What’s next for Afghanistan under the Taliban – Car Mod Pros Portal

The country faces a potential hunger crisis and one province is fighting to stay independent.

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#TheBreakdown #Afghanistan #Taliban


By carmodpros


46 thoughts on “What’s next for Afghanistan under the Taliban”
  1. Yesterday the Taliban militants shot and killed a pregnant police officer in front of her children and husband, the BBC reports. Meanwhile Afghanista is ruled by backward Sharia MONSTERS who deserve to be DESTROYED!!!!!!!!

  2. No one can trust American.the world is saw they are super power.where your super power.the third world war coming soon.the Taliban attack our Kashmir then hole world saw that what happen.please god help afgan woman and children and also panjsir

  3. We are hopeless because we lack of efficient leaders in this country. Everything is just an utopia or lies or blames. Those lives lost at Kabul Airport could have been saved by taking major safety precautions.

  4. This former service man has all the right to be angry. We are just throwing speculations and theories but only him and others like him can speak from experience.

  5. Why not just save all the Americans and any innocent people in Afghanistan then just blow it up? Kill all the taliban so it’s not a problem?

  6. I cant believe theyre letting jen psaki control their language. "There are americans that want to get out but cant" THE VERY DEFINITION OFSTRANDED


  8. America and their Allie's should know. Taliban is to stay and control Afghanistan for not years, but decades. The only people who could overthrow taliban is other advanced countries. All the equipment they have. Taliban will fight to the nail. In 3-4 under Taliban rule. Afghanistan will be the safest country on this planet earth.

  9. Double face USA. They are negotiating with a terror organisation. Soon they start spreading terrorism and killing innocent. All credit goes to USA.

  10. Ha! Dems think War is over?? Biden just gave Taliban, Al Qaeda & ISIS-K a billion $$ of our State of art weapons, which they will come back to sting us with in Iraq, Syria, Libya & USA!! WAKE UP!

    The only ones who benefitted from the Afghan War was the ARMS manufacturers & Contractors who BRIBED $$ our Corrupt DC POLITICIANS for 20 years to keep the WAR going! OUTRAGEOUS B.S.!!

  11. Wait, so we armed the Taliban and now we're probably going to feed them also! What an embarrassment to the American people 🤦

  12. Japan, the underdeveloped country, is in a precarious position.
    Northeast Asia needs South Korea to be the mainstay of the economy and military. So far, the U.S. has acted as the world's police independently, but in Asia, the U.S., South Korea, and the U.K. will jointly check China. Japan, which believed in the Afghan escape operation, turned out to be no longer a reliable country due to its backwardness, poor fighting power and incompetence of the Self-Defense Forces. Therefore, the U.S. approved and transferred nuclear submarine construction and technology to South Korea, while the U.K. upgraded its status as an ally by transferring aircraft carrier technology to South Korea. Of course, Japan could be controlled by South Korea.

  13. Japan! Is it collapsing like Afghanistan?
    Government incompetence, ministerial and cabinet corruption.
    Coronavirus failure and medical collapse.
    There is no sense of democracy, with no people or institutions responsible for the failed policies, and the people blindly obeying corrupt regimes. The reasons for the collapse of Afghanistan are the corruption, incompetence of government ministers, the people's lethargy and unconsciousness, which, surprisingly, is too much like Japan's Japan is likely to disappear first due to corruption and incompetence before it voluntarily sinks into the Pacific Ocean.

  14. It was a disaster, plain and simple. It has always been an honor for military families to meet the president after a soldier's death and get a sense of comfort through it. It has been a tradition in which people at least found some solace.

    Roughly half of the families of those killed recently in Kabul rejected meeting the president after the caskets were unloaded. That should tell you everything on what true heroes, doing something the vast majority would never do for America, or have the guts to do, feel about Biden and how he went about the withdrawal, and how he responded after, including talking about his son instead of focusing on the families and the young soldiers killed.

    One family commenting.on seeing the president:

    “We said, 'Absolutely not.' We did not want to deal with him. We did not want him anywhere near us,” Darin Hoover, father of Staff Sgt. Darin Hoover Jr., said.

    Hoover felt disrespected to see Biden looking at his watch.

    “That happened on every single one that came out of that airplane,” Hoover said. “They would release the salute, and he would look down at his watch on every one. All 13.”

    This man is supposed to be a leader. He hasn't shown any care at all, just words read on a monitor, and even then, rather than focus on the families of those lost, decided to turn the attention to blaming Trump. Are you kidding me? That is absolute bullshyte and shows it's politics that matter, not people. Then we learn about his wanting to change the perception of how the effort was going. Again, politics. Trump was killed at every turn, and much was warranted. Constant focus on his mean words. Fine. Biden did something here much worse and has completely f'd up with this withdrawal plan. It won't be forgotten by many, no matter how he's framed in the media come midterms and the 2024 election (media is all about politics as well). He failed in his actions here and has failed in plenty more areas as well. This was the best that could be offered as president? Really? There's got to be better out there. Right now it doesn't look like the best is being put up front. There's got to be FAR better than Biden.

  15. 🇺🇸Trump🇺🇸 2024

  16. After many diasporas since the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan 1979 up to 2019, there were 2,727,556 Afghanis Refugees under UNHCR’s mandate and 255,244 Asylum-seekers. None of them went back to their Heritage Lands. The last stronghold of resistance to Taliban – Panjshir Valley. Why are all Afghanis living at west only protesting? None of them are going to join the resistance. Perhaps outside Afghanistan there are no more lions like at Panjshir and the other groups of resistance.

  17. Biden pressured the Afghan President to lie and make it seem like the Taliban weren’t winning

    Last I heard that was an impeachable offense so where’s the media outrage?

  18. Americans, American Allies, American trained military dogs all Left behind 🥺 this is such a sad time in our history it's just so pathetic


  20. I've been saying for wks that Blinken will meet and coordinate with Haqqani Network soon👍
    History always repeats itself. Remember Free Syrian Army which was actually Alqueda renamed many times.
    Enemy of my enemy is my friend.

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