‘When the military becomes politicized, nothing good can come of it’: Retired Marine | ABC News

‘When the military becomes politicized, nothing good can come of it’: Retired Marine | ABC News

“This Week” three veterans discuss President Trump’s recent intervention in three military war crimes cases.

#ABCNews #ThisWeek #Military #WarCrimes


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50 thoughts on “‘When the military becomes politicized, nothing good can come of it’: Retired Marine | ABC News

  1. At the top of the chain of command is the president. So what's the problem? If there was an injustice in the military trial system and he saw fit to address it more power to him.

  2. Once I heard the nonsense coming from Ret Commander Lippold, Google confirmed what I strongly suspected…. He has a second career as a contributor/analyst for Fox News and conservative outlet the Epoch Times…

  3. There you go Cdr. Kirk Lippold, Donald trump comment on "We train our boys to be Killing Machines, then we prosecute them when they kill!". Damn right Donald Trump is not grasping much of anything he does not like nor cares to understand what the chain of command is. Just like Donald has rules and bounds he has to stay with-in to be unbiased president at "all times".
    P.S.: Donald has never served in any form of the military, so what would he even care about the chain of the military command, Donald is void of this unique adhesion that exists in the military.

  4. Wow! A First LT? Man, what an expert. And also, the Capt of the USS Cole that let his sailors get killed by a little bitty boat. The lady Major with the PhD is the only one who thinks rationally.

  5. Spencer is a Baby Kissing, Hand Shaking Politician. He should have NEVER been in the Navy!

    Anyone who has done real time int he Military has worked for these "political Officers" like Spencer, they suck as Leaders, often taking the political direction, when they should be following the Orders of the Commander-in-Chief!

  6. Dude these officers are so off based about the “people pulling the triggers” because they don’t really know what happens out there. When you send people to invade a country and train them with chants like “kill hungry devil dog, shock trooper, war machine” , your peddled “truths” won’t last long with the more intelligent your enlisted soldiers have.

  7. The military has been politically run since the sixties. So many times the "rules of engagement" were based on political purposes and not military ones. I'm more concerned about those voluntary military professionals whose careers were ended, lives were ruined, and lives of their families were ruined when they were railroaded through the military justice system, than what precedent might be set.

  8. Pedophile Protection News having a problem with our President making America great again and supporting our troops that gives them the freedom to be partisan hacks covering for sex trafficker pedos

  9. Nice title. But yet here we present 3 former service members, questioning Trump's authority and politicizing Trump's decisions a week after the story "mattered" (if it ever really did). Boy the irony is Rich.

  10. Democrats first politicised the military with the repealing of don't ask don't tell. Now they want taxpayers to pay for mentally ill people's transitional medical costs

  11. When a dictator attempts to recruit loyal troops to support him in the event people try to depose him, this is the sort of ouverture he sends.

    "Commit war crimes for me!"

  12. A war fighter in the proffesion of arms needs to be good at warfare; warfare is primarily killing, killing and intimidation.
    Killing and intimidation with high standards, it's the American way(?).

  13. Fuck this bullshit, the entire Flynn case is a politicized case through and through because Obama knew he was going to work with Trump in 2015. Let's just ask some dumb fuck retirees that will parrot whatever opinion the MSM wants the people to hear.


  14. The liberal media is losing their war on Trump and his supporters. They will find anyone they can to spin the narrative they choose. And they do choose the narrative because we know there are more important things than,We hate Trump and Trump is wrong on everything stories they push.

  15. ABC keeps forgetting on purpose why the dude was fired in the first place. He went around his superiors taking control and telling Trump one thing and going home saying a different thing. He was actually fired for insubordination for going around his superiors. Get it right fake news!

  16. When IUDs blow your fellow soldiers to bits and people approach you wearing explosive vests, you quickly learn to shoot first and ask questions later. As Gen. Patton once told his troops, "Your job is not to die for your country but to make sure the enemy dies for his country." And Trump, as commander in chief, showed he understands that by pardoning three heroes who were being steamrolled by the corrupt top brass gang in the Pentagon.

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