Dr. Todd Ellerin explains some of the contributing factors to the PPE shortage.
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I never got my ppe, I have still not received any, so of course I bought it myself, overpriced *of course *
Why i am lured to vote for someone that is not ready, wasn't ready and will not be able to get the job done , 3 years Trump and his administration and not doing enough, ppl dying at a rate of 700 – 1000 a day, and
He says "we are okay "
I bet he's been vaccinated , he thinks he's better than all of us
No Donnie you ain't
You will be punished for your lack of action, we need someone 💯 with the ppl not you playing Golf 👎
Hopefully this pandamic will end…..we in Malaysia also face the same situation…luckily the problem of ppe is solved because we are not depended on imported ppe…our local fashion industry willingly to donate by raising funds from public, the group of students sew it, the prisoners sew it, the ordinary people also contributed in sewing ppe..even at the beginning the frontliners also see their own ppe…hope everything will back to normal let's pray for it..sorry for my bad english
Im a nurse. History may frown upon some in the profession WASTING PPE on tik toks, and protest. When for the first time ever all visitors cant be in the hospitals, and we didnt allow families to see there loved one's die. ALL PPE is precious and i hate seeing N95s not being used for direct patient care during a pandemic
Here's this Video…
Just found this beautiful dedication son for our frontline workers. So beautiful
China was buying PPE in late November – is there any curiosity in the media anymore?
Why didn’t Obama stockpile PPE after H1N1 virus killed 12,000 Americans in 2009?ðŸ¤â€ÂÂ
Irresponsible governor !
And our "experts" and politicians say on tv all the time that masks will not protect us. Only because state don´t have them. A double lie. The same what WHO is saying. Yeah? Why are the doctors wearing them then? WHO is full of what russians call "darmojedi".
Dont buy chinese !!!!!
The trump administration let the maintenance contract on stockpile respirators expire, and a lot of them went bad.
If they knew then why didn't they prep for it…😷
order from taiwan. they have good masks.
2:26 Yeah that mask is just about to slip off his/her ear
Dr. Ellerin really hit the nail on the head with everything he said. If the U.S. didn't learn their lesson then, they will now…..
Most masks only expire because the rubber straps age and might snap. Otherwise the mask itself is just as effective. If in an average year a hospital uses 1million masks and during this crisis they need 20million it isn’t practical to stockpile 20 million masks and throw away 19 million a year until the next pandemic.
Stupid mayors & Governors did not properly prepare failed leaders
I'd like to know how many healthcare workers have been laid off. I have several people I have talked to who live in different areas of the u.s. and they all were laid off. Why during a time like this would they be letting healthcare workers go?
ABC like FNN. Fake News remember that!
U can go online and order PPE and get it in a few days tf
When will we stop depending on China so much!!?!? Open up plants in America & pay the workers!!! This is ridiculous
Obama is still f…. America I thought I was the only one but no it's all of America. demonkkkrats wet dreams come true Americans suffering and dieing.
Dems sold america to china that's just a fact . Harry reid became a multi millionaire because of china .
Jared has them, he’s a PPE horder for his own profit
Stupid mayors & Governors did not prepare that's why
I noticed that they didn’t even name the hospital that says they don’t have the proper PPE/facemasks. This media continues to Spreading lies!
trump is trying to kill off the people who vote against him.
Meanwhile the Government owns your freedom
I'll take those expired masks if you guys don't want them. I'm sure they work great.
We also need to elect someone who knows what he's doing and is willing to learn from our mistakes.
Only the government has the power to dictate the supplies and the wholesale channels to prevent the massive shortages during pandemic disaster.
You would think that after the 1918 influenza pandemic which nearly wiped out all of mankind, leaders , scientists and medical people you would have thought to make it a priority to be better prepared for another one.
It is now 2020 where the world has advanced in many ways that this situation should have been much easier to handle! Why not?
There is something seriously not right about this current pandemic. Things don’t add up – and, the real rulers aren’t that stupid. I feel we have an enemy that is not a virus but certain members of our race with an agenda to transform the world into something very unholy.
They never found a vaccine for the pandemic flu of 2018 and it vanished when IT decided to. People thought it was the end of the world, Armageddon!
There is plenty of footage of the 1918 influenza pandemic and I would suggest you look at it… it is like “they†have scrutinised it and what you see before us is a replica, only semi fake for their ulterior motive.
I , although I am near to GOD, quite shocked at the conduct of the human species, especially those who HIDE behind a veneer of goodness, kindness, and care when their nature is the opposite.
Bless all decent people in the world! ðŸŒÂÂÂ
Remember too, we have power!! We are not powerless!
the U.S. economy was already heading for a recession and that the coronavirus pandemic has acted like a “pin†that burst nearly all of the bubbles that I was warning about.
We've been buying all the stuff for my wife this is bulshit that part is a lot of this materials out there but we the people are having to buy our wives and husbands this stuff so much for our government f**** ass over again I love my wife
I don't know how practical it is to manufacture the PPE domestically when the prices are way higher than other countries that would bring up the hospital expenses and eventually bring up patients medical bills.
The better way is to stock up the PPE for a year's or even two year's uses.
complete and total incompetence from the executive branch was and still is a major contributing factor.
Fake news….
Ask the IDF.
use your brain, don't keep bull shitting, deal with the fact, you have no clue? do you, think and take action
where are those famous hollywood celebrity that can share their belssings..
Let’s get politicians to produce the ppe. Ha that’s not going to happen
If the governonrs kiss ass up to Trump, they shall get them. 🤣
Spending nearly 2 month golfing instead of preparing for it. Since orange man doesnt want to make the call that might hurt his poll numbers.
"Worst is over" Cuomo Why pushing the shortage narrative fake news people?!
Ques: Corona Virus Vs Flu
The new corona virus causing COVID 19 has led to more than 454,000 ilnesses and more than
20550 deaths worldwide. For comparison in the US alone the Flu (also called influenza) has
caused an estimated 38 million illnesses, 390,000 hospitalizations and more than 23,000 deaths
this season according to CDC24 (as of 25th march 2020)
The death rate of COVID-19 and Flu is 0.1%21
. The Ro of corona virus is 2.221 whereas Ro of Flu
Virus is 1.325
Here we must remember the Ro is not an intrinsic feature of the virus. It can be lowered
through containment, mitigation and ultimately “herd immunityâ€ÂÂÂ, as the people who have
recovered become less susceptible to infections or serious illnesses. For the epidemic to begin
to end the reproduction rate has to drop below 126
Similarly, when a
rtPCR kit is bought, a manufacturer’s manual will be provided. If you look at the manual it clearly says
under Regulatory Status – ‘For Research Use Only, Not For Use In Diagnostic Purpose.
It is very clearly mentioned that it is only for research and not to be used for diagnostic purpose. This is
the manufacturer’s mandate. Not only the manufacturer’s mandate, it has also been said by the
inventor of this kit, Kary Mullis, who is a Noble Prize winner
Ques- Now the question arises how do we get to know whether a person is a patient of
corona virus or covid?
There is only one way-rtPCR Test-Reverse transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction Test- a test kit by
which you can diagnose whether a patient has contracted coronavirus or not. Whenever a machine or
gadget is bought, whether car, camera or laptop, a manufacture’s manual is provided. Similarly, when a
rtPCR kit is bought, a manufacturer’s manual will be provided. If you look at the manual it clearly says
under Regulatory Status – ‘For Research Use Only, Not For Use In Diagnostic Purpose.
It is very clearly mentioned that it is only for research and not to be used for diagnostic purpose. This is
the manufacturer’s mandate. Not only the manufacturer’s mandate, it has also been said by the
inventor of this kit, Kary Mullis, who is a Noble Prize winner
Why this is not for diagnostic purpose ? The answer to this question is that- specificity of this test kit is
at the most 99%. Specificity means that you can subject any random 100 healthy persons to undertake
this test, and then it will declare any one person as false-positive. This was proved on 18th March 2020
in Iceland. On the 18th this test
was carried out on 1800 healthy people and 19 people were identified
as coronavirus patients. This is when the test kit was functional with full efficiency. If we listen to the
advice of White House then the coordinator of corona virus in the White House, Dr. Birx, is of the
opinion that the kit has 50% chance of proving false8.
That means every second test could be proved
wrong. For this very reason in Finland on 20th March, the health ministry in Finland, rejected this test
The president wouldn’t want this Domestic production cause he will lose income on export/import.