Why some Republicans are now targeting Trump, GOP senators | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News’ senior congressional correspondent Mary Bruce speaks with The Lincoln Project and Republican voters who now say they will vote for Joe Biden.

#ABCNews #ThisWeek #Republicans #Election #Trump #Biden


By carmodpros


43 thoughts on “Why some Republicans are now targeting Trump, GOP senators | ABC News”
  1. Your so full of crap lol find one republican who voted for joe not the case the elected officals that are establishment players want trump out cause they want to keep robbing the people.

  2. Haven’t not ONLY GOP, but Americans in their ENTIRETY lost their moral upper ground? You were laughed at on international stage (remember the get together at Buckingham Palace when the mike picked up everyone laughing at Trump?” ) Well now, the only difference is, it’s not done covertly- it’s in your face 😂🤣. While you are squabbling amongst yourselves and there’s no leadership, the world has moved on – and you know, once you’ve let your children walk to school on their own, they are independent and NO LONGER NEED YOU! Bye bye America, the world is walking to school without being hand held 👋👋👋👋👋

  3. It's about the truth and the Bidens would not know it if it came down and said it would be bad to take the money being delivered through Hunter Biden Russian colleagues.

  4. We need a Reformed Republican Party. Thank you Lincoln Project for your efforts…..A Democrat who has voted Republican when that candidate was the best choice. Its not about Parties, but America.

  5. Here are all the times Joe Biden has been accused of acting inappropriately toward women and girls

    sniffing touching video from biden, if you call that normal behaviour https://youtu.be/_H5NJZMDumY

    Watch "Joe Biden brags about his corruption." on YouTube

    14 minutes in following video:
    Watch "Birds Down a Chinese Fighter Jet; 'Riding the Dragon' Director Reveals Hunter Biden's China Deals" on YouTube

    11m30 sec CCP involvement in riots.

  6. GOP backers now distancing themselves from cadet Pinocchio after the grim surveys is like turning on the light of retribution and seeing the cockroaches scramble for fear of that light striking them down as well.

  7. Jill with a due respect, liar liar pants on fire, I'm a Dem no more and like me I know around 20 people. Dont be a liar like your husband.

  8. There should be no amount of sympathy for the few in this administration who follow and know better without speaking up; It is said by some that it is better to be at the Devil's right hand than to be in his path. The tell-all books with be coming out by the truckload. The do-something books will be harder to find.

  9. Can somebody explain to me why there isn't any name-calling of these Republicans? When I saw other posts of Democrats or Black Americans voting for Trump the hate and vile namecalling was off the charts by you liberals 🙄 Sad that they can't have the same freedom and respect to choose who they support as these Republicans. It's glaringly obvious and it disgusts me. You people are horrible and misguided.

  10. I have always thought Trump wrong for the job. I remember the day he was elected, I said out loud, oh no, do you even know what you just caused, a pandora box of wrong will come out, well it was worse than i expected. I wasn't shocked, i could discern Trump character. I was dismayed

  11. This is true, my Republican friends are changing to independent, they are voting for Biden 💙💙💙

  12. joe biden for president 2020! 🌊🇺🇸 vote trump out.

  13. Yes the losers project!! Trump is superior to Biden for sure! He is an awesome leader and did an awesome job with the China Virus! So sorry Joe!

  14. With the push among democrats to Defund the Police and the resultant crime sprees in American cities, it is no surprise that 65% of Americans are opposed to Defunding the Police! Sounds like good odds for President Trump's reelection!

  15. You best tell the Americans that their tax dollars have paid for these criminals in the Trump Administration. Does anyone know how much we paid each of them for ripping US off? Best add up the money! Then you have all the government lawyers, prosecutors and institutions being paid tax dollars for all the Trump and family shenanigans. We are the pocket book for Trump, his lackeys, and those who try to prosecute them! No wonder we have no jobs, no infrastructure, no money for schools, no money for states, cutting health care for our vets, military and all families, on and on. It’s like being Trump’s own bank account, our tax dollars! It’s burning our country down! Is this what our country stands for, this corruption and deception?

  16. Oh and Democrats are tied in History to Nazis and Racist Slave Owners. Look it up! They are just trying to use Blacks and Non white races to there advantage.

  17. Americans do you not have enough sense by now to know these people are Hunting Trump down like a Dog. Even his own party! They have a hidden agenda. When they are voted in We will see the real suffering. Just like when Obama put Mass Healthcare Bills on all Americans who could not Afford it. How Was Trump supposed to handle the "Pandemic?" He Shut the Country down and he is trying to seek reparations for us from the East. But These political wolves in Sheep's clothing are standing in the way. He tried to get Money out to all of us faster. They are standing in the way. All of you are so against him. Give the Stimulus money back he gave you then! Read your Bibles people. These wolves are being controlled by the Evil Ruler of this World. And you are about to get rid of one of the last Old-school leaders We have. He isn't perfect. But at least he tells how he really feels!

  18. Quote what person is the reincarnated that ripped children from parents and steal all they owned to enrich himself and his gestapos and SS (secret police) and destroy all he could knowing he was loosing the war…. hint ww2

    Taylor also accused Trump of wanting to reapply the "zero-tolerance" immigration policy that separated migrant children from their families in a more draconian fashion in order to deter illegal immigration.

    "He said he wanted to go further and have a deliberate policy of ripping children away from their parents to show those parents that they shouldn't come to the border in the first place," Taylor said in the video.

    And when officials pushed back on many of Trump's demands because they were illegal or unfeasible, Taylor said Trump responded by citing "magical authorities" he claimed to have as President.

    "He was one of the most unfocused and undisciplined senior executives I have ever encountered," Taylor said. "I came away completely equipped based on firsthand experience that the President was ill-equipped and wouldn't become equipped to do his job effectively — and what's worse, was actively doing damage to our national security."

    Taylor also said in his Washington Post op-ed that when Trump moved to close a section of the US-Mexico border in March 2019, he told officials that he opted for a section of the California-Mexico border — rather than Texas or Arizona — "because it would be better for him politically."

  19. If a president can't lead, or even tell the truth, or at least get out of the way of the medical experts during a national emergency of a pandemic, what is he good for?! He is responsible for a multitude of needless deaths. He needs to go back to his golf club and let a sane leader help the country through this.

  20. Trump is just a ‘Karen’ in drag; orange makeup and hairspray.

  21. I can understand why! However President Trump has a lot of support so what we may see is both the Republican AND Democrat parties splitting up!I think that will be very good for the US political system as it brings about true competition in the US political arena!

  22. It is laughable that you would actually believe these people are Republicans. You are foolish to believe Republicans participant in polls. No we do not poll…we show up at the polls and make our position known. Nothing you can do will turn us against one another. You are better pushing democrats to bully one another. WWG1WGA American Patriots are still standing strong & united with 2Q2Q TRUMP PENCE RE-ELECTION.

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