Will there be a 2nd debate? – Car Mod Pros Portal

The chaos from the first debate is leading the debate commission to plan big changes for the two remaining debates, but the Trump campaign is pushing back. ABC’s Kenneth Moton reports.

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By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “Will there be a 2nd debate?”
  1. Journalism’ is supposed to be about ‘fact’ and not be bias or opinionated!
    The following are places you can experience ‘freedom of speech’. You can be the judge in the end of what you believe to be ‘fact’. That’s America! You should watch and listen to ‘all’ points of view. Your ‘Freedom’ Depends on it!!
    > Charlie Kirk, Dan Bongino, Dr Steve Turley, Eric Greitens, Hodgetwins, Huckabee, John Anderson, Liberal Hivemind, Newsmax TV, NewsNow, NTD, OfficialACLJ, One American News, R&R Law Group, The Chicago Tribune, The Epoch Times, The Las Angeles Times, The New York Post, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Las Angeles Times, Victor Davis Hanson and many more. Please feel free to add places of free speech and please share.

  2. Wow what a great testimony in my life 2016 I was diagnosed with herpes disease I have taken all kinds of drugs, injection from one hospital to another not on thing that faithful day my friend directed me to a herbalist doctor just last month and I was treat by the herbalist doctor and now I'm free and cure through the herbs of doctor lobookuns,are you suffering from any kinds of disease or sickness internal or external please contact or WhatsApp doctor lobookuns via+2347019600336 email lobookuns@yahoo.com for a better treatment and cure

  3. So shameful-this just proves the Power of Propaganda. Media fills viewers with hatred for the past 4 years, 24/7, 7 days a week. Once consumed with hatred, the unacceptable becomes acceptable-like no debates; debates that are 'staged'; 'gaffes' that clearly show Biden is not well; not answering about court packing-which is a major concern as if courts are packed the Left can literally undo our Constitution (Google Poland right now); the 25th amendment criteria that is now being requested-so if elected official is deemed 'unwell' by a panel chosen by corrupt individuals-that elected individual can be pulled from office-. None of this is questioned-just so unfortunate. Anyone not believing this-just take 1 week off of media, visit the online Holocaust Museum and examine what occurred 10 years prior to WWII-it will explain 2020.

  4. You guys are a joke. You accuse the others of what you are doing.

    Watch after the election. Even with a Trump College win, the only win there is as there is no popular vote win in the USA, you will not give up, watch America, you heard it here before it happens.

    They say Trump won't give up if he loses, but whatever they say, that's what they are doing.

    Don't believe me. Watch anything they report and change the word Republican for Democrat and Trump for Biden, then Google it. 100% every time. I've done it with duckduckgo.com instead of the skewed Google algorithm, but works in both.

    Try it yourself. Its amazing.

    Really, try it. Change Trump for Biden and Republican for Democrat.

  5. I don’t understand why people didn’t like the debate, I personally Loved it , it really got me interested in politics before trump politics was boring. Trump changed the world of politics

  6. Trump has flouted science, social distancing and made a mockery of masks, deliberately refusing to wear one in situations where it was deemed necessary by hospital authorities.
    Trump during the onset of COVID-19 repeatedly lied to the American people about the severity of the virus, repeatedly thumbing his nose in the face of science with ridiculous pseudoscience claims that could potentially endanger others, over 200,000 American citizens are now dead with the numbers climbing.
    Statistics were not on Trumps side as he openly encouraged people to attend rallies without social distancing and other protective measures in place. He's now tested positive with the all too real possibility of having spread the virus to countless others through his selfishness prior to diagnosis.
    Trump brought this on himself and he only has himself to blame due to his own arrogance and hubris. .It's not the past lies that is the issue, but the fact is; in the future everything Trump states will be suspect and questioned.
    Is this what we deserve as American Citizens?

  7. Երբ այրվեց Փարիզի աստվածամոր տաճարը, ամբողջ աշխարհը սգում էր դա 🤦‍♂️
    Ավստրալիայում ոչնչանում էին կենդանիների ցեղատեսակներ, ամբողջ աշխարհը սգում էր և օգնում։ 🤦‍♂️
    Õ€Õ¡ÕµÕ¡Õ½Õ¿Õ¡Õ¶Õ¨ ÕºÕ¡ÕµÖ„Õ¡Ö€Õ¸Ö‚Õ´ Õ§ Õ¿Õ¥Õ¼Õ¸Ö€Õ«Õ½Õ¿Õ¡Õ¯Õ¡Õ¶ Õ­Õ´Õ¢Õ¡Õ¾Õ¸Ö€Õ¸Ö‚Õ´Õ¶Õ¥Ö€Õ« Õ¤Õ¥Õ´, Õ°Ö€Õ¥Õ¿Õ¡Õ¯Õ¸Õ®Õ¾Õ¸Ö‚Õ´ Õ§ Õ­Õ¡Õ²Õ¡Õ² Õ¢Õ¶Õ¡Õ¯Õ¹Õ¸Ö‚Õ©ÕµÕ¸Ö‚Õ¶Õ¨…..ԱՇԽԱՐՀԸ ԼՌՈՒՄ Է😑 !!!!!!!!!!

    When the Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral burned down, the whole world mourned. Animal breeds were extinct in Australia, the whole world was mourning and helping.
    Armenia fights against terrorist groups, civilans are shelled but THE WORLD IS SILENT.😑



  8. My prayer is mr. Trump gets back in he's done a lot of good he's done a lot of goodand my other prayer as he recovers from what this stuff is cuz I hurt his family and him got tested for colon and he was positive

  9. Biden wore a wire for the 1st debate. Right shoulder, He kept pushing it in, but it keep slipping out. I'm sure he will wear 1 for the 2nd. If the President would pull back on his comments 25%, Biden will screw it up all by himself. " Im for the Green Deal, No… I'm not for the Green Deal". Ol'Joe, on ur website, U R for the Green Deal. Someone wake the fool up. Next time the wire & the shots of adrenline just isn't enough.

  10. https://youtu.be/fKlvwPRh-ok
    Do you think you are born again just because you go to a church? Not all churches declare the Truth. On the contrary, your church could be a completely worldly church. For your own soul, you must come out of the churches that use the Bible but do not declare the Truth and speak lies differing from the bible. Hear what the Spirit of Truth says to the churches and receive the eternal gospel.

  11. Maybe not now, the president now has the virus. I think it's a distraction, a new idea that will also blow up in his face as everything else he tries to do.

  12. so what will happen if both of the candidates died or in serious condition before the vote?

  13. Not necessary…first joke should be the last…proud fools of the confederacy…The only disappointment should be felt by the trump supporters…unprepared turd…was lost as usual in intelligent conversation…proud turd movement…something smells…oh it’s the proud boys white outhouse Perfume…most proud boys members have been diagnosed with severe mental diarrhea and found to be mentally incompetent to control their own thoughts patterns…caused by excessive fart sniffing while in Foxhole…symptoms are extreme racism followed by strong blackouts of fascism…and the least but last indicator the forever chasing farts syndrome…a first popularized sporting event at The Losers monument in Stone Monkey ga

  14. Trump, arguably the most powerful national leader, has no leadership skills, not even the most basic! During the debacle/debate, he mocked Biden for wearing a mask much too often. Trump has no idea of the basic leadership skill of leading by a good example: he sets a bad example almost every day by what he says, tweets, and does.

    Can anyone name even name one leadership skill that Trump possesses?

  15. We need aggressive alert brain to lead America!!

  16. Whether it was the worst debate or not, Trump seem to get the upper hand. Biden was not strong enough to counter the punches.

    (includes people with core morbidities)

    • 0-19 YEARS: 99.997%
    • 20-49 YEARS: 99.98%
    • 50-69 YEARS: 99.5%
    • 70+ YEARS: 94.6%

    There is no EMERGENCY and there is no PANDEMIC! If you believe there is, it's because you've been brainwashed by the media! https://youtu.be/nZke-lxhJqU

    The left and right dog and pony show can't agree on anything that truly benefits we the people! However, what do you know, both sides want you wearing a face diaper! Both sides want you to socially distance! BOTH SIDES WANT TO FORCE YOU TO TAKE A COVID19 TEST OVER AND OVER AND INJECT YOU WITH BIG PHARMA'S EXPERIMENTAL VACCINE!!!

  18. In 2017, during a presentation at Georgetown University Medical Center, Fauci told an audience that there would be a "surprise outbreak" in the coming administration. https://youtu.be/bTrx6zkrBQI

    Look up Event 201 A Global Pandemic Exercise that took place in October 2019. The scenario mirrors our current "crisis". Paid for by The Bill & Malinda Gates Foundation. Establishment fact check sites will have you believe this is just a "conspiracy theory" and a coincidence. You decide.

    Look up The Rockefeller Foundation 2010 document Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development (page 18 Lock Step). This talks about a pandemic being used to lock down society.

    Look up the 2020 US Quarter. Why do you think they chose to use bats on this quarter? Just a coincidence? Unlikely… Everything happening has been meticulously planned by these evil POS!

    (includes people with core morbidities)

    • 0-19 YEARS: 99.997%
    • 20-49 YEARS: 99.98%
    • 50-69 YEARS: 99.5%
    • 70+ YEARS: 94.6%

    There is no EMERGENCY and there is no PANDEMIC! If you believe there is, it's because you've been brainwashed by the media! https://youtu.be/nZke-lxhJqU

    The left and right dog and pony show can't agree on anything that truly benefits we the people! However, what do you know, both sides want you wearing a face diaper! Both sides want you to socially distance! BOTH SIDES WANT TO FORCE YOU TO TAKE A COVID19 TEST OVER AND OVER AND INJECT YOU WITH BIG PHARMA'S EXPERIMENTAL VACCINE!!!

  19. We are being played by big pharma, the media (GE, News-Corp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, CBS), politicians (left AND right), NGOs/non-governmental organizations (The Council on Foreign Relations, UN, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, Royal Institute of International Affairs) & elitist tax exempt foundations (The Bill & Malinda Gates Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, etc.)

    Whether this virus is real or not does not matter! They are clearly using it to turn us against each other (Divide & Conquer) and push elitist agendas (global fascist dictatorship, technocracy, mandatory vaccinations, vaccination certifications, immunity passports, total police state surveillance & control system, etc.)

    The job of the establishment media is to deceive, divide, and distract! There are no legitimate journalists on TV!
    If you think you're too smart to be fooled. If you get off on virtue signaling, cult of personality worshipping, appealing to authority and the establishment media AND you're too dumb and/or brainwashed by academia and the media to see giant contradictions and obvious agendas, may your chains and your family's chains rest lightly upon you.

    It's time to stop believing everyone that questions the establishment is a "conspiracy theorists" and wake up!!! We are losing our freedom right now! They are ushering in tyranny under the guise of public safety all over the world! This is not a conspiracy theory! It is happening right now! If America falls it's over for the rest of the world. Which side of history are you gonna be on? I choose dangerous freedom over tyrannical "safety"!

    (includes people with core morbidities)

    • 0-19 YEARS: 99.997%
    • 20-49 YEARS: 99.98%
    • 50-69 YEARS: 99.5%
    • 70+ YEARS: 94.6%

    There is no EMERGENCY and there is no PANDEMIC! If you believe there is, it's because you've been brainwashed by the media! https://youtu.be/nZke-lxhJqU

    The left and right dog and pony show can't agree on anything that truly benefits we the people! However, what do you know, both sides want you wearing a face diaper! Both sides want you to socially distance! BOTH SIDES WANT TO FORCE YOU TO TAKE A COVID19 TEST OVER AND OVER AND INJECT YOU WITH BIG PHARMA'S EXPERIMENTAL VACCINE!!!

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