White House is accused of trying to discredit Dr. Anthony Fauci – Car Mod Pros Portal

President Trump said he personally likes Fauci after his advisors released information critical of the top doctor. ABC News’ Ines de la Cuetara reports.


By carmodpros


23 thoughts on “White House is accused of trying to discredit Dr. Anthony Fauci”
  1. Fauci his biggest scandal against humanity? That sounds like a horrormovie !!! https://www.bitchute.com/video/sHrpUplJPTUE/ All happend in 1991, the same year that 193 countries sighed for Antarctica under the name I.A.A.T.O. !!! I hope it are not the same countries. I hope it is not the same 193 countries countries that signed for Covid-19, that together decided to demolish the world economy, because all the work on Earth has been converted into bar gold of 12.5 kg gold, which the central banks has been collected. Just like the crisis in 1933, when Hitler came to power. Hitler wanted 1 government for the entire planet Earth. Hitler's wish is still present under the name NEW WORLD ORDER. If you intentionally demolish an economy and the citizens of the world can no longer meet their obligations with the banks, governments themselves will borrow the money for arming. we can learn from history. Stock market crash – Crisis – War – Construction. In mythology, the Anunnaki came to collect the gold and the slaves with a chain and a sphere around their feet, were sent into the mines to mine the good. The modern slave has a bank card and a credit card, and the gold is collected and lies with the Central Banks. The Anunaki could pick it up again if the myth suddenly became reality. Once Admiral Richard E Byrd discovered that he had discovered a country behind Antarctica, even bigger than America itself! we haven't heard about it since 1929. Old maps used to be drawn by shipping. The old geological land and sea charts can still be found on the flags of Unicef ​​and UN. There is even an ice ring with the circumference of the earth of 40,000 km (1 km = 1000 meters). Antarctica is 14 million square kilometers divided by 40,000 = 350 kilometers wide ice collar, which keeps the water of the seas within the disk. CDC is military, NASA is military. There are 80 patented varieties of Corona and Corona always comes after the summer, never before the summer. Most people on Earth have had Corona flu in those 60 years. The P.C.R. test is unreliable and not accurate. In recent years, Corona ingredients have been copied and added to the flu vaccines, but you cannot filter the germ out. These flu syringes have been administered to older people and younger people with underlying illnesses. Below they have fallen most victims. The total healthcare costs in the Netherlands in 2019 was 100 billion euros, of which 50% was for the pensioners 65+. The top 3 causes of death in the world are: Cancer, Heart problems and Abortions. These 3 diseases have the highest cost in healthcare. There were more positive tests in the polluted areas. In my region in the Northern Netherlands 1 Corona infected per 100,000 inhabitants. In the previous 3 years we had a lot more deaths from influenza than 2020. On the day of the 1st lockdown, the big bank in England was closed. It looked like a global bankruptcy. Covid-19 was just a cold for most infected people. But hospitals everywhere remained empty. Actors were even hired, 2 of which posted evidence on my social media. The WHO had changed the definition of pandemic. Because of the virus and the fear, inheriting was a very big advantage !!! Operations postponed and for many medical help came too late. Our health care system has a deductible of 400 euros in order to slow down unnecessary costs for medical assistance. By proclaiming Covid-19 as a very dangerous virus, the largest savings have ever been made worldwide. Very many no longer dared to go to hospital.

  2. Dear editor
    I am perplexed by the flurry of internet ads' which Joe Biden's people put out showing senior citizens locked in their homes and blaming Trump for their predicament. Dr Fauci recently said :"The response of the Trump Admin has been impressive,I can't imagine anybody could be doing more!" I find that very interesting because most the people who were locked in were living in States controlled by the Democrats,who with the media sabotaged life saving early hydroxychloroquine treatments!

  3. Last weekend: "Hydroxychloroquine is not effective". He knows he stopped his own "Early Treatment with HCQ-AZM" 31-center RCT, the only way he can make definitive statement about HCQ not working. By stopping the trial he guaranteed he will never have admit HCQ-AZM works. But stopping it BECAUSE OF PHONY RESEARCH FROM A GILEAD-PAID DOCTOR AND INSTITUOON (HARVARD), he telling the world FABRICATED DATA FROM NEJM and LANCET is just fine with him. Where is his outrage at phony COVID-19 research from a top US institution and researcher that led the FDA to rescind the EUA for Hydtoxycloroquine. Dr FAUCI has no scientific basis to say early treatment is ineffective. Have some balls and restart the trial. Your own lead investigator at UCSD said "there is preclinical and clinical data showing this regimen is effective". NIH-sponsored RCT stopped because of fraudulent data? Where is your belief in the science now. You passed on an outpatient CUREso REMDEDIVIR could take in billions of dollars at the expense of the lives of 160,000 US citizens. and

  4. Dr Fauci discredited himself by again choosing scientific methodology over human life. By committing to 9 to 12 month RCT's for every possible treatment to prove it to the highest scientific level, he has cost the love of at least 140,000 US citizens their lives by obstructing a treatment that is a CURE by any definition of the term. He was "gifted" this cure by a doctor who had treated with his decisions. Just like protests for and backtwice to to tune of 120,000because of hisno handling of this and AIDS innthen1990's, both for the same reason: delaying

  5. ok i dont get it. u had 9/11 and u lost 3000 people then spent 20 yrs fighting wars. U HAVE HAD A 9/11 EVERY DAY FOR FOUR FUCKING MONTHS, and u do what? u leave the root cause IN POWER? and now he is accusing some one else of killing u all? u keep trump in power four more yrs u wont HAVE a country, and no one is going to mourn the loss.

  6. He discredited himself when he admitted to lying to the public. He admitted as much in a public hearing recorded on video. According to him he knew masks "may help" but told Americans not to use them to save them for medical workers.
    May seem like a good reason but no medical professional should be lying to the public about how to stay safe for any reason. If they are concerned about supplies than they should tell the public the truth and tell them why they should leave the masks for those who need them more.


  7. The Whitehouse doesn’t have to discredit this criminal who should be charged with crimes against humanity. He’s done that himself

  8. WOW!!!!! IS IT ME OR DOES TRUMP LOOK LIKE SH*t THESE DAYS! Go back and look at this video of his face and how crazy his hair is looking. Compare it to a few months ago. This guy looks like he has aged 10 years in the past few months! I think that Hydroxychloroquine is taking a toll on him. MAN! he is looking beat in the face; bags under his eye like he's been on an all week shopping-spree with Malania and Ivanka! Maybe that heat-lamp is draining him , IDK, but this guy is loosing more than an Presidential Election. I'm just sayin!

  9. If you think that the Medical Community , Democrats or Republicans care at all about your health…
    then you have not seen "The Burzynski Movie" yet.
    EVERY American should watch this movie to see how CORRUPT the Medical Community really is.

  10. When people are trying to create an illusion or if you get a bunch of sociopathic people as a team trying to create an illusion trick thousands if not millions of people then they have to discredit the truth teller the facts Seeker don't believe anybody except for the scientist and the doctors who actually want to save your life and your children's lives because that's their job that's what they're getting paid to do. these other guys are not getting paid to save your life they want the money they are willing to risk your life to make it, they don't want to help the citizens get through this there's no money in it for them. It is our government's responsibility to take care of its citizens during this crisis they have the money they give trillions of dollars away to other countries all you got to do is look it up all they gotta do is take that money to help us through this. if they did that then the money would go into the economy cuz we're using the money to pay our bills and go to the grocery store shop for Necessities online and so on

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