White House Covid Response Team Holds Briefing | NBC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

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Live: White House Covid Response Team Holds Briefing | NBC News


By carmodpros


49 thoughts on “White House Covid Response Team Holds Briefing | NBC News”
  1. \ BEST GLOBAL NEWS TODAY /// ISRAEL'S NEW VACCINES CURE, NOT PREVENT COVID: #1 Recovered 29 of 30 ['in'] \ #2passed Phase 3 recovery \ Global UPDATE /// 56 nations report to WHO, JHU -62% US DEATHS AS % of COVID-diagnosed: FROM OCT 22 (2.75%) TO (1.67%) on Jan 6 // attributed to Trump REGIME v. BIDEN REGIME has REVERSED that TREND by +8% up to 1.76%. "Bad" news at MX/GRM/UK/PRTG/HUNG/ "Good News" by "Abrahamic" simple diet * Deaths/1M/LAST-2-WKS: * BLG 1,822-1,894* UK 1570-1,762* ITL 1,421-1,548* US 1,439-1,517* HUNG 1,231-1,403* SP 1,280-1,386* FR 1,097-1,219* SWS 1,097-1,145* PRTG 1,043-1,477 \ % Fatalities of diagnosed* GROUP B* Feb 13*FIN 1.41**NL 1.44**U.S. 1.76**SWS 1.80**SWD 2.04**SP 2.12**FR 2.37**BRZ 2.43**CND 2.58**GRM 2.80**UK 2.90**AU 3.15**ITL 3.44**GRC 3.56**MX 8.74 /// Feb 12*GROUP A*%-FATL: SNG 0.05/ MONG O.10/BTN 0.12/FARI 0.15/QT 0.16/SVN 0.26/SBR 0.28/DBAI 0.29/MLD 0.33/BRN 0.36/TLN 0.33/MLS 0.37/SYCL 0.42/CRC 0.46/ICL 0.48 /CAYI 0.48/SRLN 0.52/KWT 0.56/CYP 0.68/SMRT 0.69/CUBA 0.69/Bora O.73/ISR 0.74/NPL 0.75/UZB 0.79/ARBA 0.92/VNZ 0.96/TWN 0.96 // We r what we eat, differ by DNA-DIET**['in'; 10M+citations to own work by Google* In comments click name above to open own library of free to all videos and books at U-Tube that can be shared, say, at 'in'./

  2. The epidemic has brought the deepest concern that surround mankind the air is contaminated however it is appropriate to beleave that wearing a mask while waiting for the vaccine is very appropriate to those that are witnesses to what is important for everybody's well being we cant fight with bullets but we can win with patients.

  3. In examining the data provided by a television broadcast of some time ago conducted by the journalist Formigli, on "La 7", I saw something in a graph that contrasts with the official narrative provided by public institutions and the press throughout the world on handling the Covid-19 epidemic.

    In the graph, many countries were compared in terms of deaths from Covid for million inhabitants, including two neighboring countries, namely Brazil and Argentina. As you know, Bolsonaro, president of Brazil, was harshly criticized for refusing to subject the population to lockdowns and other restrictive measures to fight the virus, contrary to what did instead Fernandez, President of Argentina, who, in addition to an eight-month lockdown, has imposed restrictions and impositions of all kinds on the population, with serious consequences for the economy of that country. The comparison that emerges from the graph is therefore surprising:

    1) Brazil – Covid deaths per million inhabitants = 786
    2) Argentina – Covid deaths per million inhabitants = 801

    First of all, I note that the data contrasts with what was disseminated by the media around the world, namely the thousands of deaths that were attributed to Bolsonaro for not having adopted the anticovid measures advocated by the more "advanced" countries against the virus, which instead in the graph, they appear even lower than those of a neighboring country like Argentina, which had instead adopted all the restrictive anticovid measures. So, according to this graph, published by a television channel notoriously favorable to anticovid measures, restrictions and lockdowns are not useful tools to prevent the spread of the disease and save people's lives.

    Doubt arises that the question concerns exclusively the serious insufficiency of the health systems in dealing with this epidemic, and that all the restrictive measures imposed on populations all over the world have served and will only serve to destroy the social and economic fabric of the various countries.

  4. It’s like Humanity is Slave To Vaccines. Read, “This Is A Bio-Attack Alert”, by Doctor Robert B Strecker a Medical Doctor with a PhD In Pharmacology who said, “There Is No Proof Any Vaccines Cure Anything”.

  5. CDC lied anyone care? You’ve been wearing a mask for months based on their numbers and they’re lies. Inflated for the election. Violating their own guidelines to get the death total up.

    Of course you don’t care. You’re American. Hey! Sports is on!


  7. You can protect yourself from becoming infected by wearing an N95. NIOSH maintains a list of tested and approved respirators.

  8. About a decade ago. There was a document put in front of the US congress outlining how to depopulate the US using a lethal vaccination for a fake flu pandemic. The only thing about this document that's evolved is its to include the whole world now. Wake up people and take back our freedom globally!!

  9. "If someone dies WITH covid-19, we are counting that." -Direct quote from Dr. Birx at the Coronavirus Task Force press conference.
    You could literally make a stuffy nose the leading cause of death using this rule.

  10. I hope non of you anti maskers will ever need my daughter an ER nurse who has put her life on the line and she and many of her nurse friends are thinking of quitting beause of so many uncaring people. There are many other places they can work, she is trying to transfer to New Zealand. This truly is a third world country, no healthcare, Education, racial white people

  11. Conservatives should not get the vaccine. Also, they should jump into the lion enclosure at the local zoo, walk out into traffic and jump from a high bridge.
    Culling the herd instead of herd immunity.

  12. Dr. Fauci offshored the gain of function bat experiments from Dr. Ralph Baric UNC Chapel Hill, to Dr. Shi Zhengli WUHAN P4 LAB, where the leak occured. In addition to being the highest paid government employee, Dr Fauci has financial interests in the vaccines aimed at stopping the chimera virus, he indirectly helped to create.

  13. According to the official statistics, South Africa has turned into one of the greatest epicenters of Covid-19 in the world. Since the beginning of April to the 12th July, the cumulative number of infections in South Africa has doubled about every 14 days. On 12 July 2020, 264,184 cumulative cases have been recorded, slightly more than double the 131,800 on 28 June, 14 days before. South Africa was firmly on track to record half a million cumulative infections by 25 July. Community spread appeared unstoppable. At that rate of increase, 1 million would have been infected by 8 August, 2 million by 22 August, 4 million by 5 September, 8 million by 19 September, 16 million by 3 October and some 32 million by 17 October 2020. That would represent 53% of the population of over 59 million people. The daily number of new infections should then have dropped off steeply. On that trend, over the first two weeks of October, between one and two million new infections were likely to occur daily. The growth of new cases in adjoining areas, such as Zimbabwe, Namibia, Eswatini, Botswana and Lesotho was much, much slower – less than one-half to one-third the rate in South Africa. But now, with the current wave in progress, the numbers in these countries are growing in proportion with numbers in SA.
    On 13 July, the number of new cases in South Africa dropped significantly by about 1,440, or about 11%. The day before, the 12 July 2020, sales of alcoholic beverages were prohibited in South Africa, creating a false impression that the ban was the cause of the drop in numbers. However, this is false, because the normal lag period of some 5 to 10 days between the introduction of a new measure that is effective, and a reduction in case numbers, was completely absent, clearly identifying it as fake. This trend of a reduction of new cases continued daily and became progressively stronger. Today, 11 February, 2021, with a second (or third?) wave well underway, the official cumulative number of cases in South Africa stands at 1,482,412 instead of well over 50% of the population, had the 'trend' of doubling every 13 or 14 days continued. It had taken some 90 days to double to this latest number. There is no rational reason for a ban on liquor sales to cause such a sudden, steep drop in new cases. Hence the conclusion is that, over the three-and-a-half months before 12 July, the numbers have been manipulated up, as were the numbers on recoveries. Death numbers, on the other hand, were manipulated down: https://www.businesslive.co.za/bd/national/2020-07-29-excess-deaths-soar-to-more-than-four-times-official-covid-19-toll-mrc-data-shows/
    The question is, why have the case numbers been manipulated up?
    Early this year, South Africa applied for an IMF loan of US$4.3 billion at a very low interest rate. On 27 July 2020, the IMF publicly announced that the loan was granted – https://www.imf.org/en/News/Articles/2020/07/27/pr20271-south-africa-imf-executive-board-approves-us-billion-emergency-support-covid-19-pandemic Most likely, South Africa was informed of the grant earlier than the public announcement, perhaps around 12 July? Clearly, the numbers in South Africa have been manipulated up to impress on the IMF an urgent need for funds to fight the epidemic in the country. Most of the funds are likely to disappear into the pockets of corrupt people in positions of power and their family.
    A further question is, what is the real motive for the ban on liquor sales – back in July 2020 and again now in early 2021?
    The answer is that the ban on liquor sales will most likely drive many liquor stores out of business. The liquor trade is seen as lucrative, easy business. White owners of such businesses are exempt on a racist basis of financial assistance to weather the covid storm, including the IMF funds. Many of these businesses are likely to go bankrupt and be bought up at bargain prices by black politicians, their family members https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2020-07-31-ace-magashules-sons-each-bag-a-free-state-covid-19-contract/amp/?__twitter_impression=true and other black business people, perhaps using some of the IMF funds paid for other contracts where contract prices have been loaded – https://www.news24.com/news24/southafrica/news/covid-19-sahrc-set-to-probe-gauteng-health-spending-amid-corruption-claims-20200730
    And https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2020-07-30-province-to-disclose-ppe-procurement-details-to-avoid-corruption/
    And https://mg.co.za/coronavirus-essentials/2020-08-06-the-ppe-scandal-that-the-treasury-hasnt-touched/
    Fraud and corruption assume many a guise. The South African government is rotten through from top to bottom and the people in power are out on the loot. They saw an opportunity and they jumped on it. But at the same time, they are doing the South African population a grave disservice, endangering peoples' lives and livelihoods – subsequent waves of infections in South Africa are being masked by the huge false first wave. The statistics are being adjusted according to ulterior motives. Such as the opportunities a good crisis offers for personal enrichment. This time, however, the South African black elite defrauded and made fools of the international community, their co-members of the IMF, rather than their own citizens – perhaps strategically a grave error?

    Now, only 5 months after South Africa was granted the USD 4.3 billion IMF loan (which comes to USD 71 per person in South Africa), the South African government cannot find the USD 4 per dose for the Astra Zeneca vaccine to vaccinate the population!

    See also:

    Its all true!

    But the cherry on top?? – South Africans like this one:
    "Samuel Makhetha 23 hours ago @Jan Viljoen no sir, a lot of Africans used their forefathers best method of killing all kinds of flu viruses, steaming using different natural herbs and I'm one of them. No need to pay billions to sons and daughters of Colonialists who still have their own agendas of depopulation of black African people."

    Not an isolated opinion either!

  14. @NBC publisher, you ought to consider disabling comments on these posts because of all the Trump Trolls the comment section is largely pointless noise. Nothing constructive is exchanged and the Trolls can't even stay on topic, so what's the point!

  15. New Zealand applauds the US for rejoining the WHO along with the 100 days of masks initiative.

    In 20 seconds another American family will lose a family member thanks to Traitor Trump and his MAGATs!

    Covid deaths USA 480,930 UK 114,851 Canada 20,984 China 4,636 Australia 909 NZ 25 Taiwan 9.

    Taiwan and NZ are proof that social distancing, hand washing and mask wearing saves lives.

  16. After 5 months without a Covid fatality in New Zealand, watching US news is like stepping back in time..

    Traitor Trump and Azra lied and only ordered 20M (2 doses for 10M) for a 330M population.

    US J&J has finally caught up with Belgium, China, Russia, UK and India. 6th to market – Warp speed?

    Why does 2021 warp speed have slower distribution than the 1947 US Small Pox vaccine roll out?

  17. Where was the inequity? A vet who met the requirements to receive the vaccine was refused because his income was too high. What does “improving equity” mean to you guys?

  18. FROM THE CDC;  3,150 people vaccinated in ONE DAY are "unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work" after vaccination. This is a massive 2.7% of people who can no longer work after having the Pfizer vaccine.

  19. Ok again I ask ON live in ARLINGTON TX
    and work at TOM THOMB ON Collins and we have A huge costume mass
    Yet as cashiers we do not qualify as front LINE 🤔workers!!!!!!!!!!!! "WTF") we mark less then and you are saying we mean then !!!!!!!!!! Very Sorry . Again " WTF" IF U Y NOT US ?!?!

  20. 1a 1b 1c there is NO safety reason not to get vaccine….we are starting clinical trails and even if its not effective you should still get it because we studied it in things other than people…of yeh
    Equality is core to the strategy? Do you speak normal English?
    You want to reach people try speaking English and try to be professional….if your audio and tech support fails on TV don't you think people won't care or notice and feel like the people in charge are ill equipped.

  21. Its like we are in school…
    Bad bad…reading everything..and not well…shouldn't the white house staff know their stuff…
    Its SO embarrassing to listen to her stumble thru the whole thing

  22. السلام عليكم اني اترجاك واتوسل اليك يا اخي.ان تقرا رسالتي هذا كامله ولا تتركها بدون ما تقراها.

    اخي اول كلامي اقسم بلله علا كتاب الله اني لا اكذب عليك ولا انصب ولا احتال اني بنت يمنيه نازحين من تعز اني واسرتي وعلينا اجار بيت الشهر ب13الف يمني ولان علينا 39الف حق 3اشهر وصاحب البيت من الناس الي ما ترحم والله يا اخي انه يجي كل يوم يبهدلنا ويتكلم علينا ويريد يخرجنا من البيت للشارع لاننا ما قدرنا ندفع له الاجار وما يروح الا بعدما نبكي ورجعوا تكلموا عليه الجيران ومهلنا لاخر هذا الاسبوع واذا ما دفعنا له حلف يمين بلله انه بيخرجنا الى الشارع بدون رحمه واحنا اسره ايتام فقراء مشردين من بيوتنا بسبب هذا الحرب ولا نجد قوت يومنا وعايشين اني وامي واخوتي سغار والدنا متوفي الله يرحمه وما معنا احد في هذا الدنيا يقف بجانبنا في هذا الضروف القاسيه وما معي اخوان كبار اني الكبيره في اخوتي ولاكن اني بنت لا اتسطيع مثلك ان اروح اشتغل بين الرجال واصرف علا اسرتي والله ثم والله يا اخي اننا قد لنا يومين محرومين من لقمت العيش ومعي اخوان صغار انظر كيف حالتهم اقسم بلله يا اخي انهم خرجوا من البيت للشارع وشافوا الجيران ياكلوا راحوا وقفوا عند بابهم لجل يعطوهم ولو خبزه يابسه يسدوبها جوعهم والله الذي له ملك السموات والارض انهم غلقوا الباب وطردوهم ورجعوا يبكوا ايموتوا من الجوع ما احد رحمهم وعطاهم لقمت عيش ولان لوما احد ساعدنا بحق كيلوا دقيق اقسم بلله اننا انموت من الجوع فيا اخي اني دخيله علا الله ثم عليك واريد منك المساعده لوجه الله واسالك بلله يا اخي لو انت مسلم وتحب الخير واتساعدني ولو ب500ريال يمني ان تطلب اسم بطاقتي وترسلي ولا تتاخر وايعوضك الله بكل خير فيا اخي انت رجال اذا شفت اسرتك جاوعين تعمل المستحيل من اجل تامن لهم الاكل ولاكن اني بنت عيني بصيره ويدي قصيره ليس لي اب مثلك واخواني سغار شوف كيف حالتهم وساعدنا وانقذنا قبل ان يطردونا في الشارع نتبهدل او نموت من الجوع هذا رقمي واتساب +967711096080الذي يريد مساعدتنا لوجه الله يراسلني واتساب اني اقسم بلله الذي رفع سبع سموات بلا عمد وبسط الارض ومهد اني لا اكذب عليك بحرف من هذا الرساله واني ما طلبتك الا من ضيق ومن قسوت الضروف والحال الذي احنا فيه اني واسرتي نسالك بلله يا اخي انك توقف معنا تذكروا قول الله سبحانه وتعالى( وفي اموالهم حق معلوم للسائل والمحروم صدق الله العظيم )تساعد معنا يا اخي الله يجزيك الف خير.

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