White House moves to ban certain e-cigarettes – Car Mod Pros Portal

The U.S. government is finalizing plans to allow only tobacco-flavored products on the market; a vaping group said a flavor ban would not stop drug dealers from selling contaminated cartridges.

#WorldNewsTonight #DavidMuir #ecigarettes


By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “White House moves to ban certain e-cigarettes”
  1. Here’s the fucking stupid thing though they can ban these but they won’t make actual cigarettes illegal and then they allow pregnant females to smoke as well which cause birth defects to the baby how great America this is why I want to move out of this country.

  2. Many research studies have proven the safety and benefits of fluoridated water. For  75 years, people in the United States have been drinking water with added fluoride and enjoying the benefits of better dental health.

    Of course these cigarettes are bad they think drinking fluoride is good for you😁😁😁😁😁😁

  3. Instead of a flavour ban regulate what's in the e liquid and stop making mods above 60 watts as there is no need too have a 200 watt device that's blows a like a steam train am sure that's not good and limit tobacco flavours instead makes sense as tobacco is more dangerous right……..

  4. Gonna ignore the fact that 443,000 people a year die from cigarettes, but its hell breaking loose when a vape that just has flavoring and tobbaco that MAY have killed 5 people comes out. Yeah, they didn't even fully link the vapes to the deaths.


  6. Unbelievable. This is an entire industry you are killing based on what justification? That children are getting their hands on it? This is a Republican White House proposing things like banning e-cigarette flavors because children are using them, and banning violent video games because children are playing them. The infantilization of Americans is ludicrous. What the CDC and FDA have done is outright lie. And there should be some accountability for that. The difference between vaping nicotine and vaping THC is as independent and separate as smoking cigarettes and smoking marijuana. Whether you think vaping is stupid or not, please read. This is about how government and corporate interests manipulate us. 


    E-cigarettes have been in mainstream use for 10 years. During that entire time, there were no lung illnesses or deaths. The CDC and FDA have been attacking the industry the whole way because they didn't like the idea of addiction itself. Remember crazy phrases you heard on the news like "popcorn lung" and "exploding vape pens"? They have been at it for a long time. Suddenly, within the span of two months, over a thousand people are hospitalized, and some even die. This was the introduction of a new product to the market. The CDC pounced on this opportunity to finally prove something negative about e-cigarettes. Health officials, consumers, and experts told government officials exactly what that product was likely to be: Illegal THC cartomizers. 



    But the CDC ignored it, and made public statements blaming "vaping", purposely avoiding using words like "e-cigarette" because they had no interest in attacking black market THC cartomizers from the start. They wanted to stop e-cigarettes. But as their science didn't pan out, they finally resorted to admitting that only 13% of those patients used only e-cigarettes, and not THC. Here is the funny part of that narrative. The CDC purposely did not drug test a single patient. The 13% that only used e-cigarettes was based on their word. Their objective was one thing all along: kill the vape industry. That 13% of supposed e-cigarette only users were often interviewed teenagers from states where marijuana is illegal, with their parents right there next to them. 



    In the UK and the entirety of Europe, where e-cigarettes are used even more heavily than here, not a single lung illness or death has been confirmed. In fact, the UK puts vape shops in some of their hospitals to encourage people to quit smoking, backed fully by the Royal College of Physicians (the ones who warned the world cigarettes caused cancer). The blatant corruption the CDC, FDA, and state governors have shown here needs to be addressed. 



    If you wish to go into financial incentives of policies like this, look up the Master Settlement Agreement. There is a reason that no legislator can touch cigarettes. In 1998, 46 US states sued Big Tobacco. After some deliberation, they came to a settlement known as the Master Settlement Agreement. The tobacco industry would be left alone, and tobacco companies would pay every one of these states money every year in perpetuity as compensation for the damage they had done. 



    Now how much money each state actually gets every year is entirely dependent on how many tobacco products they sell. This isn't a negligible amount of money. In fact, many states rely on this payment heavily. These states sold "tobacco bonds" before their payments came so they could have the money right away. These are essentially loans to the state. But as tobacco sales fell every year (largely due to e-cigarettes), the money they received diminished. And guess who bought those tobacco bonds? You guessed it, big tobacco bought their own bonds with interest. If they call for payment of those bonds, many states will literally go bankrupt. That is how large these MSA payments are. 



    Financial incentives to boost tobacco sales? Absolutely. Using the lives of kids as an excuse? Possibly.

  7. It’s carts that kill ppl not capes regulated and lab tested vape products anything unrelated is unsafe this is what most older and some middle aged people don’t understand that vapes aren’t the problem THC carts kill not ecigs

  8. OMG, please can we show America the glass experiment that has that vacuum glass jar pulling a real cigaret aginst an E-cigarette, come on America get REAL!!!!

  9. 6 death cause vape they took actions
    Millions of death cause of cigarettes
    No action
    Not even when teens were smoking cigarettes.
    They are losing money that’s why they banned it. They don’t care about our health and If they did they would’ve ban cigarettes years ago. They banned because less people are getting killed because of nicotine and also less people tries to stop smoking and now they earn no money from medical bills and taxes.

  10. Vaping kills more than 5 million lives a year. cigarettes only kill about 0 people a year but black market cigarettes kill about 5 people a year with only 500 or so cases of lung related illnesses do to smoking regular tobacco. Kids shouldn't be vaping extreamly deadly vape juice. Find a homeless bum to buy u cigarettes and just smoke cigarettes much healthier 95 percent safer then vaping.

  11. It has nothing to do with any flavors. Lol its all the black market oils that are deadly especially the thc street carts. if it didnt come from a dispensary in a legal state its definitely hot dog water.

  12. It’s illegal products these ppl were using they want to scare the daylight out of you to get you to smoke don’t fall for the bs these ppl were buying drugs of street drug dealers what did they think was going to happen

  13. More Fake News! Thank Goodness our president Trump listens to the people! We called the White house switchboard, we tweet him about the Democrats month long Media blitz against a entire USA industry of vaping with FAKE NEWS and he listened. He cancelled his vape meeting. The crooked Democrats that control the House of Representatives are having a "House Oversight Hearing" though! They are having an "Hearing" Sept 24th https://oversight.house.gov/members It has one speaker, "The Principal Deputy Secretary for the CDC" (who I believe is anti vaping) Its called "Don't Vape"! "Examining the the outbreak of lung disease, and the CDC warning not to use E-cigarettes" Sounds open minded as much as usual Democrat legislation! ALL of US VAPER'S NEED To Get on that live-stream and speak about how vaping and flavors have helped you Quit Smoking! But please try to be respectful. Present Actual evidence of the REAL cause of this "Vape Illness" These Democratic Governors acting like Monarchies Must Be stopped! Maybe Present anything like the actual data from the European Doctors who did a study and found it Over 95% healthier than Smoking. I have not found it yet. If anybody has it please send it to me or others. 10 years of safe Nicotine e-juice vaping is NO coincidence! Teens Illegally manufacturing THC E-Juice with Vitamin E Acetate is what made everybody sick! President Trump was buying the fake news stories at first; but It appears he is listening to the USA people calling into the Whitehouse now, according to his Tweeter. This entire fake news story, is driven by the Dems and their propaganda arm (National TV News media). It is to replace the dwindling Tobacco money these States and Cities have been getting from the National Tobacco Agreement. Cali and NYC Get 16.4 and 16.5 Billion each they predicted for example! They took out loans on that money because of their greed, of wanting it ALL, Now! As people got off cigs, the money from sales of cigs, that was to go to each state/city has rapidly trickled down. These greedy Democrat State and City politicians have spent all that 16.5 billion, They must have New money coming in to pay the loan back! Now there isn't hardly ANY coming in! They needed a way to tax, regulate, fine, inspect, certify, and make a bureaucratic mess of the vape industry! Each of these, can have a dollar amount, that will be charged/fined/assessed to the vape business and end user. This is how they can steal money, and try to cover their loans! The Coffers and back pockets can be filled again! Whopie for crooked dems! The National Democrat TV News, has ran tons of these stories about "children vaping", hard, for over a month. The backyard, Illegal, THC/Vitamin E Acetate, filling of new devices, and repacking them into their packaging was going on by the thousands per DAY! Teens started vaping it to get high and got sick! The Democrat politicians have been demanding "bans" for weeks now. They blame the "Illness" on Nicotine Vaping and Flavors somehow. They have to know this is NOT True! Trump has been under massive pressure to "ban vaping" These democrat crooks were so lucky, that the illegal underground/black market filling of THC/Vitamin E acetate into devices made people sick. It was the perfect vehicle, to expedite what they wanted! (That makes me very suspicious tho). Regardless The first bans have now started ! ! #1.Democrat run San Fran. banned over a month ago before the "Illness". #2. Dem. Gov. Cuomo's NYC has banned flavored e-juice, #3. Democrat run Michigan has banned , #4.Democrat New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy ‘There Is No Safe Vape’ ban everything! (Hardware and liquid), #5. Dem Stronghold Chicago, banned, #6. Dem run Massachusetts is right behind them,etc. These are all Democrat Governor run states, with large Democrat mayors cities as expected! Its all crooked lefty politics. Disgusting.

  14. A shark kills one person. Next thing you know it’s all over headlines in America. Land of the free is turning into land of the morons

  15. Oh man I haven't felt patriotic in so long. Let's ban flavored alcohols and anything else that kids like. Oh yeah video games kill people too cause violence.

  16. It's the black market ejuice tanted ejuice and hope you all enjoy the black market to grow and kill more people and send them to the hospital and btw kids arnt gonna listen why not go after the parents and do somthing to them letting their kids do this shit instead of doing somthing about flavored ejuice

  17. Ban tobacco, ban movies and tv shows that promote smoking, boom, kids won’t think much about it growing up. just stop marketing it.

  18. This is complete bullshit. Instead of banning something and taking another one of Americans freedoms away, why don't you go after the companies who are putting known toxic chemicals into these products?

  19. I did not write this:

    Government vs. The Vaping Industry

    Nailed it:

    Indefinitely borrowed this:

    55 years ago the Surgeon General warned us of the dangers of smoking. It's a product that has killed TEN TIMES the number of Americans who died in ALL of our nation’s wars COMBINED. (according to the CDC)

    Government: add taxes to reduce consumption

    FDA: try these pills, patches, and gums

    Smoker: these really don't work for us

    Smoker/Inventor: here's a way to get nicotine without the 50% chance of death

    Government/FDA: we don't know what that is and you shouldn't have it

    Royal College of Physicians: our research shows that vaping is 95%+ less harmful than smoking

    Government/FDA: we just don't know about this

    Public: look at the dramatic drop in smoking rates among adults and teens

    Government/FDA: that because of our taxes, pills, patches, and gums

    Ex-smokers/Vapers: Uhhh…..there's 12 million of us who quit because there was a less harmful alternative created in spite of your ineffective solutions…..it's called vaping

    Government/FDA: that's anecdotal. We don't know about that and besides, we need our taxes

    Ex-smokers/Vapers: but it's proven twice as effective as any solution that you've produced in 55 years

    Government/FDA: we don't care about that because we still need our taxes and we have to protect big tobacco and big pharma (they give us lots of cash and you don't)

    Ex-smokers/Vapers: we're still going to vape

    Government/FDA: no you won't because we're going to rally all of the "health organizations" that we fund. They'll spread a mountain of lies and misinformation against you and it will spread like wildfire…..we're very good at this

    Ex-smokers/Vapers: but you're supposed to protect the public and the health of the citizens……what about the 480,000 Americans who will die this year from smoking related illnesses

    Government/FDA: yeah but we still need our taxes

    Ex-smokers/Vapers: wouldn't you see a net benefit from lower healthcare costs to offset those tax revenue losses

    Government/FDA: who knows? Try this lower nicotine cigarette that we just approved……it'll still kill you like the old cigarettes that we approved of, but you'll have less nicotine in your body when you die

    Ex-smokers/Vapers: but we're ex-smokers and we don't want to go back to tobacco or die any sooner than regularly scheduled

    Royal College of Physicians: we just put vape shops in hospitals…….y'all know vaping is still 95%+ less harmful than smoking right?

    Public: what in the cornbread hell is going on here???

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