White House says it won’t cooperate with impeachment inquiry l ABC News

White House says it won’t cooperate with impeachment inquiry l ABC News

The administrations letter to Nancy Pelosi came just hours after the State Department blocked a key witness from testifying minutes before his scheduled appearance.

#ABCNews #WNT #Trump #WhiteHouse #Impeachment #Pelosi #Politics


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34 thoughts on “White House says it won’t cooperate with impeachment inquiry l ABC News

  1. That's is such a insatiable slap in the back of the head as your walking away from the fire. Hahaha ,Wow! Such an open and blatant power move by certain newly elected democratic nominations. This is a glimpse into the detriment of our near future. Everybody duck and run. Democrats are blood hungry and cannibalistic too. Maybe they want brains!?

  2. Of course the head criminal and his criminal helpers don't want to allow and evidence to be found out in testimonies. It's what crooks do. When are Trump supporters going to wake up and realize that Trump is hiding evidence because he's guilty as hell?  If you still don't know what he's guilty of, stop watching Fox "News", it's keeping you very uninformed… because, that's their job.

  3. There is no reason Trump should cooperate with this witch hunt. The democrats are on a fishing expedition hoping to find something. They have nothing now and are conducting their witness interviews behind closed doors so they can control the narrative. If the democrats want to impeach, call for a vote. Anything less is just partizan politics. This does no good for the country and only reinforces the corrupt nature of politics.

  4. Trump: Im a genius!
    But you can’t see my grade transcripts.

    Im RICH!
    But you can’t see my Tax Returns!

    I haven’t done anything illegal!
    But Im not cooperating with your investigations!


  6. IT is NOT an impeachment inquiry SINCE the HOUSE has NOT and still refuses to vote on ANY resolution AUTHORIZING an official impeachment inquiry! Why is that then, since the Leaky-Liar Rep.Adam Schitt 4-Brains has claimed for the last 2 years, that HE has overwhelming SUBSTANTIAL evidence of HIGH CRIMES…now let it sink in….could it be he's simply a LIAR for ALL to see!
    POTUS-DJT and co. are
    calling out the Democrats to vote, have been relentless at taunting them to go impeachment crazy, why are they doing it? Republicans and the Patriots know it will crush the opposition as they to date, have ZERO case to present, matters not how the Marxist Mockingbird Media spins it all as they too have been complicit, ever since the businessman and "Noob" politician Donald J. Trump, announced his run for the highest seat of our Republic and WON, being sore losers that the "Gingerbread Hag" lost. Republicans also want an impeachment vote ASAP, since this provides subpoena powers to the House minority. This will allow them to carry out any parallel investigations(maybe of the actions of former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden in Ukraine) and calling any witnesses they feel could easily debunk any of the many false charges made up against President Trump. Democrats simply do NOT want any of THAT to happen!
    #Trump2020 – turning 2016 liberal tears into 2020 rivers! ; )

  7. 58%Idont remember taking any polls. U wanna know why this is going on look at the video Biden laughing about forcing Ukraine to fire the investigating attorney . Yea trump doesn't look so dumb now huh Democrats dont like being investigated

  8. Maybe they won't agree to it because ohh I don't know. It's a load of bullshit. You literally have nothing to impeach him on. Give me some actual evidence of wrong doing that isn't perpetrated by Dems then I'll support ya. Until then. How about you guys look at your own party first and your own dealings with people. Your noses are a little brown with the bullshit you have been pulling.

  9. Why should he, this bs impeachment nonsense needs to stop. No one is getting impeached, dems are just trying to brainwash people in Hope's to win in 2020. To bad you already screwed yourselves and shown ur true colors. Trump 2020✌😎

  10. Every “news” channel has a big dislike/like ratio 😂 that tell you people are waking up and not taking the “news” serious anymore

  11. This is just what upsets them the most, POTUS telling them to do a good job and do it right. Really how dare he tell them to have a good work ethic not even worried about any other ethic just work ethic. See he tried to play nice, he asked Ukraine President can I let our phone conversation out he said yes. These wonderful people from California didn't like that and they want to continue to rely on good will and he said no more. Go through the legal processes! Now their feelings are hurt, great representation of the California population aren't they.

  12. That opening poll is bullshit. Adam Schiff has no credibility as well. Corrupt POS. Has the most punchable face in all of politics.

  13. The House is not doing anything unconstitutional. The Constitution makes four mentions of impeachment.

    The House of Representatives … shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
    — Article I, Section 2, Clause 5

    The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present.

    Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States; but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

    —Article I, Section 3, Clauses 6 and 7

    [The President] … shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment.

    —Article II, Section 2

    The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

    —Article II, Section 4

    Everything else about impeachment is subject to the rules that the House and Senate have established concerning how they conduct their particular role in the impeachment/trial process. The White House's current "unconstitutional" charge against the House impeachment inquiry is unfounded and frivolous.

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