White House press briefing on Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, mail bomb plot | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders takes questions form the media followed by analysis on ABC News’ “The Briefing Room.”

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By carmodpros


37 thoughts on “White House press briefing on Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, mail bomb plot | ABC News”
  1. Any one else seeing a reverse 'Dorian Gray' effect on Huckabee Sanders? The more she lies, the more deformed and uglier she becomes. As it is now, she cannot hold her head upright for long, and it tilts to the left on the screen (her right). The movie ''Unbreakable'' Samuel L Jackson's character describes how a super villian "always has a skewed look at the world" In her case, everything leans to the right

  2. And let's not forget that Trump has been a loyal and tremendous friend and supporter of Israel and of Jews. We can't say the same about Obama, now can we?

  3. Let's see….the Democrats/Leftists/Socialists/Holder/Obama/Clinton/Walters have been saying for over a year, knee Republicans/Conservatives, kick them, run them out of restaurants, which was what happened to Sarah Sanders among others, don't be civil (H. Clinton) to them. But it's the Republicans that are spreading hate. Okay, got it. And, say, hardly a bit of news coverage by the 96% share liberal media when the nutcase leftist shot up and killed congressmen on the baseball field last year. It's the Dems that don't give a crap about any of this, they politicize absolutely EVERYTHING, and even blamed Trump for the hurricanes. Your party is out of control and badsh*t crazy! After the dark and dreary over-taxed and over-regulated and corrupt years of Obama's Socialist administration, how anyone could ever vote for a Democrat again is unbelievable, but I guess it's hard to leave that plantation they control you on.

  4. Las Vegas Shooting was President Obama's fault..That is what he said on record. There is only one Donald Trump in my my opinion..SIC..but about one million conflicting Tweets. I can't get in to specifics. I can't kick him when he's down ..and he's down.He is considering further action..and tweets. Twit. Opinion based on fact. Please Nixon come back. At least you knew when to resign. Let's make America great again again and bring back Nixon.At least he could write a book or even read one. Trump is not a crook. Ashes to Ashes..Trump falls down.

  5. And another thing..white supremacy is ok. He's a Texas..nationalist. ????? Really? Sounds like she needs a Xanax. Opinion.Blame..Blame Game? I'm all ears. Deplorable and sad our country has come to this.

  6. The intro seemed heartfelt but beyond…I mean, she seems like she's recited a few key responses and will not divert from them. Shame.

  7. ABC News is lying. I watch their coverage each day … they have on SEVERAL occasions been claiming that the president is responsible by his comments. CNN, MSNBC and ABC have been ignoring Maxine waters calls for violence but then claim that "lock her up" is a call to violence.

  8. The press are the enemy of the people. CNN and MSNBC are the worst. They are not news organisations but they are political campaigns set up by DNC. They should just admit that the parent company of CNN & MSNBC is the DNC.

  9. The fact that this is an actual White House Press Briefing is just sad. Shame on you Sarah. We all deserve better! Lets not forget this is a government by and of and for the people! We are the people and the time to stand up and speak is NOW! VOTE Nov 6th!!!! Peace and love to all Americans and everyone else around the globe.

  10. Sarah, you are a bag of lies. Pray for yourself. You have the gift of the gap. You flow with Trump to secure your job. SAD!Your twists and turns to deviate from the truths and to blame the press is explicitly visible. If you have no conscience and continuously keep lying at the podium, the best advice is to leave your job and save yourself before it is too late. Remember a word, 'KARMA'. You are flustered when confronted with clear facts and plain truths. PATHETIC! Your job of covering up for Trump has robbed you of your ability to smile, a very basic gentle gesture to bridge the wedge with the press. You FROWN throughout the press conference. I feel SORRY for you. Why lower to such a pitiful low state. Life is more than just a position earned through lies and absence of integrity.

  11. vile creatures
    what news attacks
    the president daily
    you pick his words
    to suit hate
    not truth

    no one doubts
    he lies
    all do

    his actions
    are pure AMERICAN
    get it done

  12. ABCNews, do your job! History has the lesson in how to deal with Sanders'/Trump's refusal to admit accountability. I posted this on FB today:

    “My friends, here you see the end result of bigotry and intolerance,
    and whether we like it or not, those practicing rabble-rousing and
    demagoguery are the godfathers of the cross burners and the dynamiters,”
    William B. Hartsfield, mayor of Atlanta, condemning those responsible
    for the Temple Bombing on October 12, 1958.

    Today's rabble-rousers and demagogues deserve the same strong public rebuke and
    demand for accountability for their part in current tragedies and
    fear-mongering. And we all know who these despicable godfathers of hate are.

    Ralph McGill, the iconic editor of the Atlanta Constitution newspaper,
    added his voice to the mayor’s: “You can not preach and encourage hate
    for the Negro and hope to restrict it to that field,” he wrote. “When
    the wounds of hate are loosed on one people, then no one is safe.”

    I see no such courage, conviction… nor shame… among the so-called
    "conservative" leadership in our country today. I only see weakness,
    misplaced blame, and self-serving contempt for others.

    There has been no welcoming place in this country for such divisive dark hearts since the 50's and 60's.

    There should be no welcoming place for them now. And yet… here they
    are… indifferent… indignant… the blood-soaked prideful and

    And here we are… in 2018…

    "When the wounds of hate are loosed on one people, then no one is safe."

  13. 21:25
    "…overwhelming majority…?
    Just resign already, Sarah
    Lying b!#@h

    Used to think Sarah was a good person who just got caught up with the wrong crowd. But she just keeps lying to the American people with her sour countenance-and all for that spoiled, entitled, dumb clown that the majority of the people voted against.

    Seriously, Sarah, get out now while you still have a shred of dignity and goodness.

  14. Seriously, Cheeto? You think the reason we're so angry about this senseless act of terrorism (Yes, TERRORISM! No buts about it!) because of the so-called "fake news"? No! Absolutely not! It's because people were BRUTALLY MURDERED!

  15. I know that there is more good people in the world there got to be I was never taught to hate European people just because my people were slaves if anybody has a reason to hate it should be the Asiatic black man cuz you stole our identity calling us African we are not African we are Asiatic black people there was a big earthquake that separated the continent the European man named this place I'm so glad that I know who I am I am the Asiatic black man we were the first people that ever said assalamualaikum that means peace be upon you no hate intended and that's why some white people get their skin tan every time it's hot come on y'all my people just been here for 400 years we all are mix and you know this and we could be married 11th 12th 13th 10th cousin and we know that white people do it all the time so you know what happened to the black people cuz we don't know all our people because of the white man slavery I know it due overdue for reparations and that's why we so mad now we be so mad we get mad at each other I know the government should make that wrong go right one of these days if you don't it's going to be America's Doom and why do we have this Halloween don't we know that we're celebrating the devil and I never want to let my children go up there for trick or treat we celebrating the devil that's wrong we need to change this right now if not people going to think that is okay that we've been some people worship the devil that's why this holiday was invented that's why they say trick or treat

  16. Academy award goes to because she should become a actress Donald Duck I mean Donald Trump already a good actor acting like you care just like the jacket that Donald Trump's wife was wearing I don't know why Donald Trump is still the president but I know his time is up he will go to prison with son and anybody with Donald Duck I mean with Donald Trump no collusion all the people that with Donald Trump plead guilty so what that say about Donald Trump the vestigation hasn't stopped Donald Duck don't pay no text I believe and what's in the dark will come to light by any means necessary

  17. Sarah yes your boss,he loves violence n hate his speeches has proved..now acting like he care he is so full of shit..is voting time wants to look good or cares,he doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself.. he the evil one that has this country going straight to the shits..

  18. Trump number one job is not to protect the American people but to save himself from impeachment and his family from criminal charges, he doesn't give a damn about the American people.

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