Whoopi Goldberg suspended – Car Mod Pros Portal

‘The View’ co-host will miss two weeks after “wrong and hurtful” comments about the Holocaust. ABC News’ Will Ganss has the new details.


By carmodpros


42 thoughts on “Whoopi Goldberg suspended”
  1. I guess she is the right kind of racist… Better not hear a damn thing from blm, antifa, or Biden about race ever again since the double standard is obviously on display here

  2. Wow. Unbelievable. I used to be Whoopi Goldberg's biggest fan. Not anymore. It's ignorant people like her that are the problem. I am just in disbelief.

    This is a very shameful day for her. I don't think there's any coming back from this.

  3. Pregunta señora whoopi,entonces la esclvitud aqui en USA 🇺🇸 NO FUE POR RAZA??????

  4. So if I'm a Muslim does that mean I'm Arab by race…? I'm confused. Religion and Race is two different things. When did it became one of the same…smh some people have so much complex opinions about it. Does all Hindu people Indian, from my understanding Hindu also is a religion that's all over China and Tibet and and many other Asian countries. People are weird these days.

  5. Más que dos semanas nada más ahora si fuera otro miembro del panel la votaban por completo probablemente 👎

  6. The heart ache this remark has been felt by not only gewish people but all the people is a disgrace 💔

  7. The Nazis persecuted: 1) Jews, a religious group, 2) gypsies, an ethnic group found in several countries, 3) gays, a sexual orientation group, and 4) Jehovah's Witnesses, another religious group. Whoopi was correct in her original statement. There is no Jewish 'race,' and she owes no apology for stating that the Holocaust was a crime against humanity.

  8. She is not wrong, they are the same race, Jewish Caucasian, French Caucasian, German Caucasian, ect, The Jewish people are the same race as all Caucasian people. White people warring with white people. Same race of people obviously. Something is very fishy about this.

  9. You people have some ignorant people working for you .we know why you did not fire her,shame on you .I have not watched this show since Star Jones and Mereditg


  10. This lady just looks so grubby and dirty and then she is so obnoxious why is usa so low level to listen and give this excuse for a human being so much of recognition

  11. Suspended her is not a surprise to me our race has been suspended along time ago only skin colored races matter blacks are still suffering slavery the holocaust was a passage in time slavery and racism of blacks is present in every society in the world

  12. This is a great example how little Americans get teached in School in general…
    The fact these people think to this day that Human “Races” are an actual thing only describing the color of a person blows my mind.
    Race was a term used to establish a certain narrative to distinguish people from each other, in order to justify rule over those. Even though the only thing you can distinguish people from are their cultures… This than shifted to an excuse to justify a narrative of oppression, basically the same the Nazis used in the third Reich…
    There is no genetic race so for fcks sake AMERICANS stop using this word. It actually hurts my brain every time I hear this.
    In my view you continue dividing people and setting up own narratives of oppression.
    “The Holocaust wasn’t about Race”, the Holocaust was the manifestation of what happens, when racial thinking escalates.
    The fact she actually talks like that leaves me with the only conclusion, that she’s either lacks any kind of common sense or in fact is a god damn racist, defending her own racism by trying distinguishing it from the greatest crime in human history in relation to RACISM.
    As a German this honesty frustrates me. If you want to understand what lead to the crimes of the NS Regime, you need to understand, when and how it started. Racism against Jews started long before the world wars, but without any racism the Nazis wouldn’t have an “enemy” to blame all miseries on…. History can be complicated, but this ignorant trash talk just frustrates me and somehow makes me think that humans can’t learn from the past. We’re supposed to be grown out of the times, where you blamed the devil, bought a peace of paper from the church and hoped you’ve been freed of every responsibility.
    The current generation might have no fault, but every single one of us has a responsibility, and this includes making sure that something like that can’t and won’t happen at any time in any sphere of human influence. “It’s not about Races… “
    It’s all about certain individuals Ego leading to racism in some cases. Whatever ethnic group you belong too, or whatever culture, or personal believe you may have, NOTHING makes you and what you think more important than any other, so stop trying to achieve this by purposely manipulating people.

  13. Normally i'd be against cancel culture even when it comes to the view but the fact that whoopi not only gave a "i'm sorry that you felt offended" apology but also that she was apparently angry at the fact that she was being punished at all for what she said tells me she deserves to be fired.

  14. 'THE HOLOCAUST WAS ABOUT MAN'S INHUMANITY TO MAN.' DEFINITELY!! A PERSON IS A PERSON. It showed how evil man can be by destroying his own kind for no reason at all.

  15. It was tribal, the US always use this word to describe wars within Africa. Plus I can't wait to see jews as a race option on all government forms to full out . The black community need to demand an apology. This is bigger than Whoopi Goldberg

  16. Her apology was sincere! She was thinking of skin color! She realized her mistake and gave an excellent apology!! I won’t be watching the view until she’s back!!!!

  17. I’m Jewish and extremely offended by mrs Goldberg’s remarks yea to her it’s all just white on white violence, but slavery wasn’t anything compared what happened to our people good riddance you bigot !!!!! Forced labor vs genocide huge difference and we don’t ask for anything for the wrongs done to us either, learn from us and learn from the mistakes made by the German population at the time of demonizing an entire group of people by race , the first thing they were calling our people was the word “ oppressors “ it was the first step in allowing people to be openly racist in public, and once that goes on enough that’s when you see just how evil people can be Whoopi often is the loudest voice on the view calling for this one and that one to be canceled and then turns around and does the exact same thing watch this it shows you how she’s a bigot https://youtu.be/up6kTcB3A5I

  18. Shut your mouth! Should have been done a long time ago, she believes her opinion is always correct! IT’S NOT! You’re not worthy of being a host! One sided is all you are! Shut up! You and Joy! You’re both wrong!

  19. FACT!!! Roman Polanski, fled the country after pleading guilty to statutory rape of a 13-year-old girl. Democrats and Hollywood actors still defend him to this day, including, The Views Whoopi Goldberg, Martin Scorsese, Woody Allen, David Lynch, Wim Wenders, Pedro Almodovar, Tilda Swinton, and Monica Bellucci. Polanski was not guilty of 'rape says Whoopi Goldberg 'We are a different kind of society in Hollywood, we see things differently,' the actor says in defence of Roman Polanski Whoopi Goldberg 'Whatever Polanski was guilty of, it wasn't rape-rape.' Hollywood has rallied behind Roman Polanski after his arrest in Switzerland over the weekend, with the actor Whoopi Goldberg suggesting that whatever he was guilty of it wasn't "rape, the young girl in question had just turned 13 years old and therein lies the problem with people like this disgusting woman, who is part of the left move to make "PEDOPHILIA" the norm and not a serious offence.

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