White House refuses to say whether Trump received Russian bounty warnings | WNT

White House refuses to say whether Trump received Russian bounty warnings | WNT

The New York Times reported the information was presented to President Donald Trump back in February.




#WorldNewsTonight #Trump #RussianBounty


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34 thoughts on “White House refuses to say whether Trump received Russian bounty warnings | WNT

  1. But first he didn’t know then he wasn’t briefed then it’s a hoax and more excuses. What does it matter you all are terrible at lying. Both trump and biden are for themselves and not for the American people or the progress of the country. To hell with the two parties.

  2. His the “Most informed person on planet Earth” yet not ok with “BLM” but is with White Supremacists?!? & OK to reopen the USA & do his failed Tulsa Rally where many got Covid-19 now 60,000 in 24hrs?£ over LIVES?

  3. I can't have a normal life because people are violation my privacy with demons making me feel like I'm being molested and rape . I'm hearing voices trying to make me sale my soul to the devil. I need help to fight this in corth and claim JUSTICE.

  4. Question to his supporters:

    False or Not. Would you Risk the lives of US Troops and not investigate it? I guess you would if you support him.

    Most likely you never served and don't care about our US Military and the Soldiers out their in harms way.

    You have the rest of your lives to justify your patriotism. Enjoy.

  5. He's the healthiest President in History, He's the most informed person on the planet, and he has the biggest brain. So why does he say squeaking wind turbines cause cancer, and raking the forest is a good way to stop wildfires. He says he's like a very smart person. He does hide it well.

  6. queue his next rally – tune in to watch him read a sentence, after he demonstrated that he can put a glass down without throwing it to the ground – I think they can start charging entrance at the gate when the circus comes to town

  7. It sould be of no surprise to anyone that Trump is completely unable to empathise with the
    plight of troops in the field and feels no loyalty or even obligation
    as the "Commander-in-chief" to a military that he refused to serve in,
    secondary to those all so crippling heel spurs….When a service member
    has willfully refused to perform his/her duties or has incapacitated
    themselves in such a way that they cannot perform their duties, this is
    referred to in the military as a dereliction of duty and this is a
    specific offense under United States Code Title 10, Section 892, Article
    92 and applies to all branches of the US military. Although it is not
    applied to the "Commander-in-chief" , you need to understand the need
    for creating such an article, which is to hold a service member and
    commanding officers acountable for the subordinates they are bound to
    lead and protect under their command. The fact that the Trump and White
    House refuse to investigate and the fact that he is not outraged at even
    the idea of Russian bounties, is a clear refusal to perform your duty
    as the Commander-in-chief and the fact that you refuse to do your duty
    because you hold your obligation to a wealthy foreign leader more dearly
    than the very lives of those under your command, is a clear dereliction
    of duty. As treasonous as this may appear, in Trump's defence, you need
    to understand it is not that he values Russian interests over American
    lives but that he values money over life itself, he clearly sees the
    life and desires of a wealthy person to be more valuable than that of soldier, a
    nurse, a teacher or any average to low income citizen. And lets be clear and
    lest we forget this is what the protests are about, inequality, Trump
    is not alone in this flawed percerption, across the globe, we need to stop putting people
    who hold the belief (that the rich are the most important people) in
    power. We need to reject the idea that one life is
    worth more than another based on their income or accrued material
    wealth. Or to get back to this point of bounties, we need to create a society in which you cannot put a price on a person's life.

  8. I say that Trump wanted American casualties so he had an excuse to remove troops so Putin can take over and actually steal the oil trump always wanted to steal. And that's why Trump and Russia are lying about it.

  9. Anyone who is a member of our American armed forces and their families, this should cause you to carefully consider your vote this fall for our next President. Use your training, sense of right or wrong, and your common sense to decide. All military families anxiously wait for their deployed loved ones to make it home safe and alive. I never will forget the heart piercing screams of grief as I watched two soldiers in full dress uniform knock on doors, paying the visit most of us dreaded. So vote for the Presidential candidate who respects the men and women of our armed forces. One who has served or has a family member who has served. Vote as if your lives depended on it, because it really does.

  10. …………….. 🙄🙄🙄

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