White House publicizes prisoner swap offer to Russia

White House publicizes prisoner swap offer to Russia

The Biden administration’s unusual decision to publicize its offer to Russia to free Brittney Griner and Paul Whelan was made in part to reassure Americans, White House aides said.

#ABCNews #brittneygriner #paulwhelan #russia


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21 thoughts on “White House publicizes prisoner swap offer to Russia

  1. Keep her there. She kneeled and left the court for the national anthem multiple times, supports a domestic terrorist organization and hates America.

  2. The USA needs to hold its ground. Russia has a captured a drug carrying basketball player and a ex serviceman who was dishonorably discharged from the US Military. NO WAY we should exchange either or both for convicted murderer.

  3. Leave her dumb Azz In Russia. Dear putin please keep this looser locked up. America: stop being a retard. A firearm criminal for a pot smoking woman? Not a good deal at all. You keep her. I do not care about her,her family, her situation, her "wife" or life, disgusting human, let her Rot!

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