Woman dupes dozens of men into public dating contest via Tinder

Woman dupes dozens of men into public dating contest via Tinder

A woman messaged several men on the dating app and when they arrived to meet her at Union Square Park she came on stage, delivered a speech and asked them to compete in a contest for a date.


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40 thoughts on “Woman dupes dozens of men into public dating contest via Tinder

  1. They deserved to be treated like trash. If a man or anyone for that matter allow someone else to treat them like trash they deserve. If you are strong you would never tolerate that type of disrespect. Women hate men like the ones in the video. Hate them. And that woman who've had more respect for the ones who walked away. Probably would've dated them over the ones who stay there looking pathetic and weak.

  2. I think some people actually amused by the stunt and compete just for fun. Imagine guy that like that won and then just said "Nah I'll pass babe. You're kind of a nutjob but at least I had a fun game, thanks" and leave.

  3. I love this I love y'all I want y'all everyday at my old place 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😌😌😌😂😅😅😅😅😅😅😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝💚💚I am a big fan of the best things to be in a future

  4. Why do people do that to you and I love you too much to let you know that I have a great day at work and I love you too much to let you know that I haven and 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯😌😌😌😌🤣😌😌🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😌😌😘🙏🏼💚💚💚💙💙💙💙😻😻😻😻😽😽😽😽😽😽😽😽😽🧡🧡🧡🧡

  5. I find the patronizing attitude of the women on the show really insulting. They are calling men competitive ? Are women not competitive ? Have we just busted a feminist myth ? What a show of misandry

  6. now this may sound beta or whatever but shes a wonderful female and she deserves nothing less than a perfect man im seeing alot of misogynist in this comments section and its just disgusting she has a right to choose any man she wants regardless of youre shallow opinion even the best man there will never be good enough for her! GO QUEEN!

  7. This was awesome! Lol. The stuff that guys do to women i mean it was a great experiment to show one how competative men are for a dumb reason. To show how willing guys are to throw it in a woman. Last the desperation if they stayed. The things guys will say on tinder or any dating app is unreal. She will be fine so will all the guys. Maybe a bit of ego damage but thats it. Great story to tell the grandkids.

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