Who is Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson? – Car Mod Pros Portal

President Joe Biden will nominate Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to replace outgoing Justice Stephen Breyer on the Supreme Court. ABC News’ Devin Dwyer and MaryAlice Parks break down the pick.

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By carmodpros


27 thoughts on “Who is Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson?”
  1. She's heavily qualified and doubles as someone good for representation…. where was all this talk about nepotism and tokens when Justice Barrett was nominated

  2. I love reading comments. I used to shy away from them. But the more I read the more I realize. Dems, Repub, conservatives or liberals. Everyone wants it their way and if they don't agree they bitch and whine about the other. The way the supreme court is set up is not fair to anyone. Politics is a dirty business and is also unfair. If people would stop being Fn sheep and being followers we would be better off. Parties took the power away from citizens. Has everyone fighting and they love it.

    LETS GO BRANDEN 🗽 VOTE EM OUT 2022 TRUMP2024-2032 🗽
    China Joe once gave a eulogy for the DEMS Virginia US Senator and a once Supreme Grand Wizard for the KKK, in 2006 there was an opportunity to put the first Black Woman in the Highest Court that went by the name of Judge Janis Rogers, Biden opposed and threated a filibuster. This is what China Joe is all about – Wake up
    Creepy China Joe Once said – "Inter City Busing, by bringing black people to white schools will create a racial Jungles, I don't want my kids going to a racial jungle" He also said – "HE LIKED IT WHEN BLACK KIDS FEEL THE BLOND HAIR ON HIS LEGS TO WATCH THEM STAND UP AND SIT ON HIS LAP – What a joke of a man and party

  4. The new BLACK Supreme Court Justice was pre-planned by and suggested by a group called DEMAND JUSTICE'S who provided her name to China Joe so Biden appointed her to the US court of appeals for DC. a stepping stone to the Supreme Court then the news broke out of Steven Breyer retirement of which he found out on the news he was retiring so the top name that surfaced over and over was Ketanji Brown Jackson – go figure right? at one time she had an Uncle in jail for life but had the Obamanator commute his sentence so he was released. It's nice having friends in high places right? This was planned the minute China Joe came into office – She will not be respected by her Peers – What else have they corrupted?

  5. She truly represents diversity. Not only will she be the first black woman on the Supreme Court, she will be the first black woman who's married to a white doctor on the Supreme Court.

  6. ‘Token’ appointment; well done Brandon! 🤡. !

  7. You all must have been really upset when Trump said he was going to put a woman on the court to replace RBG. Just kidding we know you weren’t.

    The Supreme Court is one of three branches of government and represents all Americans. We should be actively seeking to create a court that has more personal insight and understanding about how laws affect various groups in this country. It’s not just checking a box to nominate a black woman. It’s essential to the health of our democracy.

  8. This judge will always have a cloud over her; Is she qualified or is she appointed because she is a black female? Time will tell. That reporter just said, “Biden liked her enough.” Great recommendation.

  9. Biden is preparing Kamala Harris for his successor as POTUS… the only job in U.S never held by a woman no matter what colour her identity…

    dont let this happen… dont let women rules us… fight for man rights…. united we stand, divided we falls… 😁

  10. Oh how racist and sexist: it’s historic because she’s a WOMAN and BLACK!

  11. The DC card are all supporters of Mr Biden let's not discolored this for what it is. You don't appoint People based on color you appoint them based on qualifications mr. Biden is a loser

  12. Let's Go Brandon 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯

  13. The last time we try to get someone in office base on gender and race…we got Kama Harris. Even the left hate her, and I'm left. When you hire someone, the ideal and fair decision should be base on credential…Thought it would be common sense.

  14. ❤️❤️❤️

  15. A decision based on sex and race, so a SEXIST AND RACIST DECISION! If a white male had been promised by a Presidential candidate it would have been called RACIST! Oh and she only has 10 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE ON THE BENCH IN THE D. C. AREA!!

  16. Based on the fact there’s never been a great female philosopher in the history of the world and there never will be and being a Supreme Court judge requires a lot of complex thinking she’s probably not qualified.
    Oh I almost forgot to mention there’s never been a great female commander in the history of the world as well there’s been a few but they’ve all turned out to be genocidal maniacs like a Hillary Clinton type.

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