WHO declares coronavirus a global health emergency l ABC News

WHO declares coronavirus a global health emergency l ABC News

This is only the sixth time such an emergency has been declared, with past examples including the Ebola outbreak and the Zika virus. READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/2RJRMOv



#ABCNews #WorldNewsTonight #DavidMuir #CoronaVirus #WHO


48 thoughts on “WHO declares coronavirus a global health emergency l ABC News

  1. OH F*** NO!😤😠

  2. Advice to Namibian authorities pls declare lockdown stage 1 otherwise this brutal will be a disaster being out of control from med student and publichealth researcher

  3. W.H.O. boo on WHO brass on thanking info.
    withholding China about the virus. No praising warranted. Can't trust anything they release. Lies,fabricated..

  4. Greg Reese did a short video about 5G launching in Wuhan just weeks before the 'virus' broke out in Wuhan and hits on some interesting points. This channel won't let me post the link. A longer version was also copied by Sleepercell Resistances if you search for it.

    Not saying this is true but I think this aspect needs to be looked into. 5G could be used to activate bio-warfare once they've 'set the stage': having a 'pandemic' start in one region and letting 'the infected' make their way to other parts of the world so when 5G is activated, no one attributes mass death to 5G, only the virus.

    They would create a lie that big to prevent 5G from being rolled out.

  5. Ace2 receptor inhibitors are readily accessible and can be found in common hypertension medications if materials are scarce.

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  6. Don’t believe the hype they’re just trying to spread fear again

    The best way to manipulate someone is to scare them and control their emotions which is why the news and TV generally produce fear in the masses

    Independent thinkers and awake and spirits can see you this very clearly I hope that you can one day see the same thing that we see which is the truth

  7. The WHO has acted just as irresponsible as the Chinese government. The WHO are really criminal economists. Putting 💰 before human life.

  8. For a moment I thought it was a question 😂

  9. Food and products from China will cause hundreds of thousands to die. This is just the tip of the iceberg. It will never go away because we live in the age of easy travel and anti vaccine idiots

  10. More soldiers killed or wounded in US military when they were sent to invade other nations like Iraq or Afghanistan than the people who caught this curable Coronavirus.

  11. Everyone is acting like the mortality rate is 100% but it’s more like 2-4%. Unless your old and already have a disease it’s very unlikely your going to die. Nobody has died from it outside of China. Chill.

  12. I'm done with this shit …fuck y'all, I'm getting back to whet matters more, "living life" 🖕🖕🖕

  13. Y’all Chinese people gotta stop eating random shit

  14. Logic you can be Asymptotic and still shed. They could as well test negative and still a carrier! All people should be quarantined PERIOD! This angers me they must test positive. No! This can spread the illness!
    What in the world!?

  15. Theory. Hosts don't know they are infected and can have no symptoms for awhile. While those who get the virus through transmission get symptoms faster then a host would and it's probably more lethal too 🤔

  16. A ship lookout suddenly spotted a huge iceberg; he did not tell the captain as the captain refused to accept any information before it’s proved. After an external alarm being given, the great ship turned sharply and avoided a direct collision. However, one of its compartments were damaged, and the colossal ship started sinking slowly. The captain has been noticed, but he did not accept the fact that the ship was at the danger of more compartments being flooded because he believed that the ship was unsinkable. The outlooks and some crews were worried, but they were not allowed to seek help from nearby vessels. But other ships found her and noticed the IMO; the director-general contacted the captain over the phone to ask him what was going on. The captain replied with all good, though all the crews and passengers were terrified, screamed, and cried loudly. The general-director would not hear, as he fully trusted the powerful captain and told all other ships that this great liner was fine. The result everyone knows, the ship was finally sunk with massive life loss.

  17. Sweden and Finland also confirmed a Coronavirus case. Which is very bad, I live in Sweden and if Sweden fails to put the people who have the virus in quarantine as fast as possible and the virus spreads, it's basically over for the people in Sweden because it's very small here, 1 person gets sick and the whole country gets sick in a month. This virus spreads and infect people so fast that this would take just 2 to 3 days to cross Sweden's 3 biggest Cities.

    I also do not believe in the statistics the China government provided, i think there is way more than 9,9k people infected by the virus and the death toll is obviously more higher. There is no logic behind this, all of the statistics are an assumption. 1. They don't count the people who has died outside the hospitals because there is no one walking on the streets and visiting peoples home to check if everything is alright, they are in quarantine 2. People who are effected by the virus is also just at home getting sick and they know they can't go no where public transports are stopped and gas stations are closed, hospitals are full. There are a lot of people dying and getting infected, there are videos on the internet about the doctors and nurses in different hospitals at Wuhan are saying the doctors have estimated over 90k people infected, and this was few days ago, just a day ago i saw another video and the doctor said that they could guarantee that there is way more than 100k people infected. Chinas government is also know for "propaganda", so I do actually believe they are lying just for propaganda…





    People like the last link i provided aren't counted in the death toll, and some are just dead at a location no one would be able to see them, like their home…

    Please leave a like and a comment so people can see this, thank you and stay safe.

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