~~~~Is another four years of chaos, lies and deception from the TRUMP/PENCE Administration what we deserve as American Citizens?

    ~~~~~Please elect Biden and Harris to repair the damage done to our global reputation!

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Criminal Indictments by Administration~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jimmy Carter — ONE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bill Clinton — TWO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~George W. Bush — SIXTEEN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Richard Nixon — SEVENTY-SIX~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ronald Reagan– ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-EIGHT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Donald Trump (so far) — TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Barack Obama Administration — ZERO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  3. Don't get complacent. Every single vote for Biden/Harris is a clear message to Trump and the world that Americans reject Trump's message of: divisiveness, hatred, greed, selfishness, incompetence, etc, etc, etc. Vote Blue!

  4. Vote for #Trump2020 THE LEFT WANTS TO DEFUND THE POLICE IN THIS COUNTRY #MAGA2020🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍👍👍👍🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍👍👍

  5. My ex is back
    Life is always beautiful when you be with the true person you love. For almost a year my lover had broke up with me and I was lonely and sad luckily I was directed to a very kind and Great spell caster Dr Godfather who helped me to bring back my lover to me and today I am with my wife now and happy together and very grateful for what you have done for me Dr Godfather Email him via drgodfatherspellcaster1@gmail.com@gmail.com. or WhatsApp on +2347062606817

  6. ~13% are "PoC" (according to the news)
    ~6.5% are female
    ~3.25% will vote. (Historically) So no. "Women of color' will NOT play a vital role in elections. Are they important? Of course, every vote is. Stop trying to push a narrative.

  7. The phrase people of color is the most racist phrase we have today. Once just say instead of people of color, no whites allowed. Oh by the way white males invented 98% of all inventions since the beginning of time.

  8. My ex is back
    Life is always beautiful when you be with the true person you love. For almost a year my lover had broke up with me and I was lonely and sad luckily I was directed to a very kind and Great spell caster Dr Godfather who helped me to bring back my lover to me and today I am with my wife now and happy together and very grateful for what you have done for me Dr Godfather Email him via drgodfatherspellcaster1@gmail.com@gmail.com. or WhatsApp on +2347062606817

  9. Per Kamal, I am a vote of color, President Trump 🌹🇺🇸🇺🇸🕺🏻🕺🏻❤️😁

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