The World Health Organization says “COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic,” but says describing it as such “does not change WHO’s assessment of the threat posed by the virus…and it doesn’t change what countries should do.”
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A indian accent
They named this virus after the same virus that started the zombie apocalypse in the movie The Resident evil? 🤦ðŸÂ¾â€ÂÂÂÂ♀ï¸ÂÂÂÂ
Goodbye cruel world.
Title: WHO says Covid19 can be characterised as a pandemic
Me: Who said that?
We need to begin thinking of our future. We should begin building quarantine vaults and set a mandatory evacuation of our children into these quarantine zones monitored by sterilized fully autonomous hardware. It's the only logical way to ensure the safety of our future. As long as they survive humanity will go on.
Remember when anti-globalists were using the WHO's inaction as proof that globalism sucked
Yeah it turns out this guy took a bribe from China so suck it you idiots
No WHO, Just CHO 🙂 Go to China,
Artificial murder virus!!
Made in China
WHO puts Chinese money first
What's up with the aspect ratio on this video?
I'm glad you're here and want to keep it that way <3
First, if you have a healthy immune system, local business needs you! Keep those lunch appointments. Go out to dinner on date night! Economically, this is hitting minimum wage earners (those living paycheck-to-paycheck) the hardest.
If you're immunocompromised, wear nitrile gloves, glasses, and a mask or scarf when in public. Shield your mucous membranes!
If you're immunocompromised, consider using UberEats, Munchy's Delivery, Shipt, or a local Taxi to deliver food/groceries/supplies.
Everybody, adopt the double-wash concept. Wash your hands when you leave a place. Wash your hands when you arrive somewhere.
Everyone, don't touch your face! Leave your eyes, nose, and mouth alone unless you just washed your hands, and wash them again after touching your face/eyes,nose,mouth.
Don't touch keys, handles, knobs, or buttons on public keyboards, doors, elevators, or busses/trains unless you are wearing nitrile gloves or using a paper towel at least. If that's not possible, use a knuckle rather than fingertip, and wash your hands promptly.
Be careful. Stay healthy.
Let's all get out of this alive.
So, anyone know why people are buying so much toilet paper????
Xi : Commander Tedros. The time has come. Execute ORDER 19.
Tedros : Yes my lord. Execute Pandemic guys.
COVID-2019 Confirmed Case Statistic till 2020-03-11
I'm am a student of mathematics, psychology, and computer science. I've
tracked this virus from the first moment it was news. I've tried to
uncover the correct mathematical formula to predict the covid-19 future.
The virus spreads exponentially. This is my hypothesis based on the
current information I have gathered. Remember, it is only an educated
guess: It seems to have a shifting molecular crown that weakly latches
on a cell causing a mild symptom of the common cold. The crown is now
weakly attached to the cell. It continues this shifting pattern until it
makes better latches. Each latch better holds it to the cell and
creates a more and more severe symptom. Eventually the contents inside
the virus can pass into the cell. Outside the body the virus is
unusually stable. I believe, at this moment in China, the virus is
spreading through rain clouds. I predict 100% infection in human beings
following a bell curve. Unfortunately I don't yet have a time stamp on
this. I predict 55% of those infected will die, most of these deaths are
the frail and unhealthy. I'm not saying this is accurate, it is only a
I'm am a student of mathematics, psychology, and computer science. I've
tracked this virus from the first moment it was news. I've tried to
uncover the correct mathematical formula to predict the covid-19 future.
The virus spreads exponentially. This is my hypothesis based on the
current information I have gathered. Remember, it is only an educated
guess: It seems to have a shifting molecular crown that weakly latches
on a cell causing a mild symptom of the common cold. The crown is now
weakly attached to the cell. It continues this shifting pattern until it
makes better latches. Each latch better holds it to the cell and
creates a more and more severe symptom. Eventually the contents inside
the virus can pass into the cell. Outside the body the virus is
unusually stable. I believe, at this moment in China, the virus is
spreading through rain clouds. I predict 100% infection in human beings
following a bell curve. Unfortunately I don't yet have a time stamp on
this. I predict 55% of those infected will die, most of these deaths are
the frail and unhealthy. I'm not saying this is accurate, it is only a
This idiot needs to be fired. He’s also praising the Gestapo-like actions being used against the sick in China.
Beer me
WHO should also restrict China from eating exotic endangered species….their careless eating habits is not only restrained in China anymore…people all around the world are getting affected and are dying…Will China take responsibility of the pandemic and how are they repaying for the loss each family suffered? This is not just one instance…this has been happening repeatedly now with different strains of viruses……Bats to Pangolin/Cobra to humans? Seriously who and why would a sane person eat any of these animals bats, pangolin and cobra? China needs to stop this nonsense of of eating anything that moves and then getting different zoonatic diseases….this is not about racism, this is about being human!!
Note how neoliberal and neocon obsession with "rugged individualism" flips to "govt HELP US!!" when crises like covid19 and recessions hit due to dismantling govt that protects against abuses. These links reveal how utterly unprepared nor responsibly focused u$a is looking forward.
Intercept's capitalism vs covid19:
On The Media's Black Swan segments on covid19
Something people don't care to hear, but need to hear, God has been trying to get us back to him like forever, he's been allowing fire, floods, hurricanes, etc.. the world left the one who created them, and created this world, did he not say in Revelation chap 16 the vials of God's wrath, very sad that Christian's are doing whatever today, Pastor's are a disgrace and sin is everywhere, he's a God who answers to no know but himself he don't need our approval for anything, the world had been mocking him for too long, we allowed them to remove him from our schools and most Church's years ago, many are still saying he's dead, can't change God our arm's will always be too short to box with him, we must repent and turn back to him, ask for forgiveness believe it or not God love us so much that's why his son Jesus died for our sins, but he won't allow us to continue doing whatever we want we need him, he's all power don't forget that, all he said, is to keep his commandments and you will be blessed, but if you disobey you shall bring a curse upon you and your family, we as a generation left God years ago he's fed up and is allowing this in order that we fall on our knee's and call on him he's trying to save soul's
Pandemic footage,
WHO's Director-General Tedros Adhanom is corrupt and incompetent.
Tedros Adhanom treats countries prefeerentially depending on how much money he got from the country. Case in point, Japan.
Tedros Adhanom was too slow in response. Tedros Adhanom let Japan get away with not testing. Tedros Adhanom enabled countries to do slow testing in order not to increase their confirmed cases. Tedros Adhanom must step down immediately.
They told use like years ago, remember, all the movies they showed, one of them is called: Outbreak!! along with so many more
Who says its a epidemic? WHO does.
The WHO is a fucking joke
People are so stupid. I'm sick of all the sheeple buying all the toilet paper and water!!!! More people are dying from the flu!! Just a massive scare over NOTHING!!!
Why has WHO never said anything about the origin of the Wuhan Virus and how it got spread from Wuhan to the whole world?!
I am so amazed by WHO. You people did amazing job. Putting ban on travellers from another country is rude & racist, right WHO ???? So you kept let infected people in to the country from all around the world. That's great. ðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂ
The only hope you have is if you have taken your periodic influenza vaccines,,might have gotten some immunity there ,maybe not,who knows.
Let's see a military doctor says the us could have as many as 150 million victims which one in about three people.I'd say that was serious,ya think? That could mean about 4.5 million people would die. Conveniently mostly the old and sick basically the people on ssi would be the primary victims,just in time to address the ssi shortfall. This is great for governments that end up with a younger population who not only are of working age but inexperienced enough to tell anything and they'll swallow it..Mighty convenient, They don't read, have no life experience and are the perfect little worker drones,
What changes? Nothing