Woman with white supremacist tattoo gets it covered up as part of path to redemption

Woman with white supremacist tattoo gets it covered up as part of path to redemption

Jeremiah Hirsch, a tattoo artist in Virginia covers tattoos associated with racism for free. Andrea Einhaus, who had an iron cross on her back, had it covered up after making new friends.


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45 thoughts on “Woman with white supremacist tattoo gets it covered up as part of path to redemption

  1. Ah, Ignorant Americans unaware of history. Classic. Let me tell you something, the Iron cross is a traditional, hundreds of years old symbol from the German military which is still the official symbol of the Bundeswehr. It's not racist

  2. Shame you guys don’t know her!! Because she was not brought up that way or indoctrinated by anyone who raised her!!!

  3. The lighting is the SS of Nazi militia iron cross is germany ww1-2. These racist are stealing symbols from Nazis but they dont hate jews they hate blacks like WTF???? Shows you its just hate.

  4. I appreciate that you were young when got the tattoo, lack of historical knowledge, lack of personal experience. I appreciate you even more for relating your past experience and facing up to it and embracing the change in you. I'm caucasian and not religious but I live mostly within minority communities. I can't imagine a more loving and fullfilling life.

  5. Our people, my people 🥰❗

  6. white people.. living your lives hating and harassing minorities then just waking up and deciding to stop and cover up a tattoo does nothing… either act on you "changing" or SHUT UP

  7. The Iron Cross was the insignia of the Kaiser,s Germany on German aircraft of WWI. The lighting S.S. was Hitler,s Waffen S.S. logo during WW2. There is a difference between the German Empire and Nazi Germany. As a military modeler and historian since 1974, I should know.

  8. I don't want to take away from the message, but there wasn't anyone in her life to maybe talk about other cover up options besides a giant lizard on her lower back?

  9. Love over hate always! God is love 💕 💕💕💕💕💕💕 ! You’re awesome for standing up! We need love around the world! It take sooooo much to hate ! Just a little to love!❤️

  10. Andrea gives me hope and it really touched my heart ❤. Andrea God's sees 👀 your heart. The pastor is right nobody gets to Heaven with hated being a racist. The pastor is great I'm going to look her church up when I get to Atlanta. "Remember the Titans" Great movie check it out.

  11. Yeah but Black people and Mexicans if you go in the neighborhood after dark… You won’t come out alive… And you sit here with your bleeding hearts… I’m not saying all of them… Why don’t you watch a documentary on YouTube called don’t make the black kids angry… And tell me what you think!

  12. Lies and deceit from alphabet news fear-mongering to frighten people and interference in elections with propaganda using a venue of death for politics is why alphabet networks are the enemy of the American people when they use death to push politically motivated false misinformation, truth is that 99.6% of everyone who tests positive for the virus will not die from the virus that's a worldwide fact that can't be disputed that Doctor knows this! also viruses, are 1000 times smaller than bacteria with cloth or paper mask the virus travels through that material easily, might be why so many who stayed home and always wore a mask still tested positive!

  13. Congratulations to you for your courage. You will feel so much lighter without that baggage. I love you. BE STRONG🙏🙏🙏

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