White House National Security Adviser denies Russias meddling to help Trump

White House National Security Adviser denies Russias meddling to help Trump

This comes after former National Security Adviser Joe Maguire warned about Russias meddling in the 2020 election.


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20 thoughts on “White House National Security Adviser denies Russias meddling to help Trump

  1. Our National Security Advisor is worried about the Chinese yet has left me trapped in my home in Punta Gorda Isles for years, living in TERROR (while Italian Drug Mafia runs drugs right on my street and constantly harasses they hell out of me) and OPPRESSED by the Cop/Lawyer Nationwide Crime Family (who literally tosses my advertisement at the Post Office and barrages me with Bogus Clients so I can’t pay my bills and am forced into poverty). NICE NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR TO LEAVE A FEMALE TRAPPED ALL ALONE AND FIGHTING TERRORIST MEN (WHO STOLE & TERRORIZED 23 YEARS OF HER LIFE) FOR YEARS IN A BEAUTIFUL PARADISE COMMUNITY…F U ROBERT O’BRIEN!!!!

  2. to refuse is not to give up or not to remember, but to refuse when necessary … to learn and clearly distinguish each incident, each purpose, each reason … clearly distinguish when Which is the "need" and when is the "temptation"

  3. What is "advice"? The purpose and meaning of "advice"? clearly distinguish the purpose, the meaning, the nature between: "advice" and "enticing, provoking, inducing, enticing" how is the purpose and the nature different?

  4. People have rights but must also be obliged to ensure fairness and equality. towards and defending the right and right things to have the right and appropriate "advice" for oneself and others … to clearly distinguish between "advice" and "inciting and provoking , entice "to better understand the innermost nature

  5. 🤦‍♂️

  6. The acting director of national intelligence, Maguire, is a democrat asset just like Romney or else someone is lying to us. I believe Trump is a liar. Don't ask how I came to that conclusion, but there seems to be a precedent.

  7. What in the world is going on with these people. They act someone has taken over their minds. It is like a Jim Jones cult. So scary. We have got to get these people out of their.

  8. Hahaha like we going to believe this sycophant! 😂😂😂What a liar!

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