Will Trump declare a national emergency?

Will Trump declare a national emergency?

Trump threatened on Thursday to declare a national emergency to bypass Congress if he can’t reach a deal with Democrats to fund his promised border wall.




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47 thoughts on “Will Trump declare a national emergency?

  1. DemoCRIPS and ReBLOODlicans: No More Gangs in Government Hardcover – June 11, 2012

    by Jesse Ventura (Author), Dick Russell (Author)

  2. Brilliant! Absolutely Brilliant to the extreme! THAT'S MY PRESIDENT!!!!! 😁😁😁 President Trump was FORCED to play chess against these Dingbats,and they are STILL looking for their checker board!!!! NEXT: Declare a state of emergency against the FCC for harming Americans with their carefully planned and executed defamation program against the President,and his many supporters.Then WHACK HARD EVERY network until they BLEED RED,WHITE,AND BLUE!!!!! Then the education system needs torn down and rebuilt so they will STOP manufacturing little Socialist Wackadoo's,and genderless automaton's!!!! That's MISTER PRESIDENT WHACKADOO!!!! SPANK SPANK!!!!😁 Ignore the Libs,Dems,and other Sheeple! WHACK the Bosses who RULE THEM,and the left field sheeple will slowly return to their senses,come in for the big win,and start being useful to themselves and their Country again!!!!!

  3. You can see how stressed he is. 600B to military every year? where did it go? did the Jews take it back after you gave them authority to Jerusalem. Crazy, dirty and corrupted puppet playing with true satanists. Clean your heart and look to god, this isn't going to be pretty.

  4. When i crossed the border illegally never ever in my mind ocurred to me to get here and commit crimes.
    All i ever did was work and make a better life for myself and my family.
    I became legal in 2017,a lot was sacrificed to get to that moment.
    Fuck trump and all of his followers that say all illegal are criminals,we are not.
    Are all born us citizens good people,i dont think so.

  5. Roughly two years after his election, the president declared a “state of emergency.” More significant is what happened after that: Political opponents and journalists thrown in jail by the hundreds, universities and labor unions shut down by the government, mass firings of public workers suspected of disloyalty, and an autocratic leader able to bypass the legislative branch and issue new edicts by fiat.
    That’s what Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan did — a despotic ruler that President Trump has long known and even admired.

  6. Take him out off the White House😠 he is playing with people's lives..he is acting like s spoiled child 🤪

  7. He’s abusing his power, come on you guys can we please impeach him? He lied about Mexico paying for the wall, and if his supporters aren’t questioning his claims now, y’all are brain dead

  8. See Even in Texas they were telling the news there's no danger people he can't declare a national emergency because there's no legitimate danger besides the crises he caused in the country not only that he's making us Americans pay for his fucking wall and he claims that Mexico wasn't gonna pay for it how in the hell can he say this bullshit for the past 3 years and no all of the sudden he says oh I never said that wanna fucking bet?? He's been saying it since he ran for presidency this piece of shit can't tell the difference between the truth and a lie!!

  9. Might declare a National emergency to get what he wants? Sounds stupid and dangerous but whatever
    “Use the military to build the wall” ah fuck he’s gone too far

  10. People don’t like the government shut down? Stop fighting against OUR RULERS. We are a controlled country whether you want to open your eyes or not.

  11. Mr. T. HOW MUCH MONEY HAVE YOU SPENT FLYING ON OUR AIR FORCE ONE I HEAR EVERY TIME IT IS 1 MILLION + STAY HOME AND SAVE US THE MONEY , HOW ABOUT ALL THE ANIMALS THAT TRAVEL AND LIVE BY THIS BORDER WALL WHAT WILL IT DO TO THEM????. When and if this wall is put in and it don't work I want you to write a check and pay back every penny' of this wall ok this is my challenge to you

  12. The wall is paid for. They are not allowing him to use the tariff money for it.
    He never said Mexico will write a check for the wall. He said they will pay. And they are. China is also paying.
    Is everybody stupid?

  13. “Oh and murders! Don’t forget murders happen!” He’s so full of SH*T!

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