What’s at stake as tensions build between US and Russia? – Car Mod Pros Portal

As Russia amasses troops on the Ukrainian border, President Joe Biden announced thousands of troops on heightened alert to help NATO allies.

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By carmodpros


24 thoughts on “What’s at stake as tensions build between US and Russia?”
  1. “Was a critical deterrent”…… still cut off a giant piece of land and easily achieved the objective.

  2. Why can't we just stay to ourselves. These military service men being government sacrifices. I wish our military would just deny fighting irrelevant political bs wars.

  3. Russia felt threatened by NATO expansion in Europe. Ironically, the spirit of NATO is to defend member states in a event of an attack. Now USA is making use of NATO to expand its imperialism.

  4. Este video explica mucho/This video explains a lot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwIBHMV8PoY
    Opción 1: El conflicto actual entre Rusia y Ucrania es solo de ellos y para ayudar a extender puentes de paz está la OSCE y El Cuarteto de Normandía. Solo ellos y nadie más deben llegar a un acuerdo diplomático por ejemplo: Que Rusia se comprometa a no invadir Ucrania (para desmentir especulaciones) y que Ucrania se comprometa a no adherirse a la otan (las razones se pueden deducir viendo el video adjunto) que armamento no autóctono de Ucrania y militares no nativos de Ucrania se vayan de su territorio.
    Opción 2: La otra alternativa es que se haga un referendo (Voto de todos los habitantes de los países de la Otan y Ucrania) QUE EL PUEBLO DECIDA con información bien clara de los pro y contra y pensar en el bien de sus vecinos también, con medios de comunicación apegados a sistemas transparentes sin manipulación y vigilado por la OSCE Y ONU, Hay que promover la paz, no hecharle leña al fuego con provocaciones mutuas para la guerra

  5. lol, to put that in perspective. During the height of the Cold War, the US had 95,000 troops in West Germany alone lol…. So…. Yeah. Chill your tits.

  6. THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM; rising tensions over Ukraine has made it a "sort of" proxy war between Russia and NATO… perhaps the exact kind of proxy war that is more dangerous than any other, both sides have painted themselves into a corner… russia does not want to appear to be weak and back down, especially after the recent uprising in Kazakhstan where the russians played the strong man. America painted itself into a corner trying to show russia and the world that it's not a "trump style weak America" on defense and NATO. This is as close to war as America and russia have been since the Cuban Missile Crisis, with America putting troops in the region. But russia has left us with little wiggle room, pushing their hardline tactics under cover of gaslighting that they "have no intentions of invasion". Thats the Elephant in the room, is how far are the two sides going to play the "tit for tat" brinksmanship, how close to the nuclear threat

    does this get to being put on the table. This scenario over former "eastern block" nations being the source of a trigger to a nuclear configuration is well played out in the textbooks, and the source for many a NATO war games scenarios. I trust that Biden is a savvy player, its my opinion that Putin may be savvy but his dreams of bringing back the Soviet may be coloring his judgment (note that one of the "demands" was that NATO return to the cold war footing and withdraw from the Eastern Block) We should show our full support for our leadership in this dangerous situation, set aside policy and personal gripes, our support puts another tool in Bidens hand when negotiating with the russians.

  7. The only way for Europe, the USA and NATO to win from Russia is to open the door for Iran. Buying gas from Iran is not ideal but still way less worse than being dependant from Russia for gas. After that Russia will be ripe for a total trade boycot, if the only thing we need Russia to be corporative with, comes from Iran instead. I hope that Israel will not be the reason for the West to loose from this hostile Russia that overplayed its cards by showing its true face. And lets hope that Iran wont loose that spot through hostile behave like Russia did before, the privelige of the West deciding to spend their money in Iran. That is the West, divide and rule and all, Europe, the USA, Iran, Israel and the other NATO allies should consider Darwin, not the strong, not the smart, but the most adaptive survives. That is why the USSR didn't make it. Believe me Russia is not China or anywhere near China. China has a lot to offer the West. This is the Second Cold War, then pointing to each with nuclear misilles and now with rocket launchers, Israel, Iran and China have to choose a side, Red or Blue, one will survive, one will crumble inwards, lets hope Russia will do a better job cleaning up their mess, the USSR did a horrible job, leaving nuclear misilles behind. Remind Russia that it is the west who closed the door for Iran, it is not Russia who did that, the west does not depend on Russia for gas. Putin stepped on weak ice and will be removed by the Russian army for his misjugdement.

  8. Whats is at stake is the first countries to be fried wth nuclear war will be europe, be4 US. Now europe should think twice, dont be used as vessels by US. Let the US stationed their millitary in ukraiene and fight a lone. He has big balls, thats where we will proof her warmongering.

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