White House mask mandate implemented on public transportation l GMA – Car Mod Pros Portal

Starting Feb. 1, masks will now be a requirement on all rides, from planes to taxis, as COVID-19 cases continue to rise across the country.

Biden’s 1st 100 days live updates: https://abcn.ws/2L8ODaJ

#ABCNews #COVID19 #MaskMandate #BidenHarris


By carmodpros


24 thoughts on “White House mask mandate implemented on public transportation l GMA”
  1. The mask mandate should stay on forever.
    Idk if you’ve noticed but even the flu cases are down.
    The reality here is that wearing a mask is preventing us from COVID and much more!!!#keep the mandate#

  2. If you think about it from a purely mechanical viewpoint, lungs are rather uniform fleshy air pumps. Doesn't matter if an animal has the specific receptors to exhibit symptoms of the virus or suffer consequences thereof. Fleshy air pump. What it breathes in that doesn't stick to the lining or get absorbed, must be breathed out. Every single lung is a 'superspreader'; it's helping to pump the virus everywhere. To not mask all animals is only half-arsing it (wayvless than half, actually), virtue signaling, making a mockery of 'the science'. Shouldn't the mask mandaters be culpable for gross negligence by excluding all other breathers? I mean, it's an airborne virus right? Cause if the animal lungs aren't doing that and are filtering the air instead, then it should stand to reason that humans should also be cleansing the virus from the air when they breathe, and no mask should be needed because our lungs would all be virus traps to prevent others from catching it. Virus would receed quickly. So… which is it?

    If we're making masks for and getting consent of all lunged animals, spiders would be a good one. I assume they breathe.  Who's gonna sew spider masks, or volunteer to put 'em on 'em? We got an awful lot of pets, livestock, and wild animals to make masks for and get consent from. Has anyone else noticed that none of these animals are voluntarily masking? Ya'll are gonna gave to pitch in and help, sorry.

  3. People are saying “We’ve been wearing masks since last year” but we all know this is not true, maybe you have been,I know I have been wearing masks and yes a lot of people have been wearing them since last year, but unfortunately there are a lot of people who refuse to wear masks, so as a country we have not been wearing masks since last year, the better phrasing should be “I have been wearing a mask since last year”

  4. communistic guidelines that violate existing laws when discrimination or harassment is involved. and junk science.

  5. That is a violation of the Nuremberg Code to force someone to use a medical device like the mask. A lot of people have contraindicated medical conditions to wearing the mask, which does lower oxygen levels and increase carbon dioxide levels in the blood. This directly causes the mandated mental illnesses caused by the government and people stupid enough to forget about Informed Consent. The mask also causes viral and bacteria pneumonia from such things incubating in that dirty face diaper. More people died from Bacterial pneumonia in the 1918 Spanish Flu directly from wearing a mask, that died directly from influenza. Over 94% of COVID-19 scamdemic deaths are with other comorbidities such as cancer, heart disease, gunshot wounds, accidents, poisonings, etcetera; it is all on CDC, and NIH websites.
    COVID means "Certification of Vaccination Identification" ID2020 and United Nations Agenda 2030, medical passport, mandatory vaccination and microchipping.
    Revelation 13:16-18 (KJV) " And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
    And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
    Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."
    Obama 3.0.

  6. Prophecy; "YOU" WILL CALL President Trump "The Illegitimate Nightmare" ! 🙂 ………… just when you thought you have won, YOU LOSE ! #

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  10. Repeat after us, kids;
    "An order, IS NOT a LAW"!
    "A mandate, IS NOT a LAW"!
    "A guidance, IS NOT a LAW"!
    "A requirement, IS NOT a LAW"!
    "A playbook, IS NOT a LAW"!
    "A code enforcement, IS NOT a LAW"!
    "A Company or Store policy, IS NOT a LAW"!
    Repeat and study those over and over until you memorize each one.
    Next installment we'll learn or re-learn, what IS the LAW,…Constitutional LAW, Statutorily Established by the Legislative body, LAW and more,…copy?
    Strongest recommendation (oh yes, speaking of which, "A recommendation, IS NOT a LAW"!), to take a Free Constitutional Law class and soon!
    'We The People', of The Free Republic!

  11. Don’t care what the media say . I’m not taking no vaccine 🙅🏼

  12. I'm surprised to know that they weren't required before. My city was one of the first to require face coverings way when those started, but it's also one of the cities with the worst covid numbers. Although there's other factors that contributed to that completely unrelated to masks.

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