White House protest, Queen Elizabeth, Columbus protest: World in Photos, Oct. 12

White House protest, Queen Elizabeth, Columbus protest: World in Photos, Oct. 12

A look at the top photos from around the globe.


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20 thoughts on “White House protest, Queen Elizabeth, Columbus protest: World in Photos, Oct. 12

  1. Somebody please point me in the right direction to join protests! I’m dying to get involved but having an impossible time finding info online. I don’t have social media. Please help.

  2. He’s been proved possible, he’s been Kenyans secured. He needs no other introduction ☝️ .is the best guys

  3. He’s been proved possible, he’s been Kenyans secured. He needs no other introduction ☝️ is the best guys

  4. Let’s Go Brandon!👏👏👏👏👏

  5. Leif Ericksonn Day right didn’t he find for Europe first lol actually the indigenous Americans found it 1st, so how do celebrate when u don’t know any history on that cause there was no written language

  6. 🥔Joe 🤡💨👎

  7. Im all for being greener but every single one of them people protesting have absolutely no idea about the science behind our climate change. They are uneducated. They wouldn't be protesting if they actually did some research online instead of listen to media say we are the cause of climate change.

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