White House Covid-19 Response Briefing | NBC News

White House Covid-19 Response Briefing | NBC News

Watch as the White House Covid-19 Response Team holds a press briefing on the coronavirus pandemic.

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Live: White House Covid-19 Response Team Holds Briefing | NBC News


29 thoughts on “White House Covid-19 Response Briefing | NBC News

  1. Jerome Riviere, the French politician, took to Twitter and posted: "Freedom and democracy are not doing well when #Twitter continues to ban #Trump’s account but relays the #Taliban spokesperson’s without any second thoughts."

  2. I don’t understand how they’re getting this vac out so fast how years has the Tami Flu was unavailable? Flu shots backed ordered but they’re pushing these out in millions

  3. Atmospheric oxygen levels dropping exponentially, but its still ok to use internal combustion engines pumping highly toxic emissions into the air for your neighbors to inhale though their dust masks?
    Perhaps an N95 mask on your tailpipe will help? 🤪

  4. https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/there-is-no-climate-emergency-say-500-experts-in-letter-to-the-united-nations/ A global network of more than 500 knowledgeable and experienced scientists and professionals in climate and related fields have the honor to address to Your Excellencies the attached European Climate Declaration, for which the signatories to this letter are the national ambassadors. The general-circulation models of climate on which international policy is at present founded are unfit for their purpose.

    Therefore, it is cruel as well as imprudent to advocate the squandering of trillions of dollars on the basis of results from such immature models. Current climate policies pointlessly and grievously undermine the economic system, putting lives at risk in countries denied access to affordable, reliable electrical energy. We urge you to follow a climate policy based on sound science, realistic economics and genuine concern for those harmed by costly but unnecessary attempts at mitigation

    Here are the specific points about climate change highlighted in the letter:

    1 Natural as well as anthropogenic factors cause warming.

    2. Warming is far slower than predicted.

    3. Climate policy relies on inadequate models.

    4. CO2 is not a pollutant. It is a plant food that is essential to all life on Earth. Photosynthesis is a blessing. More CO2 is beneficial for nature, greening the Earth: additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also good for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide.

    5. Global warming has not increased natural disasters.

    6. Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities.

    7. There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic.

    MP: What about that “consensus” and “settled science” about climate change we always hear about? How can there be a consensus when there’s a global network of more than 500 knowledgeable and experienced scientists and professionals in climate and related fields who challenge the “settled science”?

    Actually, challenging the consensus among the scientific community is nothing new, but those the voices of those challenging the consensus are always drowned out by the tsunami of climate hysteria from the climate alarmists. For example, in 2012 a group of more than 125 scientists sent an open letter to the United Nations warning that scientific evidence refuted UN Secretary-General’s Ban Ki-Moon repeated assertions on weather and climate. Those warnings of climate hysteria unsupported by the scientific evidence were ignored in 2012, just like the letter from the 500 prominent scientists and professionals will be ignored in 2019. In other words, it’s “deja vu all over again.

    This too. Oh how about those dems air raid practices for elementary children in the 60s > terrible sirens and children having to get under their desks. I think that ended when JFK was killed. It did not last long and it was probably a welcomed exciting break like fire drills.

  5. So, as the truth comes out that Rand Paul's wife has been heavily invested in COVID TREATMENT STOCKS since EARLY 2020, means that Rand Paul has been MAKING TONS OF MONEY off of PEOPLE GETTING SICK from Covid! NO WONDER he has been fighting Dr. Fauchi tooth and nail! RAND PAUL HAS BEEN PROFITING GREATLY OFF OF PEOPLE GETTING SICK WITH COVID! It's time to check if Florida and Texas Governors, Ron Desantis and Greg Abbott and OTHERS in our government ALSO have stocks or any interests in the pharmaceutical industry, and seeing if they are MAKING TONS OF MONEY off of people getting sick with Covid, like Rand Paul has been! …AND DON'T STOP THERE!

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