Winter storm to bring snow and ice to millions l ABC News

Winter storm to bring snow and ice to millions l ABC News

Blizzard, snow and ice have blanketed the Northern Plains to Iowa.

#ABCNews #Weather #Winter #NewYearsEve


42 thoughts on “Winter storm to bring snow and ice to millions l ABC News

  1. This is just typical winter, contrary to what Greta Thunberg & the extremists want you to believe. There have been worse in the past and there will be worse in the future from time to time. People need to stay home if they want to be away from it.

  2. Winnipeg:

    Cute 😇

  3. I figured as much… With the winter starting out so mildly, (the harbinger of what's to come…), I figured we'd get a week or two there of blizzards/frigid weather… Let's brace ourselves, and don't delay servicing your vehicles because said vehicles might have a hard time surviving what's to come lol…

  4. Yawning…😴

  5. If your reading this caption imma let you know that I wish you a happy new year and that I hope you guys keep your heads and be strong.
    Plus you have the prettiest smile anybody had ever seen

  6. I just love the dip nards in the media these days!
    So glad they are hear to tell us all that a winter storm is going to bring snow and ice… millions no less.
    What a bunch of attention starved children they are.

  7. About f**** time. It's winter time, I expect there to be snow and cold weather but it's been in the 50s lately and you don't believe in global warming? Yea this is so normal

  8. It’s getting warmer, globally. 😂

  9. Hopes everybody has a great new years 2020 here we come 💯💯💯 I love you all

  10. "if by some chance (we) do manage to straighten things out and make everything better, I still don't wish to be included." -George Carlin's Brain Droppings (Preface /P.P.S.)

  11. This woman is wearing heals with leather pants to the ankles. What the hell!!😂😂😂

  12. Oh No!!!!!!! Winter is here,,AND,, It is affecting millions,,,, Oh , No,,, Winter !!!! It's Trump"s agenda. or something that is scary… NOPE,,It's just winter, that's all.

  13. Life is like a box of chocolates….. you just don’t know what your going to get. 😁

  14. to all of the naysayers about climate change. I hope you're waking up to it now cuz it ain't even over yet every years going to keep getting worse. It's just like a curse of the gun culture. Civilization will be extinct by its own and its habits.

  15. Hi ABC 🙂 Thanks!!! i Love u 🙋God💋

  16. Its 68 degrees F in Charlotte NC right now. 😯

  17. This weather is happening g in places that it normally has not , in Canada for that last 10 years have had no snow and at Christmas this year no snow again and warm temperatures. Either all you people out there are in denial of what's happening or your just plain to stupid to realize it. Oh there is one more you could be , someone that just doesnt give a fuck about earth because you wont be here to see the destruction of this world because of population or global warming. Just because there are snow storms dont assume right away there is no global warming . Dont live in your little bubble and think outside of your country. People on earth today all live in a little bubble ,and there bubbles are called denial. Storms are getting more fierce and powerful and there happening way more often then they ever have. The people in the United States will all be under water some day any how and then let's here you go on about global warming not being real. There are just to many idiots in the world today that cannot see through all the propaganda that all leaders of the world countries shovel us everyday. Human kind does not stand a chance with this type of thinking and acting, this world will rid itself of all humankind if war doesnt first . That's why the earth will survive , because humans dont deserve to survive because of our selfishness and greediness and our stupidity.

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