Addressing concerns about taking COVID-19 vaccines as well as continuing coronavirus safety practices after vaccines are administered.
25 thoughts on “What you need to know about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines”
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Addressing concerns about taking COVID-19 vaccines as well as continuing coronavirus safety practices after vaccines are administered.
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Ok, I have a question, the only time a took a flu shot, back in the early 90’s, I spent about 2 months with a cold I could not shake out, after that I never took the flu shot ever again and it’s been almost 30 years and I have not gotten influenza, is there a chance of getting sick if I get this vaccine?
they do not mention that cells from aborted fetuses are also used to make the vaccine.
it is not a vaccine but gene therapy.
It contains mRNA that causes your DNA in the cell to produce a protein that resembles the Covid-19 virus.
it provokes an immune response from your immune system that would make you immune to the virus.
The dangerous thing is that there is no off switch.
So your own DNA keeps producing this protein, so your immune system keeps attacking this protein.
because it cannot win the battle, your immune system runs wild and starts attacking other cells in your body, provoking an autoimmune reaction that causes all kinds of organs to fail, ultimately resulting in death
I'm not anti-vax and I cannot say with 100% certainty that what I'm about to describe was a result of a vaccine, so I'll explain the story and then the evidence that suggests it was the result of the vaccine and let you decide.
My grandma's friend, who suffers from terminal lung cancer got one of the vaccines…
She didn't just end up in intensive care. She ended up in palliative care (end of life care) because doctors were so sure she wasn't going to make it. She even told her daughter, whose already lost her father years ago "I'm sorry love, my time has come." Whislt her 4 year old and one year old granddaughters were in the car outside the hospital with their mum's cousin, the eldest talking about how much she missed her granny when she was sick in hospital. EVERYONE just assumed it was becuase of the lung cancer. My grandma saved her life, as they live next door to each other and I have never been more proud of anyone than I am of my grandma. As she told us the story of how she had called an ambulance at midnight, helped her use her inhaler as she turned blue, whilst begging her to stay with her, my auntie remembered something she'd read in the past. "Patients who are going to have a bad reaction to the vaccine often have it within 3 or 4 days" (This woman got hers 4 days before this happened) "The reaction can last for up to seven days" Well after 3 and a half days (yesterday) she started to improve and they reckon she may be getting home in 4 days. (7 days total) Unfortunately tho, she will not have the same quality of life she did 5 days ago. She will need 24/7 care in case she has another breathing scare. (If it's true that this was a reaction to the vaccine) she never would have had one in the first place if she hadn't got the vaccine. Also, she has more than likely now lost her ability to walk. The tumour in her lung has either moved to her back or has gotten so big it has grown to the point it is touching her spine as well. However, the day before she went to hospital with this reaction she had been walking with a walking stick just fine. (Coincidence?) So rather than being able to make the most of her last few months she has with her daughter and granddaughters she has lost her ability to live independently, effectively ruining the quality of life she had. I really hope she is able to walk with a walker and oxygen tube. (And trust me if it's possible she will. This woman is a true fighter) but unfortunately it doesn't seem likely.
Whilst her loss of her ability to walk may or may not have been the result of the vaccine, the fact she now needs 24/7 hour care and the fact she was in palliative care thinking she was dying and had to say goodbye, very, VERY well could be. I'm gonna say I'm 80% confident it is. I feel like if it was the lung cancer it would have killed her (she's been suffering from it for the last 13 months). The doctors said they couldn't explain how she'd recovered implying a recovery from respiratory distress like that caused by lung cancer is extremely unlikely. But she made somewhat of a recovery and it followed an identical timeline to that of someone having a bad reaction to the covid vaccine. (Coincidence?)
I know this is long enough as it is but I just want to add that this is not going to happen to everyone who gets the vaccine, nor the majority, nor a huge amount. But minority doesn't mean non existent and I feel that people should be fully educated on the worst possible scenarios that can happen after getting the vaccine. So they are fully aware of all the risks they are taking before the make the choice to get it. For I know if she'd known it would do that to her, she wouldn't have taken it. (And she's not getting the second dosage now). This comment is meant to warn, not scare.
Vaccine kills.
The COVID Vaccine contains the Epicyte Gene. It's a sterilization agent that renders both men and women sterile, it's permanent and irreversible. It denies a key protein required for women to conceive and sperm to be formed. See Youtube video on The Epicyte gene that's also been engineered into most commercial corn and all corn products consumed. The sterilization is passed on genetically and will take 3 generations to sterilize 100%, we're now just one generation from big, big population drops.
ðŸ‘ÂÂ. 👃ðŸÂ¼. ðŸ‘ÂÂ
No ifs no buts just get your butts ready in the air for the Pfizer vaccine 😖😴😌ðŸ¤â€Â👀
MSM lies. Check independently
Why put the people there this . What pandamic. The flue is more dangerous. Not covin 19 bullshit
Dont take the vacine
Hey doctor if the vaccine is so safe I'm wondering why the producers of the vaccine are a 100 percent liability free.
These companies are going to make billions and are not willing to use any of that money to compensate anyone who may be hurt by their product.
I'm so sick and tired of hearing doctors who seem to be more pro-vaccine than pro-patient!!!
Who in their right mind who have a doctor perform surgery on them who wanted the patent to sign a paper making the doctor 100 percent liability free from any injury caused by him.
I guess all of this is consistent with the fact that the third cause of death in this country is doctor related!
Taxation is theft
Politicians are parasites
State is a mafia
Politics is a theater
Democracy doesn't work
Evade tax us self-defense
Lockdown is tyranny
Income distribution and socialism
Government gives you nothing for free
Victimless crime doesn't exist
Assistentialism enslaves people
Private property is sacred
Free speech has no limits
Intellectual property does't exist
Is this vaccine risky for health?
International doctors urgently warn against corona vaccination: autoimmune defects, sterility, irreversible changes in the human genome!
Dr. Hilde De Smet, Belgium
I have to point out that the Covid-19 vaccine is not safe. And that there is no global pandemic. For almost 20 years, the pharmaceutical industry has been trying to develop a corona vaccine. Unsuccessful. Because animal experiments showed serious side effects – especially disorders of the auto-immune system. We have also seen exactly these disorders in some Covid 19 patients. With the excuse of a “global pandemicâ€ÂÂ, the pharmaceutical industry was given permission to skip animal testing. This means that we humans are now being abused for these animal experiments. And that we could suffer from serious side effects. "
Dr. Nils R Fosse, Norway
"The Covid-19 vaccine has not been shown to be effective. It includes a new technology that is currently being tested on thousands of people every month. Please do the research yourself. What we have now is not a real medical pandemic. The death rate in Norway is no higher than in normal years. "
Dr. Elizabeth Evans, England
“The Covid-19 vaccines have not been shown to be safe or effective. We believe it is both reckless and unnecessary to introduce these essential new vaccines and vaccinate millions of people with them. There is evidence that the vaccine has serious side effects such as infertility, autoimmune disorders and cancer. "
Dr. Vernon Coleman, England
Doctors who tell the truth about Covid-19, especially the vaccine, are ostracized. In the past few years I have been demonized and lies written about me that led to the end of my forty-five year successful career as a doctor. From those who speak of a pandemic that never existed and a vaccine that was never needed. The whole Covid-19 fraud is, as I said in March 2020, the biggest hoax in history. YouTube deletes all videos from experts speaking out against this Covid-19 scam. "
Professor Dolores Cahill, Ireland
"The corona virus wasn't nearly as severe as we were told. We can treat the symptoms of covid-19 very successfully with vitamins C and D, which are safe medicines. Therefore, lockdown and measures such as social distancing and masking requirements are not necessary. Just as a vaccine is unnecessary. "
Dr. Ralph Sundberg, Sweden
"In my opinion, the PCR test is completely imprecise. It leads to an incredible number of false-positive results. The vaccination really scares us. Don't trust this vaccine! "
Dr. Johan Denis, Belgium
There is no evidence that the corona vaccine is safe or effective. There is no medical emergency. Corona is a fake pandemic. The coronavirus is comparable to normal seasonal flu in terms of harmfulness, spread and mortality. And I can only indignantly oppose the disproportionate measures being taken by our governments. Everything has been orchestrated to panic you, then vaccinate you. We have no idea what the long-term effects of this vaccine are like. The vaccine can change their human DNA – which is irreversible and irreparable for all future generations. It is an experiment on humanity. I would never personally vaccinate myself with it, nor would I vaccinate my patients or loved ones with it. We are not laboratory animals. There's nanotechnology in this vaccine. Nanobots were developed for military purposes. And there is strong evidence that this vaccine can turn them into manageable puppets. With the help of your personal smartphone connected to 5G and artificial intelligence. You can lose everything that defines you as a person. "
Moritz von der Borch, medical journalist, Germany
"Don't get vaccinated! The vaccine is dangerous. The pandemic is a scam. "
Dr. Tom Cowan, USA
"I want to remind people that health does not come from injecting toxins into our bodies. It's much more about realizing what it means to be human and following this day after day with all your heart. "
Dr. Carrie Madje
I stand here to tell you that there is no such thing as a global pandemic. We use the PCR test which was not designed to diagnose any infection. Hospitals and doctors get paid for diagnosing Covid. Conversely, it shows that we have more and more false-positive test results. Personally, I will never get injected with the vaccine – and I will never recommend this vaccine to my patients. This vaccine is an experiment on the human species. They use modified synthetic RNA and DNA. Never before has such an experiment been carried out on the human species. We don't know what will happen to us after the vaccination. This is my alarm call to the world! "
There is no debate over safety if long term studies have not been done. You can't call it safe, in fact its hugely irresponsible and liable claims should be filed against those who say its safe without any long term effects data available. If its safe then allow Phizer etc to be sued over any future adverse effects.
Sorry can’t trust ya fortnite didn’t say so 🤷â€ÂÂ♂ï¸ÂÂ stop persuading people to take something unknown and hasn’t been tested long term. What’s your flavor Pfizer or Moderna?
Ellerin for jail.
The comments give me hope ðŸ™ÂÂ
Yall seen the fainting nurse?
This is not a simple cold/flu virus. Even those that recover from it have debilitating residual chronic effects. You're far safer with the vaccine even if it didn't work at all. It is not just to save your life but to preserve your quality of life. One example is that people who have suffered CoViD has lost significant lung functionality. It is like they have been smokers their entire life. If you suffer from that it is like having COPD and oxygen tanks for life. If the vaccine protected you against just that alone it would be worth it. Yet there are other debilitating effects like blood clots whether in limbs, brain, or heart. You may survive without the vaccine, but who wants to be among those suffering from effects needlessly.
Do not do the vaccine, its a government's trap, research it, they want you dead like zombie, its also the mark of the beast going along with the rfid verification electronic microchip.
its better to have the fear of God instead of ur satanic government.
Lord Jesus have mercy on your people.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
The funniest rubbish ever calling it a vaccination when it's called a preventative which lasts 3 months max 😋 so dam funny
Hell's angels