Where the secretive organization NXIVM case stands

Where the secretive organization NXIVM case stands

On Monday, TV actress Allison Mack pleaded guilty to federal charges of racketeering related to her involvement in self-help group, NXIVM.


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46 thoughts on “Where the secretive organization NXIVM case stands

  1. Besides the brilliant CBC podcast titled "Uncover" Season 1 titled, "Escaping NXIVM" which has 9 episodes and is from 2018, there's two documentaries both from 2020. One is titled "The Vow" by HBO and it has 9 episodes, and the other is a 4 episode documentary series titled "Seduced – Inside the NXIVM Cult". Those interested in ebooks & audiobooks might want to read access Sarah Edmonson's "Scarred: The True Story of How I Escaped NXIVM, the Cult That Bound My Life" released in 2019.

  2. Halfmoon The images of murder, rape and mutilation still haunt Jennifer Kobelt. They were shown to her during an apparently unsanctioned brain-activity experiment in August 2016, inside a nondescri… ALBANY TIMES UNION PAPER

    Allison condo WTEN.COM NEWS ABANY NY

  3. 👀 Allison Mack??

    Is this possibly Kristen Gillibrand’s daughter that she gave up for adoption?? Gillibrand had a child that she gave up for adoption in Germany in 1982?! Allison Mack was born in Germany in 1982? They are ‘ALL’ tied to NXIVM!!! Look at the resemblance?!



  4. Displaying 1 – 4 of 4 records

    Category Contributor Occupation Date Amount Recipient
    Money to Candidates BRONFMAN, CLARE
    CLIFTON PARK, NY 12065 SELF 09-28-2007 $2,300.00 Clinton, Hillary (D)
    Money to Candidates BRONFMAN, CLARE
    CLIFTON PARK, NY 12065 SELF 03-14-2007 $2,300.00 Clinton, Hillary (D)
    Money to Parties BRONFMAN, CLARE
    CLIFTON PARK, NY 12065 05-31-2007 $2,500.00 National Republican Senatorial Cmte (R)
    Money to Candidates BRONFMAN, CLARE
    CLIFTON PARK, NY 12065 08-28-2008 -$2,300.00 Clinton, Hillary (D)

  5. I would never trust anyone who would want nude photos of me .
    Ding din ding the bell should go off right then .the only reason they would need them is to blackmail you

  6. It’s like an actual cult version of Desperate Housewives. Who would ever suspect these well to do women were part of something so heinous? Cruelty at its worst because brainwashing is the crux of this and it’s absolutely out of ones control once it’s been done on a tick and a tock.

  7. Funny how they go on and on about the branding, but no discussion about the sex trafficking etc…The great leader was even caught on tape claiming it was ok to have sex with children as young as 6…where is this info? And p.s. Sara Edmonson is a 2 bit actress/wanna be, and a certified bimbo capitalizing on her victim status..the truth being said, she was NO VICTIM! Slave and master my foot! What a joke! Sara is a freak along with the rest of them.

  8. It’s so heartbreaking. I wish people would rake Kristen Kreuk over the coals for recruiting Allison into nxivm, watching her get in so deep, and then, simply washing her hands of her part in this mess; sitting idle as Allison is judged, humiliated, chastised, demonized as she waits to be sentenced. We know what Allison did wrong, but why don’t we hear a bit more about her circumstances? Classy, Kristen.

  9. To All, "THE FINAL JUDGEMENT," is here, we must face the truth (with ourselves), if we believe nothing will ever happen to this world, (please tell me if that is true) than, why is evil trying so hard to take it over….?!
    We are not who we were centuries ago and everything about who we (knowledge, technological, scientific, skills, inventions, ideals, beliefs, physical, mental, emotional, abilities, "we are rapidly evolving") are has vastly increased….
    And although many would like to think it's them making that happen… We (humans) did not create existence itself.
    Please I'm asking everyone to search inside yourself (heart and spirit) and choose righteousness or evil…(for your spirit's final destination)?!!!

  10. The initials visible on that brand, for those who don't know, are not just KR for Keith Rienere but when viewed sideways read AM for Alison Mack. You can see it for yourself as part of the HBO Doc "The Vow". The FBI also used that fact as part of the probable cause used to secure an arrest warrant for Alison Mack. Now that she has coped a plea and is giving all the signs of being a Government witness, facts like tend to vanish. We have seen it before, when John Gotti was arrested the FBI painted a picture of co-defendant Salvatore Gravano as being a monster. Once he cooperated, the FBI applied more humane brush strokes to the painting.
    In the end Alison Mack put Rienere away, came away having given her finest acting performance with the tears the "error of my ways" drama. In the end she was a co conspirator who not only heard all the media reports from former members but even fled to Mexico with him when the words "Federal Authorities" are investigating. Alison Mack was the perfect Narcessistic soul mate for Rienere, her only motivation for tears was getting caught. She of course has no worries, the "Don't blame the victim" mob will do her talking for her. That's how it works today in the minds of easily influenced consumers of the media…..first one to successfully cop a plea in a big case is deemed the victim.

  11. Looks eerily like David Koresh!😲😱

  12. Charismatic! Nice joke! 😂😂👏

  13. He’s is mouthful of BS, looks like a homeless douche/Charles and yet beautiful actress like her is under spell? what’s wrong with these educated women’s head in this century?

  14. Lay off Allison, will you. I trust her better then my own brother and am in contact with her at least three times to four times a week.  Allison is a lovely lady, she was vulnerable and was led on by the wrong people.

  15. "Authenticity is being as you are." Think about this. It says absolutely nothing. It's like saying a dog is a dog. Never fall for these guru types. They are so full of bull. Also if someone tells you he's one of the smartest men in the world, he's definitely the opposite. Brilliant people do not say their brilliant. They're busy working on their projects and research.

  16. The beautiful Allison mack always made my heart melt. her smile is
    irresistible. She's bubbly and adorable. When i heard about that mess i
    was in shock. I am very sad for what's going on now with her. I cannot imagine her in prison for years. 🙁

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