White House counsel ‘invited to participate’ in next hearings: House Judiciary Dem | ABC News

White House counsel ‘invited to participate’ in next hearings: House Judiciary Dem | ABC News

Judiciary Committee and Intelligence Committee member Rep. Val Demings, D-Fla., is interviewed on “This Week.”

#ABCNews #ThisWeek #JudiciaryCommittee #IntelligenceCommittee


45 thoughts on “White House counsel ‘invited to participate’ in next hearings: House Judiciary Dem | ABC News

  1. Candace Owens is going to pump up Orange County Florida to vote out the Democratic Party here in Orange County Florida
    ( Jerry L. Demings and his wife Val Demings ) yall need to go ,,, go go go… you are not doing enough about crime and they hate our President.

  2. 🆘 Apparently racist Trump hating democrat Val Demings Thinks Her Ancestors Being Slaves Is Somehow Relevant in an Impeachment Hearing. Why do sore loser democrat Blacks love using the race card??

  3. the problem with this congress is, that they will change the actual laws, to accommodate their own purposes. they are using Marxist tactics. it is a kangaroo court style. you are guilty of charge before prooven innocense. or the president is guilty because he was found guilty by them, even before he was the president. they must follow, any court procedure until they could find, something to close the case against him. instead of coming forward with substantial proof against him, so the president has to prove that he is innocent. this is more to hold power for the Democrats than, an impeachment. they actually show that nothing counts more to them, but to stay in power. they are so desperate, that they will lose everything. into the effort to get rid off the president. their case is lost from the beginning of it. it does not go accordingly with the constitution or the laws of the land.

  4. No they all just said Ukraine used to be corrupt as hell and still is. I thought president's are supposed to check that before they give aid. Considering what they did to his campaign and 7 billion dollars of missing tax dollars from us I think he did a good job

  5. Impeachment procedure is a waste of time. Even if impeached the Senate would not convict. Trump will be re elected in 2020 and because of this impeachment procedure Democrats will lose the House.

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  9. This congresswoman can't give a straight answer. Trump never gave conditions to president Z. America has an obligation to reelect our president and take our house back keep the Senate and get some work for America done. Three years of accusations and attacking our president is enough. Imagine how much could be done with this president without the opposition

  10. Trump will be out of the country doing his job. Naddler gives Trump three days two mount a defense. Without knowing who will be testifying or not testifying. So it's not an opportunity it's a a rush to finish this before the IG report comes out next week.

  11. No evidence! Only Hearsay! Constitutional experts? 4 democrats 1 Republican. After No due process Penguin Nat wants white house counsel? BS the terms are the POTUS give up executive privilege a constitutional right! Can't wait for the Senate Trial! to Expose the Corrupt Dems. Aid Was released after the Ukrainian Government implemented Anti corruption Measures. Buzzword "caught" only Slimy Schiffe and Nervous Nancy Did. She's off to Spain to attend a Climate Change conference! More Like Hiding from this Non Bipartisan impeachment. duh!

  12. This is ridiculous!!!THIS MEANS WAR!!!🇺🇸🗡🛡🏹🪓🔫💣🇺🇸💥

  13. Question: if the Democrats did not have the house majority, would there be this impeachment process? Yes or no? If you answer yes, you are, as the Democrats and Main Stream Media would say, lying and deserving of maximum Pinochios. If you said no, then you know the whole thing is a partisan effort deserving of no serious consideration or support – recently, therefore quite properly, called out as bull****.


  15. I don't care how these news hosts twist things. The bottom line is Trump is a corrupt criminal. And sooner or later he is going to sink like the Titanic. The end.

  16. congresswoman forgets she was elected to do as her constituents want… not her personal choice…. it does not matter what any elected official believes, its supposed to be based on what voters tell them to do…. these people seem to forget who holds all the real power in the usa.

  17. Democratic’s =Taxpayers $$$$$ wasted

  18. The House is infultrated by the Deepstate traitors to America !
    It will go to the Senate !
    Their Treasonist crimes will be exposed soon!
    IG report will be out, FISA will be out. Pains coming to the Traitors to the Great United States of America.
    The Coup Cabol will be exposed !

  19. Why participate in an illegal farce? Will this be strike 4? -or 5.
    “Remove the log from your own eye before pointing out a splinter in someone else’s!”
    The dems PURPOSELY CHEATED when they HID/withheld the testimony of one bureaucrat who stated the REAL reason the aid was delayed which would have been the end of this charade!
    dems have been PURPOSELY holding up ANY AND ALL LEGISLATION which would help us all! Simply put- they want to PUNISH the American citizens who ‘hired’ them to do the job! “Bad Attitude!” They are cutting off their nose to spite their face! I hope they all are arrested for no less than Sedition and Malfeasance in office!

  20. Trump's the Perfect Picture of Lawlessness, and the Epitome of Narcissism ! 🤔

  21. Val Demings is such a clever woman. She knows just the right questions to ask, and just how to answer questions as well. Her background in law enforcement is probably an advantage to her. I just love her.

  22. Trump is going to be provided inesent. Just like all off the NSDAP left party's of the world today are trying there hardest to kill God's work???? Why just let the man do his fucking job.

  23. If Obama did what Trump has done oh my god he would have been impeach so fast.. I remember the incident about a umbrella. And omg his datenight and all the other redicolous things people complained about. If Trump gets away with this to with all the other things he has done then he is right "he can do what ever he wants"

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