Why are people hesitant to trust a COVID-19 vaccine? l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Vaccines are proven to reduce deaths and help end pandemics, but the historic speed that the coronavirus vaccines have been developed has made some people hesitant to take them.

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By carmodpros


44 thoughts on “Why are people hesitant to trust a COVID-19 vaccine? l ABC News”
  1. Because, the vaccine is an experimental drug, that is roughly 95% effective. Most demographics have a 98% recovery rate. I refuse to support the global drug cartels or to cooperate with any government initiative

  2. Well I guess the 63 or more fully vaccinated people I’ve seen catch it anyway and many died in our CCU and ICU units kind of made me hesitant to take this poison ☠️ not to mention the 32 pages of the adverse side effects that media refuse to report on Fauci and Gates both being a silent partner in Mederna also made me a bit hesitant as well my body my choice isn’t that how the saying goes ? I will choose life thank you just the same. I do believe they missed the Mark by a mile it mutated far to many times during development! They need to start all over!

  3. You don’t know what’s really in the shot and you don’t really know what’s going in your arm the shot wouldn’t save you you can still get Covid-19 with the shot . They tell you to take the shot but they don’t tell what’s actually in the shot the flu shot still got people sick as well . You can still survive when you get Covid-19 even without the shot

  4. Why should people listen to the vaccine deniers and not the scientists? Where are the studies done by the anti vaccine people? Should we abandon all vaccines and let all diseases and illnesses be rampant?

  5. Because years ago i have read an article that was titled " if a pandemic hits how much time do we need to creat a cure?" And the answer was basically we need minimum five fucking years

  6. They don't know if you will have to be vaccinated every year or if it is a one and done. Like for the Mumps. Not enough is known about how long you are protected. When they get more information I will decide. People worry about Covin-19 but you have a greater chance to getting killed in a car accident than getting Covin-19. But you don't stop driving. I was exposed in January when my son was tested positive but none or us got sick. There is no garrentee that even if you get the shot that you won't get Covin-19. No one knows the long term affects. Look at Chicken Pox. People thought that if you get it as a kid then you are amuned. But as an adult you get shingles from the virus that you got from Chicken Pox. Need more data.

  7. Why do I have to get a vaccine for a virus that’s almost a 100% survival rate? Govts. Are using this “pandemic” as a controlling device.

  8. Nobody wants the vaccine because they believed in Trump and I don’t believe in buying close by do nothing but full of lies his whole staff is nothing but a lie

  9. People do not want to take the vaccine for one they don’t trust binds administration because they’re full allies they don’t trust

  10. Take out the protection toward the experimental mRNA treatment. I don't need a flu vaxx, neither something that will change your dna 🧬. Besides, Faucci is the devil 👿…..

  11. There have been over 100 million Americans that have been vaccinated and there hasn’t been one death from the vaccine .There has been over 500 thousand Americans that have died from this virus.It’s time to stop being selfish and put the health and well-being of your family and friends ahead of a unfounded fears based on nothing but conspiracy theories and quacks who get some kind of satisfaction from misinforming people and having them believe their lies rather than scientific fact based evidence.

  12. I very much believe that, this is all a big hoax to humanity and we are on the plate of the NWO. Sadly…no one really told me or teach me to believe in a facts of this hoax, I just realized it through common sense. There is something, is it really virus? WE dont know. We know what they are telling us, showing us. It can be totally different thing, it can be that the vaccines are actually harming our body and mind. The desicion is made 15 yrs ago ( maybe even way back ) about depopulation and I truly believe that is what is happening here over an year, progressively. Unfortunately, more than half of civilization believe in media, believe that this is what it is. The virus. Where it truly came from, what is it really? It s not up to them to think about it. It s really sad and depress to see that brain wash system is working perfectly.
    I hope, one day, people will wake up more.. I believe.

  13. Lol @ very rapidly @ turned me off right there!!!!!!!!! Trump shouldn’t have said it that way learn to choose better wording

  14. Why show people being stuck with a needle over and over again? If I was more patient, I'd count them all. A lot of the hesitant people I know also have a phobia of needles and are finding any excuse not to have it. This film does not help, its a phobic's nightmare! Lazy film making!

  15. Well it's hard to trust people so interested in saving our lives by shutting down our businesses but car factories airports big box stores stay open. Airport transportation is how it got here and they're still bringing in new variants.

  16. I honestly can't wait to get my vaccine, in a day and a half. I just want some sort of normalcy to return. To be with my friends and loved ones without worrying about getting sick or infecting it to others.

  17. Confidence in anything provided by our government due to the constant deception in everything by our media and marketing corporations is the underlying reason for not trusting a foreign agent injected into your body. If people are forced into it by being deprived of navigating life as usual I can see an uprising beginning.

  18. LOL hesitancy! No that's not the reality at all the reality is I'm making an educated decision based on many many factors. Please choose for yourself whatever it is don't let anybody else choose for you that's the big problem here. We clearly don't know what actually going on why covid-19 foisted upon us and what the vaccine companies and fauci or up to there was obviously collusion and the vaccine companies are part of the deal

  19. How could you put faith in our government? No one really.cares about you. By that a small percentage. politics is all money. Vaccines just might very well be population control.

  20. The vaccine is not safe. It was meant to take people out because the government thinks there is too many people living in the world. Im a republican and from my point of view please don't take this. Take vitamins c and d and zinc to build of your immune system. We can fight this. Don't let the government control what actions you take. I believe in the Lord…if you believe don't take this!!!

  21. Yes technology has changed… but humans haven’t. Can anyone tell why people who have developed natural immunity need to get vaccinated?

  22. The vaccine has multiple benefits and grave side effects.((, Including death ,,, ,Up til now ,, I've not heard the precautionary warnings like, " SIDE EFFECTS INCLUDING DEATH,,. 2,,TAKE THE VACCINE AT YOUR OWN RISK

  23. As a kid on the school bus there was a girl that had polio. I remember her taking forever to get on the bus and take a seat because of her braces and crutches.
    I have been pro vaccination since then.
    With the covid-19 people die they are buried. Out of sight and out of mind.
    To get heard immunity we first need to get rid of heard mentality.

  24. Why would you take a vaccine for a disease that is 100% survivable for any normal healthy person? The only people who should take this are people over 70 years of age.

  25. if anti vax dont want the vacine…GOOD… less dumb people around… i would be glad to see lots of braindead people dead… its evolution… they dont understand that we are still in this shithole because they dont want to take the damm vacine… its not that hard… if they dont want… give to the ones that want it… dont let smart people die because of stupidity…

  26. Well I hear a lot of negative comments and ever one is entitled I’m nervous about this shot but having lost a couple ppl to COVID , and my immune system not so great and with allergic reactions I will hopefully get my first vaccine tomorrow or rather today , ppl can think as they like and I’ve seen ppl that take it called sheep etc but I don’t judge others , and hope others respect ppl that choose to take it , we are making decisions based on individual needs and all I can say is I hope everyone stays healthy .

  27. An almost 8 minute video of people getting shots….that made me feel sicker than anything. Maybe ABC should figure out that no one believes them, or the MSM, about much of anything anymore, and certainly not about something that might be fatal.

  28. Fauci ,Biden and alot of the rich and political people still wear masks that tells me they got the vaccine of just water put in their arm for show bit they want the rest of the world to get it ,scary for alot of us that got the vaccine, those rich people sure are not giving us confidence by still wearing their masks.

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