White House monitoring San Jose shooting, points to ‘epidemic of gun violence’ – Car Mod Pros Portal

Principal deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said the White House is in contact with local officials as the investigation continues.

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By carmodpros


49 thoughts on “White House monitoring San Jose shooting, points to ‘epidemic of gun violence’”
  1. What kind of gun law would have stopped this shooting? California has literally every gun law out there.
    The majority of Americans disagree with gun control.
    Like what the hell would strengthening background checks do besides prohibit the good guys from owning guns.

    Good god, Democrats are a disease.

  2. Biden wasn't elected by The People, he was installed on the people.

  3. Nothing changes on the streets. That’s because enactment of laws that can’t be enforced doesn’t work! Here we have semi automatic weapons used with California having the strictest guns laws in the nation. The media is using the word high capacity magazines were used. California limits this to 10 rounds. His reportedly had 12 round magazines. What this shooting proves is even though these are illegal they were used. Even though it’s illegal to kill the law was broken. What this should show is their laws aren’t effective in stopping shootings. What’s troubling is this man had anger issues and a troubled past with anger as well as being questioned before yet no laws proposed would have stopped this. Yet another case of a person with an obvious troubled life and our government rattles their gun law agenda.
    Here we have a person with a history that was concerning and yet he was able to have magazines that were illegal.
    What the media should be questioning I why as a society do we allow these people to be elected.
    This clearly shows that their laws are ineffective.
    This person had some mental issues that wouldn’t have stopped him even if he had no guns. He showed he was capable of explosives by his home burning.
    What could have happened if this work environment had a policy of allowing concealed carry. Maybe someone would have stopped this guy. How can anyone think that making these areas an easy target by laws and company policies of no guns be effective.
    How can the media not ask these type of questions.

  4. Joe was bombing Syria on the day of his inauguration, Joe and every president before him have sided with Big Pharma, Big Medical Insurance, and other for profit medical entities rather than providing universal healthcare to include mental healthcare for all Americans. Millions of Americans own guns, just like millions of Americans own cars. If someone uses their vehicle as a battering ram against pedestrians are we going to ban cars??

  5. To the GOP the 2nd Amendment is not worth mass shooting after mass shooting. The blood is no on the GOP hands. Start the count for as long as the GOP does nothing.

  6. This is how you stop mass shooting all the money for the war on drunks and all the aid to countrys for b.s. programs use it to build mental heath hospitals we have 1/6 amount of hospitals we had in the 70s

  7. The law should be hey carry a gun for safety. You could band and destroy every gun in the world people would use a killer destry all knifes people will pick up a sharp stick and use it a truck

  8. You have heard this hundreds of times,
    Guns don't kill people,
    People kill people!
    I loaded my pistol, layed it on the table in front of me and cursed it so bad that a sailor would blush.
    And if a gun would kill a person. Mine sure would have shot me that day…..

  9. Gun reform only has 52% of Americans backing it so to say majority is wrong and have had more first time gun buyers than ever in past few months with almost half of them being a minority – why because people don’t trust the government or the police to protect there family’s anymore

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  11. You fucking puppets reporting trash like this. A bunch of mental patients. The looney tunes. You’ll never take our fucking rights away. We will not let you ruin this country anymore than you already have.

  12. California, Chicago, New York and the list goes on. Liberalism promotes violence. These shootings are in liberal strong holds. Colorado, New Jersey and the list goes on. Then you see that these mass shootings were committed by liberal wackos who law enforcement was told would commit them. They do nothing to stop them.

    Meanwhile, liberals seem to love these shootings. They create laws, 100% of which cause gun murders to rise. Even in Australia, for over 2 years, their gun murders rose after their bans. Yet, liberals can't get enough blood in the streets. They see these gun murders escalate in these gun control states and they want every state to have these kinds of gun murders. They are sick.

  13. At least we heard from Senator Diane Feinstein of California tonight! She’s 80ish nowadays and has smarts we sure need now. Hats off to her! ⭐️⭐️⭐️💥

  14. Defund police and let criminals out of jails and prisons, let unknown undocumented people cross the borders and then tell law abiding citizens they need to give up their guns. Dim logic.

  15. Most of the shootings happen in parts of the country that have the strictest gun laws… how does that happen?? If gun control worked you would think places with the strictest gun laws would have the lowest rates of gun violence.. but it’s quite the opposite actually

  16. Biden is a braindead potato. Followed by hippocrits and weak minded sheep. Gun control is a pathetic excuse for a solution.

  17. Those few people that actually kill people with guns and stuff like that are ruining people that have rights and own guns and the president's going to take that a way I mean that's bullshit I'm sure a lot of those people that have guns and go to harm with them get them illegally that means they don't go to a store and buy them gun control is not what we need right now what we need right now is better paying police for their jobs that they risk their lives for daily and if you did that I'm sure that you wouldn't have crooked crops like you do

  18. Let no tragedy go unexploited! Democrats love politicizing any tragedy they can use to advance their narrative. Newsflash, bad people will do bad things regardless of if you take guns or not, see the Boston bombing, should pressure cookers be banned too?

  19. Political propaganda! Don't worry Biden you and all the evil that follows has already been defeated and you are on borrowed time! Righteousness will ALWAYS prevail because the Lord of Israel and the world says so! Enjoy your reign until it comes to an end!

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