Why are Black Americans disproportionately affected by HIV & AIDS? – Car Mod Pros Portal

It’s not just COVID-19 that hits communities of color harder — Black AIDS Institute founder Phill Wilson explains the racial disparity in HIV and AIDS diagnoses.


By carmodpros


39 thoughts on “Why are Black Americans disproportionately affected by HIV & AIDS?”
  1. God bless you Dr osaba on YouTube for curing my herpes virus within 24days, if you also need other diseases please reach out to Dr osaba on his YouTube channel

  2. How many of these men and women are vaccinated? There is a bad Batch of covid 19 vaccines. That are giving people hiv. And the government and cdc. Are not doing nothing about it. Except for crickets.

  3. Let me guess “Yt supremacy” is blamed and not the fact that they are extreme hyper sexual promiscuous deviants , low impulse control, lack of self awareness and irresponsible behavior

  4. Thank Robert Gallo for the HIV/Aids race specific bio weapon and his best friend Anthony Fauci for making the Covid vaccine that destroys the immune system just like Aids !

  5. Reason: DL BM… I know a WM who owns a line of popular gyms, and he tells me that he has to have plumbers unclog the gyms shower drains once a month due to all the sperm in the drains, the brothers are in there having sex with men. 🤮

  6. Condoms are free at the health clinic everywhere. There’s more resources in poor communities than rich . People are given everything and refuse to use the resources then get angry when the slightest thing don’t go their way. Blame everybody except their own choices so it will never change until the mindset changes .

  7. So I’ll try to put this comment again.. why are “black Americans” disproportionately affected by abortion? Who is Margaret Sanger?

  8. What about sleeping around and not using condoms as an excuse
    Being poor and jabbing a mistrust in the health care system is a poor reasoning for the spread of aids
    Safe sex is the main programme that should be being pushed by the black community
    This guy didn’t mention safe sex as the main prevention

  9. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble,
    and he will deliver you"
               -Psalm  50 :15

  10. What about sleeping around and not using condoms as an excuse
    Being poor and jabbing a mistrust in the health care system is a poor reasoning for the spread of aids
    Safe sex is the main programme that should be being pushed by the black community
    This guy didn’t mention safe sex as the main prevention

  11. Because of the smaller population of black people the choice in partners is smaller particularly if you date within the same pool. Man sharing.

  12. You people are crazy anyone can get aids and HIV that is one of the worse prejudices I've heard and a black man saying this shame I am white and think this is hateful

  13. So I’ll try to put this comment again.. why are “black Americans” disproportionately affected by abortion? Who is Margaret Sanger?

  14. Black people think money is more important then Health and they get around and have no loyalty to nothing but the dollar chase the money in people pocket and not the money in the bank is the reason why u sic

  15. Crazy that he didn't put emphasis on encouraging protected sex against hiv transmission.
    Equally crazy to choose not to promote getting vaccinated against covid.
    The adage "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" is a huge understatement for both hiv and covid.
    Instead of making it an issue of race a better message would be encouragement of better health practices. You don't need any money to be vaccinated. You only need one arm.

  16. It's pretty obvious. Promiscuity is promoted by them in their own communities and their sense of self responsibility is almost totally gone and more hookups due to their lifestyles. They have the same access as everyone else. The guy is saying everything that doesn't even matter or relate to the subject. Stop welcoming degenerate actions.

  17. To my knowledge the HIV virus has never been isolated, nor proven to be the cause of AIDS. Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome is a collection of symptoms that could very well have root causes such as malnutrition, toxicity and the stress of trauma, all of which can lower your immune systems functioning, and all of which affect Black Americans disproportionately (due to poverty, poor living conditions and unresolved past and present traumatization). Compare with other groups affected such as the gay community, sex workers and drug users (now, and during the "HIV pandemic") and poor people in ravaged African countries. Don't trust me on this. Do your own research. Tip: Follow money, status and control. Who gains from keeping people sick and dependent on pharmaceuticals? Who's responsible for producing over processed and pesticide poisoned food? Who talks about cures but rarely, if ever, mentions the importance of proper nutrition, healthy living conditions and non toxic care products? We have been programmed into believing that illness and poor health is normal when in reality it's an effect of how we are living and what we are feeding ourselves.

  18. On the one hand, it starts off with a subject that is a bit ridiculous. The premise at the outset is that prejudice leading to social justice against people of colour are causing the aids. How about we look at our behavior? People of colour get aids the same as people who are not of color. Through the same types of behaviors. White people are not raping Black people and giving them these diseases.

    And to give scientific-sounding terminologies to every day items like condoms to go ahead and make an argument that people of colour don’t have the same access to them is ridiculous. Condoms are inexpensive. They’re also available at many free clinics and community outreach organizations at no charge whatsoever to whoever would like to take one. That’s just the truth. Let’s give people of colour some credit here: To say that people of colour in North America do not have access to condoms for prevention purposes is ridiculous. Tripe. For shame!

    How about we look at some biology here. People with very little pigment in their skin have higher rates of skin cancers. Because if they failed to protect their bodies from UV, their lack of natural defence against UV results in skin cancers and precancerous conditions. To say that since really white people have higher instances of skin cancers it’s because Black people somehow imposed upon them is ridiculous. Nobody saying that because it’s not true. Just like white people are not imposing aids on Black people. This is a very woke and utterly illogical assertion. There’s a big push to de-stigmatize promiscuous behaviour; teachers are teaching kids in school that all sexual behaviour is healthy. It doesn’t matter how many partners you have. It doesn’t matter what behaviours you choose. It’s all healthy. Then when kids and disadvantaged groups buy into the educational propaganda and start passing around diseases with their promiscuous behavior, well then that’s somebody else doing deleterious things to them. That’s prejudice against them somehow. Why don’t we just start teaching people to accept responsibility for their own behaviors? There are people of all colours with AIDS. Too many of them had an unfaithful spouse who brought it home. Too many are born with it because they contracted as they’re born from their infected mothers. This is itself preventable.

    The biology of the viral infections is that just as Black people don’t tend to get skin cancer as easily because they have more melanin in their skin, they also don’t absorb as much vitamin D from the sun. It’s been proven over the last year that lower incidence of vitamin D predisposes a person of any colour to contracting viral infections such as Covid, and makes it much harder for the person to survive the infection. Vitamin D. That’s not prejudice. That’s a vitamin deficiency. The organism that causes AIDS is also a virus, a retrovirus. That same genetic that predisposes people of colour to being less able to absorb and make their own vitamin D in their skins also makes them more vulnerable to viruses of all kinds including retroviruses, and coronaviruses, as well as less well able to fight off these terrible terrible devastating Viral infections to kill so many.

    Make no mistake about it. A redhead with next to no melanin in her skin who doesn’t go outside much because she burns, and is therefore low in vitamin D, has the same risk as somebody was really dark skin whose melanin prevents him or her from making enough vitamin D. It’s biology. Not prejudice. Not social injustice.

    If you stop being such an activist and stirring so much hatred up, of the type that results in the murders and destruction we saw last year, you might see that Therapeutic dosages of vitamin D will help all people who are low on vitamin D. And that’s just the start of things. If you think you’ve been exposed to a virus, talk to your medical person. See what they tell you about a therapeutic but dosage of vitamin D, coupled with 25 to 50 mg of zinc per day, and therapeutic dosages of vitamin C, preferably liposomal, or time release formulate. Start evaluating your health and nutrition. Talk to somebody you know who’s been living with a viral infection along the same lines as the one with which you’re suffering, and find out where that person gets good and trustworthy treatment. Go there. Get tested. Get treated.

    Let’s start accepting responsibility for our own behaviour. Once we do that, we actually have a chance of equity in society.

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