Who’s expected to win big on Oscar night | Nightline – Car Mod Pros Portal

Movie fanatics from around the world are eagerly awaiting this year’s Academy Awards. The list of nominees spans multiple genres from filmmakers all over the world.


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#Nightline #Oscars #AcademyAwards #Hollywood #Celebrity #Movie


By carmodpros


43 thoughts on “Who’s expected to win big on Oscar night | Nightline”
  1. Well, the display of egos and narcissism got upstaged by the vulgarity and short fuse of Will Smith who went berserk when Chris Rock made fun of his bald wife. Probably the first time he defends her, in public. I think she was pleased. That event is turning out to be a fish market, considering, many people have stopped watching their movies. No more mental masturbation ! We want substance and information and we do not get that from Hollyweird.

  2. Dear abc host of 2022 Oscars you couldn't stream it live on your YouTube channel? Just makes those of us juggling our bills feel like the have- not's as we struggle to pay for food and gas. And now you expect us to pay for tickets to see these movies? Lol

  3. Hollywood Celebrities
    The reality of my life is that you exist is for my entertainment. Some of you are beautiful. Some of you can deliver a line with such conviction that you bring tears to my eyes. And others are so funny you can make me laugh uncontrollably. But you all have one thing in common; In my world you exist only to entertain me.
    The only words of yours that matter to me are scripted; Written by someone else.

    You make your living pretending to be someone else. You play dress-up like a 5-year-old. Your world is a make believe world. It is not real. Your entire existence depends on my patronage.
    When I turn off my computer or TV you CEASE TO EXIST!

  4. Look, a bunch of rich fossil fuel hoggers here to praise bs social justice movies nobody’s seen.. maybe those rich dresses could be better used to send money to the poor?

  5. Liberal News networks are competing to see who get the Oscar for Biggest Liar in News. CNN and MSNBC will barely beat out Abc. Liberal networks have been caught lying to America on purpose. Months and sometimes years, liberal networks have been lying on purpose about Trump-Russian collusion and Hunter Bidens Laptop. Now America knows you are liars. So shut your lying libtards mouths about any political story. Just post a banner that says all liberal lies all the time.

  6. Vote to get rid of Biden, AOC and the Squad in the next election 🚙🚙🚙🚙🚙🚙👍👍👍..Let's Go Brandon 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕

  7. Well the the winners will be of course anybody who supports racism and anti-semitism the winners will be chosen by race and political agenda I think also Hollywood has prove itself to show the black lie studios are coming out with movies that are showing that African Americans were not slaves and that African Americans lived and were wealthy and Rich there was no antisemitism sereno de Bergerac is a good example and the movies from Walt Disney and others are coming in to show African Americans living the good life in the good old days thank you Hollywood for showing the black lie

  8. Watching ABC Good Morning America and it's as funny as heck seeing the Talking Heads chat up the Oscars for half an hour in hopes of making it seem exciting. Nobody cares about the Oscars anymore that's why the ratings suck, let's move on.

  9. You said nothing about the nominees. Your video didn't have anything to do with the title. It was all about the studios and the changing market. Which is fine, but your title is click bait and that is super lame. Thumbs down, sorry!

  10. Anyone who is not white. Yay affirmative action awards🥳🏆

  11. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble,
    and He will deliver you."
               – Psalm 50: 15

  12. I see a lot of Qanon partakers in comment section today. What's wrong are you afraid to movies are going to come true?😁

  13. So…. Who’s expected to win at the Oscars? Clickbait 🙄

  14. The Oscars 2022

    Best Supporting Actor: Hunter Biden in How to Steal a Million Hyrvnia .
    Best Supporting Actress: Lyudmila Ocheretnaya in When Lyudmila Left Vladimir and a special commendation for her particularly good fake orgasm scene.
    Best Original Score: Volodymyr Zelensky for that excellent deal he got from Colombia. Not to be sniffed at.
    Best Original Song: Vlad the Impaler by Kasabian.
    Best Actress: Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe in The Spy Who Came Back to the Cold .
    Best Actor: Vladimir Putin in Battleship Putinkin
    Best Picture: From Russia Without Love .
    Lifetime Under-Achievement Award: Boris Johnson

  15. Nobody cares about Woke actor awards. Another record low rating coming up. Time to take this Award and throw it away. Look at the woke fools slobbering on themselves over nothing.

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