White House officials to snub depositions, Niagara Falls shipwreck moved by storm | ABC News

White House officials to snub depositions, Niagara Falls shipwreck moved by storm | ABC News

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36 thoughts on “White House officials to snub depositions, Niagara Falls shipwreck moved by storm | ABC News

  1. Oh no you mean a dumbass stupid fence doesn’t stop humans with tools? Maybe they think evolution is so fake that we never learned about tools?

  2. Trump procrastinate his respond to Moeller let’s not forget ?!!!

  3. This is WRONG on so many levels!! Are these the same sanctimonious people that decided Hillary was a crook even though she was declared innocent after HOURS of testimony??? IMPEACH this MOB!

  4. The president is a whiny little bitch. That whining you hear is not the awaiting chopper. That is trumputin whining about the investigation. Narcissists can never be wrong.
    They overstate their accomplishments.
    No one is smarter.
    The man in the white house suffers from narcissistic personality disorder and he is the one clear and present danger to this country. A danger to democracy.
    The man in the white house needs to be impeached and removed.

  5. What is actually going on in the White House? Did anyone happen to read the headline in the Daily Mail today, a UK newspaper ? I went to read their science section and see THIS!!!!!!
    I just have no words…

  6. If Trump is Innocent why are they Fighting so hard to hide the Truth, Seemingly they think Trump's being wrongfully accused , So if that's true stop Blocking Justice by Refusing to let your Party Testify ! 🤢🤨🤔

  7. TRUMP 2020!👏👏
    BOLSONARO 2022!👏👏

  8. President???? Snubbing your legal system? He should not be above the law… And not supporting States that have had a natural disaster? Is he only supporting States that suck up to him? Your leader does not deserve respect!

  9. Of course Trump is still not allowing his goons to testify, only now the American public will see the truth for themselves. As for the whistleblower's identity, they need to keep this person safe, least he or she ends up like the woman who tried to come forward with charges that Trump raped her. Trump's mob got to her and no one has heard from her since…DEAD?

  10. McDonald's opposes love.
    Top manager McDonald's was fired because of an affair with a girl below him in status with the company.
    Friends, McDonald's is a company where love is forbidden as a phenomenon. There you can only hate and eat like a pig.

  11. I can’t stand trump’s voice.
    it makes my skin crawl… like nails on a chalkboard.

  12. "Perfect!" What does he mean by that funny word? Perfect proof of his crime?
    Who cares about the whistleblower?
    Festival of liars, from Butina to Trump, from all Republican congressmen to all reporters at Fox News… *LOCK THEM ALL UP!*

  13. He’s not a whistleblower!! He’s a leaker!!

  14. your gonna get tried of winning😏😂😂😂😂

  15. White House officials who do not show up are obstructing truth and justice! Traitors! 🤢

  16. Say no to impeachment 😡 yeeeeeee haaaaaaw Trump nation is strong today 💪🤠

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