Who will Joe Biden pick as his running mate? – Car Mod Pros Portal

All eyes are of the presumptive Democratic nominee as the Democratic National Convention nears.


By carmodpros


49 thoughts on “Who will Joe Biden pick as his running mate?”
  1. #BidenHarris2020🎉💙💙🙌🏾🎉💙💙🇺🇸🙌🏾🎉🇺🇸💙😂🙌🏾🎉💙🙌🏾🎉🙌🏾💙

  2. If elected, the first thing Kamala Harris will do is to visit China and become a billionaire like Hunter Biden did. Americans will bleed to death

  3. Okay, Great! You've got your VP now. WALK YOUR BONES UP ON THE DEBATE STAGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEN, let's see this story unfold!!!!!

  4. Why was sleepy joe waiting so long to pick a v p……….. because it took al sharpton tooo long to have a sex change……. c’mon. Man

  5. …If it has to to be an African American woman picked to be with Vice President JOE BIDEN, I think a Woman like VAL DEMMING would be the BUT that Biden may need to win…in my, non important opinion, she can be the objective toughness that he needs while he can concentrate on being the conscience that would bringi it all together…..WRONG DECISION…….

  6. So someone who he may pick represents 13.7% of our population. How will that person represent the rest of our country without racial bias. If he was going for a qualified minority I didn't see any Oriental or Hispanics in the fray. Demonrats are up to same old game since the 60s

  7. Who will Biden pick??? Please. You mean…in his first act of being a presidential puppet, Biden is waiting to hear who his VP is allowed to be. And it doesnt matter who he picks…he is going to lose, and America will win.

  8. If Biden can convince folks that Kamala is a black (indian & jamaican) but grew up wealthy and went to white schools until College and also has a white husband like Susan (white) Rice does. Looking like blacks are OK with Kamala I think Biden will pick Kamala.

  9. I looked at the click-pic with a little picture montage of possible candidates… God help us all. What a list of truly pathetic, hyperbolic losers that self-describe as "strong women", while the only strong Democrat female (Tulsi Gabbard) was railroaded from the party. Apparently, being a strong woman in the Democratic Party is about how much you can whine about your victim status and how much you can complain that people are attacking you purely for being a strong woman and not for being an idiot or crazy person.

  10. To criticize Biden when we have a morally bankrupt, ignorant, arrogant, deluded, womanizing, completely corrupt , mentally deficient person in office is beyond comprehension.

  11. BIDEN would NEVER complete his term if he were elected President……………who ever he picks would likely end up as President. NO CORRUPT DEM WILL DO!!! TRUMP 2020!!! TRUMP……FOR THE PEOPLE & AMERICA!~~~

  12. That list is so long and its only a week out. He really didnt hash it down to a few candidates? He wont know until the DNC sits him down and tells him

  13. #socialismisslavery Socialism is slavery. When slaves are held down, put on the dole, hand fed by their masters, with no future, revolt looks ugly. DC's
    democrats like to blame everyone else for the challenges the city faces.
    Look in the mirror mayor, own the outcome of your party's agenda.
    Want more slavery, vote for Joe, he'll raise your taxes and strip your
    liberties. Make Muriel Bowser your running mate! Socialist Joe, the
    future you dream of is living in DC right now, that's why Barry
    moved away to Martha's vinyard. It's in Chicago, Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, New York, Baltimore all comparable to Venezuela and now Yemen.

  14. A waste of time. There's absolutely no rhyme or reason for the traditional convention this time around.
    Make a couple speeches, nominate, and go home.

    To quote the 'Forged In Fire' dude… "This round is over"!

  15. Reali? Does he think to win the Nov20 election?
    Unbelievable,,,by the way,he should pick a man instead of woman due to he's getting toooooo old and likely unfit to work hard,so "Mr".VP.is the best running mate choice..

  16. Unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things – Joe Biden

  17. “I’m Joe Biden, and I’m making my VP Donald Tru- er, I mean, Kamala, er, Warren! Yeah, Warr- Rice! I like Rice!”

  18. Democrat states and cities are burning to the ground . Democrates also
    want to defund the police. Biden says black people are not black if they
    dont vote for him. Who would want to vote for Biden ???

  19. Of course he will pick a black woman….if he wanted to win, he would choose Michelle Obama…..but, we all know what a weak office Barry and Biden were. They were the weakest President and V P ever

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