White House press briefing on Woodward book, NY Times op-ed, Km Jong Un Letter, economy | ABC News

White House press briefing on Woodward book, NY Times op-ed, Km Jong Un Letter, economy | ABC News

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders takes questions from the media followed by analysis on ABC News The Briefing Room.

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22 thoughts on “White House press briefing on Woodward book, NY Times op-ed, Km Jong Un Letter, economy | ABC News

  1. Previous month I was able to pull my first five figure check ever!!! I've been working for this provider on the web for 24 months now and I never been happier… They are paying me $95 per hour, and the most desirable thing about that is the fact that I am not really that tech-savvy, they just required basic insight into internet and key typing skill…Awesome thing about this work is the more free time I got for my family. I am able to devote quality time with my relatives and buddies and take care of my babies and also going on holiday together with them very often. Don't let pass this opportunity and try to respond fast. Check it out, what I do… amazing73­.­c­o­m

  2. The only reason Kim will not give up his weapons easily is because when Saddam gave up his weapons, he country was invaded and he was killed. The same with Gaddafi and Hilary Clinton. Thus the past bad decisions catch up on the present administration.

  3. 🤥🤥🤥🤥🤡🤡🤡👺👺👹👹👹💩💩💩

  4. Jesus Christ Sarah, don’t you ever get tired of these same questions over and over and over and over and over??? Jezzzz. How stupid are these people that you are talking to??!!!🤔😳

  5. LIAR!! There are maybe more low paying jobs you would have to work five of them to scrape by. Gas pump prices are $4.00 a gallon. Tarrif prices are already affecting everything we buy from China. You just wait until early 2019 when those prices hit the market. Inflation is rising – you are a bunch of LIARS!!!

  6. I know several people who Companies are growing & they got there CheckTax raise + one of them at one Company got a raise. Is all I can say if you Company is not growing & No bonus or raise Then Your Company KELP THE MONEY FOR THEIR SELF & TOP STAFF. Sounds like you guy's work for a Democratic Co. I would Find out what they did with It As they got Tax cuts + to grow their Co & Share ?? It

  7. To all you libturds who doubted the data by saying you don’t see it in your community, have you thought of just maybe you are reaping what you sowed? Maybe you live in a libturd area, from your comment is likely, you and your cohorts voted a libturd to represent you and obstructed what Trump has been trying to do. Maybe in this election, you get a little bit of a brain, vote in someone to support the President plan and may be your community too can participate in the growing economy. But, it may be too late if your brain has turn to the diarrhea that your libturd party has conditioned you.

    And if you lived in the libturd west coast or the northeast, one reason maybe you local politicians sucked up all the economic benefit so they can fund those hand outs to the illegals.

  8. So what he is really saying is that 'TRENDS' ….. he lost me at 'TRENDS'. Seriously though, this is very interesting; but how can an average citizen know that you are really telling the truth? Your smile and up beat attitude isn't enough.

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