What’s at stake in the 2018 midterm elections

What’s at stake in the 2018 midterm elections

ABC News’ chief national correspondent Tom Llamas reports on what to watch on election night and which results could tip the political scales.

FiveThirtyEight Senate Forecast: https://53eig.ht/2S7EbPf
FiveThirtyEight House Forecast: https://53eig.ht/2KZ9wyU


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37 thoughts on “What’s at stake in the 2018 midterm elections

  1. All Democrats should know, if they win…watch what happens to our economy…and know, its their fault…when it goes to shit! Make no mistake, these fucking droolies and helmets couldn't drive a tricycle on a bowling lane with the bumpers up. They are SHIT!

  2. Taxes are lower, blue collar workers are finding full time jobs again, someone is finally listening to us about the border, 2 awesome SCOTUS justices are now on the bench, freedom of speech/religion are respected again, the economy is growing due to Trump's policies, new and fairer trade deals are in the works, China is being confronted on their unfair practices, the military is well funded……… #voterepublican2018 #voteTrump2020 #MAGA Keep America red and moving in the right direction!!!!

  3. What's at stake? Open borders means our laws, taxes and fines will be decided overseas and welfare recipients in the US will have to compete for the welfare pie with street people in India, china and Brazil— the gravy train is over baby. George Soros has stated on camera that his goal in life was the destruction of the American Economy and the elimination of its borders. He was the most frequent visitor to the Obama White House during his first term and likely after that only Obama stopped releasing his visitor list to hide this fact from the American People. Soros also is Hillary's close friend, mentor and financere and still a major influence on the DNC.
    Globalism is the end of American sovereignty and self determination and the end of our Constitution. Every Democrat that you vote for feeds into this end from dog catcher to city councilman to senator. The problem with Globalism is the UN already has plans to take all farmland away from Americans so they can manage the food supply, then they plan to eliminate single family homes and their ultimate plan is the depopulation of over 7 billion people from the face of the earth. Voting for Dems who will let the Invasion of our borders continue is a vote for all of the above. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5ZBsG7q_9U

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