White House extends COVID-19 guidelines to April 30th

White House extends COVID-19 guidelines to April 30th

There are now more than 130,000 confirmed cases in the U.S. with more than 2,000 deaths. ABC News Andrea Fujii reports.

BREAKING NEWS UPDATES: https://abcnews.go.com/Health/Coronavirus

#ABCNews #SocialDistancing #COVID19 #NovelCoronavirus #Coronavirus #News #Trump #WhiteHouse


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45 thoughts on “White House extends COVID-19 guidelines to April 30th


  2. "Stay home, save lives." Regardless what we have already done (I have seen too many people thinking and treating this as a regular flu season), all of us should now stay home. Allow hospitals and all the front line worker to focus on what they are doing now and not to increase their workloads.

  3. The 2017-2018 SEASONAL FLU KILLED 60,000 Americans and the economy rolled on. Nothing was shut down. This COVID19 is a manufactured, media-hyped crisis made out to be much worse than it really is.

  4. im in 3rd world country my relatives suffer from corona virus. they sell farm lands and cow carabao to pay bills in the hospital. they have nothing left. china must pay all the bills in the hospitals because the virus is came from their country. lets BOYCOTT CHINESE PRODUCTS. this is too much sufferings for us. they kill humans.

  5. Blah blah…oh My, lions and tigers and bears oh my. You should be afraid very afraid afraid of your government.
    BS this entire charade is BS. This entire charade is the biggest hoax that has ever been played on our country. This is a massive smokescreen to Hide what the hell the globalist are up to. While they’re rolling out military combat ready armored vehicles and battle ready soldiers across our country. And they are telling the American people to go inside their house and shut the door, just close their eyes and don’t worry while they are strategically installing military all over our country in every city in every state. Telling people to stay 6 feet away from other people, ask yourself why in the world would they tell us to stay so far away from everybody? Because they don’t want us talking they don’t want us putting our heads together they don’t want us assembling because they are planning the biggest take over and take down of our country. And it’s happening right under our nose is and everyone is just following the stupid Q plan like good little sheep to the slaughter. People you better wake up. Go read agenda 21.

  6. The spread is now unstoppable, your politicians just will not act fast enough and you have an indecisive and inept President. The USA is stuffed. Putting Pence in charge is just a weak way of shifting the blame.

  7. Fake News! Please only cover the facts, not trump, please stop giving him airtime. I don't want to hear or see him anymore. He is killing us and you are helping him do it. Please STOP!

  8. Hmm, at end of March … The government is telling Americans to wear N95 masks, surgical masks, hell use a bandana or scarf so you don't breath in Covid19 MICRO droplets !!! WTF have Americans been told the wrong thing to do?

    Coughing in the elbow and washing your hands really does not prevent us from being infected with Covid19? What a surprising newsflash! NOT!

    How many 100's of news media people are NOW trying to back peddle the "you don't need to wear a mask" bullshit stories they been telling the public for 2 months? No wonder the government is giving out $1,200 to each person, it kind of seems like a out of court settlement now.

  9. Hope COVID-19 just fool.if you need Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment (Compressed),welcome to contact me.By the way,I have resource of facial mask.If you need it,welcome to contact me.

  10. We deserve to know more about the drug, Interferon Alpha 2B, which is manufactured in Cuba which claims to reduce fatalities. 45 nations around the world has requested it and Cuban medical teams are going to affected countries to offer help. If the drug is ineffective. we have a right to know, or is it taboo to discuss it because it is manufactured in Cuba. Research it.

  11. I have the source of covid-19 medical goggles, which are made in China, with sufficient quantity and low price. They can be delivered from China on the day of payment. Please email y980715@gmail.com as soon as you need.

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